
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Paracelsus 'Born circa 1491 Died 1541'- 1991

SUBSCRIBERSHIP to detail, deference to those considerations of great importance, and a bag full of keen insights - with intention for study we need all three qualifications; apart from the necessary interest and love for the subject of studious endeavor.

Philippus Theophrastus, Bombast of Hohenheim: Paracelsus, was a man of immeasurable observations, with a veritable lust for the acquisition of worthy knowledge. He had deciphered many a former treatise and occupation of scholars of his time and before; and laymen, who with practical purpose had lent him such observations and curios of folklore which pertained to the human and cosmic sciences.

Paracelsus himself was largely misinterpreted. He had offended those whom he was best acquainted with, those who might have best served to perpetuate his work. However this is often the case in theology or in science, that the true spirit of the inquirer, of the pure scientist, must step the bounds of his peers, and makes of himself an outcast by the very nature of his excellence. Excelled so far beyond their understanding!

Paracelsus held to a dynamic vision for humanity, which too superseded the insights of his fellow associates. If one could have divided the comprehensive knowledge of this man into twelve parts, for example, it is possible that much of the purported confusion might have better lent itself to examination, with time then afforded to particulars.
The print world was nothing like it is today. Access and acceptability, even the financial considerations, not to mention the reams of decoded definitions which would have been required, also the constraints on such which was held secret - all of these factors and more, rendered his work's memory as much less than that which he had sought for and attained.

As physician, as astronomer, as historian and alchemical scientist, Paracelsus was much inspired by one whom he always looked to as Master. In this he was not entirely alone, but through introduction at a very early age and with lofty aspirations throughout his notable and scandalous life, he set torches of inspiration alight in the world, which to this day still flame.

There is much to be said as regards intention of purpose. One has to remember that during his time and ages former, knowledge was entrusted to a few and kept more closely guarded - verily vaulted - being treasured and coveted with a far higher price than jewels or land could ever buy. Select groups and orders, societies of the mystic, of the scholar, of the cloister, of the then 'modern world', had inclinations which deterred even words to express their powerful symbols and rituals, so sacred in trust.

This was a period in which the old ways were put to extinction, and Paracelsus was true to all knowledge and dismayed at the already lack of clarity which was suffered by the lack of its reproduction. He was faithful to that which he knew to be true, but knew that the legacies had, for the main part been threatened intolerably. For in the concealment of certain knowledge there were fractions split here and there, disseminated by those who had not the comprehension (or only parts thereof); and the work was bewilderingly dying in the face of the modern world. He believed that because the 'common man' had had such knowledge withheld from him, it was not then peculiar that he should grapple with the conceptual world and conclude otherwise, straying far from those precepts of spiritual laws.

Yet in such knowledge becoming public, it did appear something of a betrayal; considered thus by those who would support and uphold in measure those ideas he put forth into the world.

However his name became well known throughout by means of effecting cures and working many a miracle, from which he was well noted. This had enabled him to find a peculiar credibility with those who might well have guesstimated him mad otherwise.

He was a noble soul who had not the time for that greed which he then perceived most prevalent amongst those of the church. Hypocrisy cut like a knife, and he withstood the venom which spat from those who suffered their wisdom made bare; as also from those who had not the eyes to see such naked truth.

He was a man of devotion whose reverence was mistaken for irreverence - to some a curiosity: a man who was taken by the plague of creative learning.

Many of his manuscripts are yet to be uncovered and brought to public view. As well recorded as he might, they are there and most comprehensive. The printed matter was somewhat stilted and stifled with editorial prohibitions and due courtesies rendered. He was far from being a reckless eccentric and knew too well the price paid for such devotion to the study and explanations of the truth.

His pharmacopoeia was extensive, but not entirely needed. He knew and practiced skilfully the art of transmigration, for he had discovered the pulse of the law which sent home and called back that of the physical, so transmuted and caught. If you had asked him he would not have regarded this to be his finest feat, but it was unquestionably remarkable: impressive - a fine attention getter! 

