
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Majesty & Mystery of the Balloon- 2nd March 2025

Balloons encapsulate - that is their nature, their form and their purpose – when expanded they fully become themselves … this is a principle all of itself – that of the balloon.

To reiterate: the skin of the balloon defines the balloon; however it is not until it has been inflated and infilled does it take on its appearance, its shape, its destiny, thus made apparent.

And by the by, various infills will determine the weight of our balloon and its measurement of gravity.

Bubbles, likewise are similar, being a marriage of that tension between what has poured inside of the bubble and the elasticity of the skin without.

Similarly, there is an expansion, and a limit, and defining by this occurrence.

The bubble is not the same before its infilling, as neither is the balloon before inflation.

And so it is with the correct circumstances and the marriage of the inner and the outer values that the balloon and the bubble for a time become.

This principle is throughout the world in all matter and even thought incarnating energetically.

There is the outer shell and the inner influx – this is the underpinning principle of organism and manifestation, of how the inner expands the periphery of that which it infills and from that infilling there is a becoming – a realisation of its being.

This process is the very key to Physics and motivation.

It may also be applied to the spiritual overlaying of the various planes and their intertwining throughout.

There is a ‘hollow-man’ concept which fundamentally haunts some individuals by ways of doubt and depression where they sense this principle not fully understanding its cosmic aptitude and general purpose.

It can be perceived that life itself is ‘empty’ and but a shell of nothingness etc – nihilism comes from this perceiving that the skin of life is without its purpose, unrealised without its infilling.

Contrary to this half-hearted perception is the understanding and sense of divinity infilling the human experience.

We are made ‘whole’ with the marriage of universal love without when we receive Grace, by the action of prayer, contemplation, charity, godliness, etc. fully becoming with the infilling this attracts.

‘Spirit’ is a living experience – a daily occurrence, both fleeting and permanent.

It is not a value enhancement, but rather a creation and a becoming, as chrysalis is to butterfly, life and growth is never linear. Improvement becomes a whole new creation – new thought is an expanded infilled truth that has been within our reach always – kissed and made visible, alive now in the consciousness.

Life lives from the inside out.

This is the majesty and mystery of the balloon.

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