
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Monday, October 16, 2023

Nuances & Gathering- 15th October 2023

Our Physical World is elastic to change and porous to possibility, and in relation to its influx of energetic transformation it can be said that this by and large, affords many blessings from Heaven that are enabling the world to breathe deeply the vapours it so desperately needs.

The people of Humanity are primarily first and foremost spiritual beings. Their souls are strong, their vision is high-reaching, and the nuances gleaned from Spirit determine every feeling and every striving that there is to come.

The inherent design of Creation is astoundingly perfect: and the infant man or woman embodies the heavenly aspect and the seed of the future, with grace, charm and humour, and much striving - for it is an effort to incarnate, to become.

And as the will directs the individual they are accompanied also by invisible guardians who help prepare and protect, to navigate the futures as they present.

And our Christ is there before us, His immaculate being, His full generosity, His encompassing Wisdom, His creative vision, His unassuming kindness, His direct and perpetual forthrightness - there He is in simplicity, and majesty - and He is there for all of Humanity.

Souls fly in and out, and all experience a great reluctancy when it is time to depart - even the suicide hesitates, and with the pictorial passion does not wish or want for extraction.

Such a mystery it is: for the physical world is something of a labour, and lacks the ease of those realms of the ethers and beyond; and yet the starry complex here is unlike to any other - there are doorways to new possibilities, meetings and matchups, whereas the heavenly worlds do not enter the possibility of such.

I may forge a friendship here briefly that can continue on for an eternity.

The connections made within this world are potent - promising of the greatest wealth there is for the soul. They enable us, by the nature of those to whom we connect with, to be able to hold keys for further realms of place and understanding.

And so from this one can glimpse the extraordinary possibilities that arise from having life within the physical realm. Everything that we come to, every experience, substance, light-filled joy, every other being and human being - we are there to exchange our calling cards with - we are there to share ourselves with one another - and with everything that moves our spirit to quicken and respond.

Every plant, every tree, every creature, every bird, every essence of place, of country, every child, every person young or old, every handshake, every warmth shared, and yes, even a combat in war.

All of this that goes to the experience of life within the world which continues on in possibilities and further meetings and connections in life to follow - not only here, but also in the spiritual realms forming relationships that are lasting, evolving, in place and with person, with being - forever on.

And specifically too, if we consciously call upon our divine companions for help and assistance with permissions and allowances (in humility) to walk the road with us, then they too can have lasting relationships with that which we have come upon … and also too, we may forge yet more friendships and collate yet more of the higher beings from our spiritual companions therefore and from then on, who will have permission by us, from us, with us, to us, to meet again … and some may stay without departure - for that is the nature of the heavenly worlds.

Our connections are not separated by time or place - it is extraordinarily complex - and yet the sinews of being entwine with that which we know.

From this we can see that no life is wasted and the benefits and bounty of worldliness is as the greatest of treasure hunts. Souls who are about to incarnate know this well and anticipate great findings with an abundance of enthusiasm.

Souls who have left the Earth return back into the spiritual worlds with many treasures and blessings that will be lasting for them. Eagerly they sort through each in review one by one.

This is a different reminiscing of sorts - it is a gathering: of virtue, of properties, of friendship, of experience, whereupon the individual has increased. Wisdom is found in many forms and surprisingly it can be from outside of ourselves in that which we have come to know, and in the living friendships that continue on. 

Digestion & the Pear- 17th September 2023

Carlo Crivelli 
There is a special element carried upon the fragrance of the pear; or for that matter, the lychee and any of the other paler fleshed fruits. One knows the elegant properties to be had - that even though their fragrance is neither pungent nor prolific, there are recognisable qualities … ones that do not scream at the senses, but rather gently delight and invite them to a higher experience.

For we are transported by the virtues endowed in such fruit, and can experience the etheric presence that stands at the gate of its very physical being.

And it must be said also that whilst fruit maybe warmed or cooked, the properties acknowledged here are not the same once heated, differing remarkably from the fresh expiration of the scent, or the flesh from a healthy raw and perfectly ripe (but not over-ripe) example.

Yet whether or not we can actually smell the fragrance the effect on one’s being will remain the same - we shall benefit from its virtues purely by being in close proximity to this wondrous ephemeral fruit.

The classical oil paintings of the past representing a bowl of fruit acknowledge this with a celebration of their kind, for the mysteries of their properties were perceived somewhat more vividly than our present day allows. For the modern man there is a cascade of experiences overriding much of the more gentle perceptions.

Nonetheless the fruit still speaks to our etheric nature and to the higher wisdom of our beings, and we profit greatly from such discourse.

The fruit bowl in the house or at the bed of the sickly is as profitable and health-bringing as the flowers … in many respects, far more so.

And so there is a twofold experience whereupon we can enjoy the having and holding for a brief time and then the consuming to follow. Much blest is he who may have a piece of fruit in their home close by.

The spiritual nature of the pear is cheerful, with grace and peace, it represents a noble life. For the burgeoning fruits are a direct produce from heaven itself - they are literally living representatives, emissaries, of Spirit in the present day. And whilst of course we are all that ourselves, and every living being so called is also, they are bringing to us a pure connection that is divorced from other aspects such as a lowly astral nature, or an earthly characterisation heavy-set with difficulty and trial.

There are many chords to our being, and the fruits are definitely the cheerful ones - and one may know this by their experience of them.

The eating of meat can fortify one’s astral disposition in relation to incarnating within the World … it can strengthen the bonding of the physical 
body to the physical existence in ways that the incarnating soul experiences the world with a deeper connection and a stronger concentration within that experience.

In many respects, whilst it is not the opposite to the eating of fruit, but something far different, it still entails a completely different process and digestion, experience and effect.

To look at a human being one might imagine that they have one digestive tract leading down to one stomach and intestine and so forth and that the consuming of foods, medicines, herbs, plants, properties, minerals, that all of these things have but one digesting process, and are assimilated without difference. However depending on the nature the property, the characteristics of the substance and sometimes without there even being a physical substance, our bodies and beings are digesting differently according to what we consume.

There is not just one process, for the reaction is also of the whole organism; and of the character of the man or woman, the soul of the individual, the integrity within, as it meets with that substance.

The digestive process is not merely a breaking down and assimilation as is organised within the physicality: the digestion is a two-way twofold interaction involving the nature of the substance and the nature of they who would receive it. It is personal, intimate, vital, complex - a synergy of not only property, but essence. And although we consciously are unaware of these very intricate combinings, we are experiencing them on many levels within, and without daily.

And not only may we profit by such interactions, we also help and harmonise and give over to that which we have taken to ourselves.

For the substance lives for a time through us, experiencing by us the journey in this World. Everything and everyone advances together.

There is a profound curiosity about this World which eagerly drives Spirit to explore more, and find out more about its mysteries.

If you were to converse with a potato or an onion you would find them to be rather sombre fellows. Their natures seem older than they are.

All life, every tree and plant, holds a measure of excitement to be here.

Quite often threats, concerns and discomforts override the human experience sadly, that otherwise is pure joy in manifestation. Ordinarily and quite naturally within the natural world the experience of being is celebratory and revelatory.
It is with the enthusiasm (yet much more so) of those who have tickets to a main event looking forward to the season it brings where they may hurry in and procure a seat. It is with such excitement that the kingdoms of Nature rush into this world to seek out its cycles and experience life here for a brief yet cherished time.

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