He would unnervingly display these talents so developed, for the sake of making a much larger point: that the association of the 'here and now' world was in fact of origins - the same conditions that always were and will be. That Man is indeed a cosmic child and no amount of persuasive illusion will credit him otherwise. That disease was a deficit of heavenly impulses. That the physical existence was but the 'tail end' of that: our most heavenly body. That nature lends herself to wondrous interpretations. That the mystical lore of the past is more qualified in deeper meaning and should not be lost amongst the speculations of the thoroughly materialistic perceptions so entertained. That there was indeed a spirit permeating earthly matter, with vitalities throughout and within. That a man was not complete when dissected and that sustenance pertained to those varieties of cosmic resources, rather than by 'bread alone'.

What use to man was knowledge concealed of the higher worlds? He knew of their spiritual need and shunned the confusing garbs which did mask those inner realities which he firsthand had discovered there waiting.

The truth was becoming too far removed, that so much was being lost in the hiding - for those who knew in part withheld. And those who knew not looked in all of the wrong places. Most were incompetent and without qualification. And much was retrieved and gleaned from the humble and the fieldworker, with courage to be celebrated and sincerity of study and a radical confrontation which demanded that all men have an opportunity to share a higher knowledge of that which comprises themselves.

We commemorate the man and his vision, that the legacy of such spiritual insights be carried forth into the future for men.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Generations- 4th August 1991

THERE must be much fine-tuning between those of the generation above to those coming up from the lower years- fine-tuning of guarded analysis, fine-tuning of values and value judgments, fine-tuning of language and the connotations of speech. 

Too easy to err- to rebuke meaningfully or rebuke through disinterest -it is the obligation of the older ones to try to meet the world of ideas of their young. It is the perseverance of the love of a mother, which abandons the extreme differences of concern for the essential.
May those of the older generation be flexible enough to ride the tides, adapt to such changes that may irk or make uneasy, without forfeiting a lifetime's understanding, expending their moulds so cast. 

What of the youth born of times which demand another reasoning? They have no opportunity for comparisons. They needs look forward without hesitation for consideration of their elders, with urges and longings yet to be realized or brought to fruition. With youth, their whole destiny presents and presses down upon them. Ever further then, such pressures that are superimposed from their beloved parents or elders, do at times make such demands from future callings unspeakably confusing. The young do genuinely look to their elders for guidance, but often cannot find that which suits them.

Imagine the strain pressed upon a youngster were that the past generations of seven were around to confer with all, concerning future prospects and characterizations! Curious it would be and retarding also; and yet conversely, how difficult it is for the parent or grandparent of a child who bridges adulthood, to take their place in history, stand back and allow the child to proceed, to succeed. Then all instruction does follow from man to man, and not by authority. For authority will not be recognized. It cannot be recognized and superimposed. We do not know the destiny of the young man or young woman before us. We may guess, but who can say what possibilities shall bud and blossom?

So man to man we have but example to instruct by. If we should measure success and failure by our own success without correctly gauging our failures, they shall ascertain eventually their relevance to these values. Therefore it is not the example of a pleasurable life or fortunate circumstance that should lead in explicit lessons to the young. Impressions of such may or may not be attainable. Moreover, it is the example of attitude, of grace and of loving acceptance, that will prevail and speak its loudest to the spirit within.

Meals on the tables of the past have all been eaten and are now gone. Monies or land-holdings may be passed, but also may be squandered. That which is certain to endure are the qualities that we can afford and give of ourselves - imparting to the youth those very real valuables, that one day will be treasured.

"With no expectation, I give to you my child, unquestionable love and support throughout this your life, as best I can. I relinquish my personal interests in this world and give you the future, which in time shall become too heavy for my shoulders.
I have endured the troubles that have afflicted, and know that you too may do this. I am feeble in the Face of God, but sustained only through His Love. I have certainty within that knows that although all paths are perilous, they are worthwhile. 

There are times when I feel acutely those failures, my failures, and rightly or wrongly, I tremble in terror should you also wear my scars. I have missed many an opportunity, the hankering remains so many years after, the questioning, the speculations, as to what might have been.

I need you to reassure me of your love, I look to you when I feel diminished. I need you to need me.

Through your eyes I do view my self and my passing. Forgive me if I push or pull.

I ask the adult in you, my child who becomes as adult, to see the child in me. Perhaps we may learn together, instruct each other - perhaps we may know the intimate silence that two may enjoy after years of conversations.

Daily I will try to quell my upsets, and with great visions turned heavenward, become that strength I so want you to have. Mutually may we share some quiet times, not for retrospection or recollection, but shelter together in those times that we have, at the dawn of new experience."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Story of Jesus, an allegory?- 1991

Comments on the book 'JESUS THE MAN'

FOR too long fact has taken second place to allegory. If there is anything of substance to be drawn from any good analogy or allegory, its basis must be that of truth in fact.

The systems of universal law run systematically and never breach those higher laws that brought them into being. When the systems of the earthly world and its inhabitants rely on such higher laws, who is to judge the view from the mountain, the cloud or the ant?

And can one simple man, so called, judge what is yet another "simple man"?

The pursuit is fruitless when the woman in question, pertains to a reasoning that would, or could never in her present state, marvel at the wondrous levels in which even a "simple man" operates - far less understand the workings of a God!

By what divine gift endowed, has she been bestowed self-appointed critic, of the divine drama of the past? Some with such obstinacy would turn the world in opposite direction to prove themselves correct on its true course. She is no more licensed to comment on enigma and iniquity, than a paper-bag hold discourse on the root-system of trees.

One must ask, is it not with the acceptance of children that the magnificent superstructure of heavenly events is to be received and the keys to the kingdom be taken up? We have only just begun to marvel at the unfolding world - life itself is miraculous.

Furthermore it is more outstanding that an individual place themselves as such an authority - about which she knows nothing - that our Lord came to partake in the glory that He created.

Nevertheless, better that discussion and perhaps a little outrage ensue from the synthesis of common, lazy thought now expressed today.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spheres, Balls & Bubbles - 1991

CLICKITY-CLACKS, perpetual motion balls (the string of metallic balls suspended where one hits against another in succession: Newton's cradle), the Chinese balls (jingilo), the bead-balls inside a prayer wheel - all of these have the motion of one ball, one sphere making contact on the surface of another and producing a sound, a cracking sound, breaking through the surrounding ether. Billiard balls, marbles and other such games also produce this effect. 

The ball gains propulsion, a momentum, extremely exterior, whilst the central point is always fixed. Impact from one to another from outer shell, reverberating inwards to central point, shocks the stable core and implodes from the outer layer inwards, breaking into the ether with large impact. Objects which are not spherical do not react in this way. It is the outer perfect tension and the form of the sphere which 'makes space' for that central point, containing as it were, a gateway into the etheric spaces. Any such orb or globe formed will provide this. Tension within and tension without.

Collision of objects and the impression left from such impact may be dynamically measured, proving a lesser or nil resonance, when compared to similar velocity and gross weight given in the case of two spheres. This is a measurable and provable fact

The crystal sphere of the seer enabled them to gaze inwardly to those spaces thus incorporated; the outer works upon the inner in this rule. Instinctively the scientists draw all micro-perspective forms in spherical notations, which lends only halfway to the truth of such interactions. Any sphere has at its central point, the gateway to a higher world. ('Sphere of existence' thus named.)

With interconnecting threads of vital fluidic ethers and impulses, from the highest impulse down to the lowest, actual form may call down into itself that gateway through which it was first born. When men were said to be spherical in form, this is why. All other forms defy the sphere, independently making way to reform and regenerate, pushing out along grids of predetermined patterns and structure which enable such diversification in a given field of existence.

Polarization of a sphere with according influx and outflows requires that the pathways of such channels are absorbed through to the inner core, up through and into the higher worlds (from which it first unfolded) and then back down, making exit through opposite pole. Here is a digestive function and purpose to such polarizations. Assimilation is conducted in this way.

The symbol of inner rings of concentric circles denotes this movement from one plane into another through such centrality, up and into yet another so forth- one door inwardly leading to an orb, which of itself contains centrally another door, worked inwards, yet opening into another orb, which has a central door.

The eyes are verily the gateway to the soul. Stars have vision also, perceptibly through similar channels and means. As with the yolk of an egg (so often alluded to), all life begins spherically, physically spherical; and once impulses have pushed through this form and departed into growth, the original sphere may not be returned to.

Essentially a man must have many spheres within his constitution in order to withstand the pressure of that which is life. Cancerous outbreaks are from perfect spheres then broken, spilling over into patterns of form which otherwise had been enclosed off from. Of course these spheres are not purely for the purpose of detailing that which may be contained or abound, but also as interconnecting channels to higher worlds from which the physical constitution refers to and draws from continually.

Thus a cancerous growth denotes an overactivity drawn into that region, which has caused the pattern of life to spill over. Growth ensues and becomes of the physical world in multiplication, containing of itself yet more spheres of the same. Nuclei set free are usually targeted by one's immunity which may enclose yet again, surrounding and containing the central activity, imposing set limits before such growth outbreaks. This is not always the case though. Usually one has such inner corrections by the multitude daily. That which is life impinges the surface tension as with wind to a bubble, save that the activity may push from inside as well as outside.

It goes well as a meditation to command all faults and mental anguish to be contained spherically, that they may grow no more- to envisualize any disagreeable traits of self, held within such complete bubble or ball, and commit them there to stay enclosed with no key to release; and then propelled from the self, discharged. Perhaps to sit with one's bubble-blower, and expelling through breath and musical speech, "Farewell, Anger! Farewell Envy!" and so forth.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lawrence- 31st July 1991

LAWRENCE of Mayberry grew his beard nearly ten feet long and did wrap it around his girdle, tucking in the end of the plait. His fingernails were sharpened to points, his eyebrows were waxed, being dyed beet-green. Startling in appearance was Lawrence; bulky in form but dainty in diet. 

Lawrence did frighten most men, whilst the women were held in awe of his glamor. Much gold chinked from neck and ear, his scent did infill the space around him. His teeth, engraved, were set with a tiny flashing ruby. One could not however, warm to one of his smiles.

Seldom did a man impress a people so. His anger would flash fire within that ruby. His teeth would clamp with his fury. The more fearsome he was held to be, the more fearsome he would become. Until that day when the pox-plague struck and all slaves and acquaintances had yet another foe to shudder in the presence of.
Many physicians and practicing magicians were brought in for consultations. Many a bob and stick were furled. Lawrence did charter international experts, of whom not one could drive the plague from their homes. A few did take it back with them, but only in piece and not in entirety, as Lawrence had wished.

Such plagues did prove unnerving in an otherwise perfect life. Perfect it had been for Lawrence and his cohorts, whose usual calendar swung between petty victories, sweetmeats and associated celebrations. The party mood was driven from the people; and so were the values in which Lawrence prevailed.

A shepherd in the district had observed his grandmother's remedies in applying a certain sheep-wash to the flesh of the family in such times of pox-plague. He thought that this might perhaps be valuable, and so sought the mansion of Lawrence. The courtiers who were in attendance, were of the kind of men who had womanly bent, and instantly were so attracted and desirous of the shepherd who stood on the threshold seeking parley.

Lawrence himself was not alerted to his visitations; he was at rest, by heavy draught slumber. The doorkeepers eyed the shepherd and bade him entrance. The shepherd detailed his mission and his presumptions so inspired. The men commanded that he might strip off his clothing. That they might see firsthand of his unmarked skin which had been so washed in sheep-dip. Trustingly obedient, the shepherd did as he was asked, and so stood in pearly nakedness as the men gawked and murmured indecencies.

Just then - for Lawrence arose with black temper - the master entered and so seeing said youth central being naked, turned his contempt from the men in question and set it upon the shepherd- taking the boy to be yet another beggar from the town district, who had come by corruption, selling more of the same. Lawrence spake with revulsion, spitting orders for the boy to be cast out from his house, ne'er to defile it; and that the floors, walls and fabrics should be cleansed, not once, but thrice over, as suitable punishment for the unoccupied attendants. 

The shepherd, still all naked, was flung into the garden. His garb, which was rightfully his, had been abandoned. The shepherd returned home very quickly.

Amongst the shepherd's offcast belongings was a small leather flagon of his sheep-wash. He had brought this as a curious offering to Lawrence, who did eventually receive it, as was intended.

When the stopper was plucked off, a sweet and pleasing scent arose. This tempted Lawrence to swill, then gulp once. With an extremely bitter aftertaste, it had not the appeal he had casually hoped, that the scent had seemed to promise. . .

Within the next moon's quarter all of Lawrence's bodily hair came loose and dropped off. His eyes became scarlet and his bulk shrank so, that the jewellery hung too heavy to bear. His fingernails split and his stomach could no longer entertain solid foods. He became more as a specter daily and no longer resembled his portraits; of which there were many.

By the end of one moon cycle, Lawrence had weakened so as to succumb to death. His mansion was subsequently overrun and raided. His fabrics, dyes and commodities were carried off. For fear of yet another plague, which had been thought to strangle his life's vitality so, Lawrence had spent his last days quite alone. With mansion door locked and eventually put to fire, there were no parting rites, no dignity given or spent.

How careful one must be when we do make judgments upon another; especially when we misjudge those who as Angels do come with Heavenly offerings, to which we rebuke and send away because of our qualifications of conceit, rather than open and grateful heart.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Many comforts in this existence….- 27th July 1991

THERE are many comforts in this existence, not the least of which and possibly the greatest, is the companionship of fine and upstanding folk; to hold sincere and genuine interests, to lovingly apply and interconnect. Small wonder your nervousness yesterday, as you held many hopes (with fear of this not being so in reality) only to find it is as it should be.

Teachings of any kind are there to fulfill certain needs for the needy. However, this work in particular does require that involvement in embryonic form through to infancy has been worked through and imparted by those who are fixed in the world with some measure of steadfast stability. So much in the past has simply been thrown away- miscarried and aborted attempts in getting the messages through; for we cannot expect that inclinations and notions of individuals be abandoned. 

However, we may try to surpass curious idiosyncrasies which prohibit acceptance on any one particular level. It can be very difficult to hold one's tongue and not offend when it comes to various facets of teaching: those very principles that are wanted and needed most. So much hurry for instantaneous perfection! So much demanded for personal revelation! You know that we cannot promise anything, but give what we can give; and it being received in the spirit of which it is given, we are glad. 

They have put aside themselves for the work. Pure contemplation with pure accent on intent does come of this. This is not as a whirlwind romance. No one is trouble free, but some have conditions so set and good grace to enable them to abandon such troubling factors to return to focusing upon those very remedies which of themselves will strengthen and set future progress. 

Noble the spirit who receives with gratefulness the gracious wisdom. Noble yet further, those who consciously work to express and share truths they delight in. So many do eagerly take for themselves and would commit the rest of the world to Hell than give away one little treasure. 

These people have consciously made statement of the desire to further the spiritual work that it may reach all around them. They do wish to reach out to men, springing from an affection, an open and honest respect. They do not need other men to reaffirm their own positions or compliment their concepts, but are rather motivated by an earnest commitment to Christ and His vision for Mankind. And with these qualities, the troubles may be cast aside - because they have of themselves, cast them down. Some are so intent upon laboring to work with their problems, that they do in fact so feed such demons, coming to know them more fully, giving so much to error, forgetting correction.

These statements do not mean to imply prying or gossip, and please forgive them if it seems this way. It is not our intention to give reports on individuals, nor for individuals to consult us on such. We will help if we can. But today we do make statements in answer to direct questions from these folk themselves. Any doubts as to their suitability or soul-nobility that they may hold, are completely unfounded, for they shall find that there are few who are like themselves, few who will give of themselves to the work. 

Many will offer opinions, some may offer money, a handful may have fleeting interest, and some will stay as long as the beverages are supplied. Few will work for the work's sake, and ask of nothing in return. 

No soul is trouble free. We are not trouble free. We may have similar needs in self-development and correction, or rather that which we encountered and purified now commanding attention on different levels, but much of the same. Temptations peep in from many a window. Challenges are constantly before us all. This is why we never cast judgments in concrete.

Counterbalancing and self-development is an ongoing process and a very satisfying preoccupation - similar to personal hygiene - self and soul hygiene! Furthermore, no one man is fixed in his temporal faults. We know of the Divinity without and within, and take comfort from the true vision of all.

Good luck and God bless. We are happy that you rejoice in this fellowship. This truly is a fine beginning and who can say what will come of it. But what we can say is this: every thought and word is so important; new life, new vitality, being carried through the connecting truths from man to man. Ever renewal. A living teaching sparking most wonderful inspirations of lofty insights, freeing up the rusty locks and chains of the concealed and malnourished individuality. Already, the attention is growing, compelling the world to answer - confronting - the wisdom propelled with every new insight experienced. Such grand effect already effected. Goodness imparted with world remedy. For this is the path for man's betterment, soul to soul, as one passes the candle to another and to another, and so forth.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Prayer in the Garden- 26th July 1991

FOR those who are garden-proud and know of the pleasure and the pride in helping to establish a good ground, such people also delight in those places where tree and plant overgrows wildly, following no set pattern or design manmade. There is much beauty in both schemes. One may take in the scene for what it is and does not compare one to another in single preference; at least not to the point of denying the merit, the composition and gentle goodness within all gardens.

"I shall go to the garden to speak with my Father". Here is the holy place, where best to confide those inner yearnings. Here too we may commit all that is unworthy of Heaven, and shear away such troubles that do taunt us. Here in the garden we may collect our thoughts, inspired through scent and virtue in sweet solitary but full communion. 

What need be a better chapel of worship than that of a dear garden - fortified and ever restored by the holy water (for all water is holy) that does quench leaf and creeper and flowery face, seeping down into root and runner, expiring through vine and fruit. With no walls and roof, the vaultlike domed sky, speckled with mist-puffs, affords that the forces of the Sun streaming down purify and vivify that trusting life which clings to the earth.

A community may make sacred a building temporarily or permanently to house a communal meetplace, where those may gather who wish to make statement of the outer world touched by the Divine- grand inspiration and cordial society and many a cup of tea. It is good to work creatively at setting a special place other than one's home, for the general community to enjoy in this way. Whilst halls and fixed spaces can be converted extraordinarily and with much merit to those who do decorate so lovingly, think also for prayer, that there is a garden one may find and go to in quiet times. Even simple furniture may chatter on inaudibly and interrupt one's humble communion. 

There are times for gathering and strength therein, and times for solitude and inner communications. To make good a church is to forge a home for community for: celebrations and study, song, praise and orchestrated prayer, where one wishes to breathe in a golden silence and withdraw to the meditative higher spirals. Then take the stony path down to the grass, go and be quiet and feel the presence of the Lord.

We all know the excitement and expectation to be had in discovering a botanical wonderland. How pitiful for those housebound or those confined to hospital, that they may not know such sweet delight. That the depressed city-dweller in concrete enclosure, may only hold a flowerpot or cactus, as reminder of the countryside at the city limits. And where there is a public park, there is much interference, noisy inhabitants and odorous emissions, denying the otherwise peace infilled glory.

Sanatoriums of the past were one part building to twenty, thirty or one hundred parts ground. Once men sought the salt-air and the charge from the sea, they did move on to higher altitude, they did not contrast the seasons with sporting activities. They did not sleep through the sunrise. They would not decorate a tomb with an artificial flower- maybe a statue, but not an artificial flower.

Eden is still here if we would but visit. The modern world acknowledges everything but this. Gethsemane awaits. . .

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