
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Absolution of Man- 28th February 1992

Concrete laws, fixed in sand,
- thus the shifting sands of time;
and with the sand-slide,
shall be the laws revealed!

THE tenor of gravity is 'likeness'. Without 'sameness', without 'likeness', there should be either propulsion or equilibrium (distanced), but not gravitational compounds. If I adhere to the Earth it is for the same reason that the Earth cleaves to me: 'likeness' in those qualities particular and determining, of this moment.

It is precisely those qualities which are bonded in such a manner which shall not be made separate - however distinct other qualities might be. Reformation therefore, is essential. 

Although man comprises so many increments in his 'beingness', he may not disassociate one part from the whole for periods longer than 'a rest'. He is compelled to return to pick up that which he himself has cast down, and work with his might in order that certain changes be effected. It is as lost treasure which from incarnation to incarnation he is bound to begin to retrieve. And Karma is binding to that material, which he has temporarily deposited for determined return.

Self-consciousness within this worldly arena may contrast a shadow-land of perceptions. Men differ in their perceptions, even though there is equality as far as reality's offerings. The fact that the notions of men are so disparagingly alterable and considerably 'at odds', gives over to that fact that all men bring with them a wealth of experience from various differing backgrounds and color their perceptions thereby. Men are not stimulated in exactly the same way. They share that which they share, whilst there are numerous realms of activity in which invisibly, they are manifest actively or quiescent within. 

Man and his relationship to the Cosmos is ongoing and not unfamiliar. The perception may be temporarily narrowed but his interaction with all realms open to his activity is continually a font from which he may draw- depositories for other, most hidden treasure. We are given such substance as is required for pass into cosmic realms and spheres and modes of being. We may ignite such mass and infire such rapports or make focus upon the immediate boundaries which are now in place. Whatever, they are all commanded and determined by each and every individual, regardless of his performance as representative of he the being, in this the present moment of the here and now.

The pantomime illusion of characters, of age, of personality, are not to be disregarded however, as mere puppetry. Every deed and thought which emanates out from a man is significant. The fact that the man is far more than he may seem is not contrary to this, but rather stipulates an important need: that the spirit of man needs be reconciled along with the frame (the body) and cohesion in the world.

Laws tend to be immutable. Occasionally though, higher aspects above lower laws may 'put off' or hold back, or foresee and pre-empt that which a law shall manifest. 
Regardless of this, a law is a law, a defined consequence of a preceding motivation. One's inability to bring to one's acceptance the inarguable reality of such laws, stems from the superconscious perspective which defines the laws as interpreted in the present world, as being by contrast of lesser significance. 

The path of those who would defy all law, comes from an over sensitivity as to the intangible alliances which remain between those of the lesser and those of the higher. Would that such could be clearly gauged with cohesiveness, the matter would be settled and restraint would become compliance.

Here we come to the overall interesting factors: that laws do not require acknowledgment in order that they be complied with. Moreover, a man is required to adopt a consciousness which may be as a directory to the Stars, with complete compendium and reference as to each and every stipulation, each determination. Fortunately they are nowhere near as difficult to interpret as those laws of local government! They may be difficult to comply with, with full graduation, however! 

What use to the universe would there be for a convolution of reckless souls? Let them go to those places where reckless souls best inhabit, that their injuries thereby, are contained. If we are to respect the law of a given household and oblige the host as he requires, then we may enter and take leave as we please. But we do not turn the home over! (Lest we never be invited to return again, of course!) 

The laws of men have given rise to the thought, that laws in general are improperly and unfairly decided. Protests come from those who do not hold perspective of the machinations required, and furthermore what lies above those very machinations: Divine impulse and Divine Reason - with an overview to both necessity and creation, in which the New is always harvested from the Old: Divine succession, Divine progression. 

Laws are neither entangled nor separate, but are as a returning chorus.

We often judge according to our own findings - a man may believe laws serve no higher purpose, and be unacceptable because he may find them to be nonsensical; purely because the effort or the understanding is, at that time, unavailable to him. The word 'obedience' sticks in the craw, for he may not perceive obedience to be managed with knowledge, joy- even laughter.

The immature consciousness seeks defiance, as does the concept of 'self reliance', 'self importance' and so forth, in order that they may assert their own junior significance in a scheme of preponderances maintaining overwhelming configurations. Such an immature consciousness moves to 'draw in' towards themselves attributes and belongings, and that which may be seen to enhance their being - to be 'empowered'. However, in the course of his self-tuition he shall find that it is the study of laws, both lesser and great, which will be of the greatest assistance to him in his plea for self-development. 

The path of logic and the path of the heart both lead to but the same door. But the dynamic approach, from the path of the heart, shall quicken such gravity of those the higher inclinations. One may reason as why one should seek out the 'doing of the Good' or one may actually do it. 

And here the laws are not only cited, but in being put to use are traveled and followed through into yet higher circumstance. The causal link between the law and imbuing the law, is that we come to said law, identify its purpose and make more wonderful the world hand in hand with such law. For the law serves us with the rudiments of possibility, that we might acknowledge and serve, and be so replied.
And from whence did all laws come?: Spilling out from the vision of that which is to be! It is as though we unravel backwards - that we have begun with an ending, and from this we pick out the detail. The eggbeater came about because the physics which entailed the usefulness of an eggbeater was put in place in, nigh! the very bosom of that first vision! No more, no less. Isn't that wonderful?!

Law is as language - and we may choose to shift in and out of its universal definitions. Law is as music, which returns with lofty and inspiring repetition. Law is as Angels, who with overseeing concern do tend and nurture the consistent and cohesive correlations - the Guardians of the larger world, whose dominion and care and responsibility serve all. Law is impartial and shows no preference for King, Master or demigod. Law is the grandest servant of all, in obeisance and humility it untiringly, unfalteringly, reliably serves all with constancy. 

The absolution of Man is to be exacted within such comprehension of Divine Law and the love between.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Migraine- 25th February 1992

IT is important to realize that all physical disorder pertains to causes which usually lie superficially dormant within the physio/psyche connections. There are of course physical maladies which arise purely from physical aggravants, and on such a level may be treated as such. However in the main a constitution which is proven to a given weakness (weakness by definition, being either: sickness or pain, dysfunction or disturbance) may be treated in many ways, on many levels. Also added to this of course, one's physical condition may greatly aggravate the individual's capacity in ways pertaining directly to their psyche and mental wellbeing. So diagnosis of a given problem is imperative to initial instructions.

When speaking generally about the problems of migraine, one is usually struck with the characteristic symptoms to which a man is prone, vis-a-vis extreme pain in: cortex, nape of neck, upper lumbar, occipital, bifocal or behind left eye, or prominent in right. All of these issues are significant when one is to consider the conjunctions which are affecting the relative sights of aggravation.
There are three stages of migraine:
1. Being the sensation of dull ache.
2. Being an acute, sharp and overcoming pain.
3. Becoming the sensation of throbbing which has spread out from the second most localized point.

From the second to the third the constitution has markedly become consumed by this condition and reversal is certainly more difficult, and yet requires more speedy remediation.

The individual who suffers migraine may take notice that there are days in which he is inwardly pronouncing, "No, no, no". Perhaps he should like to be satisfactorily pronouncing this out loud, or perhaps he is at lengths trying to maintain himself in a situation where he should rather not be applying himself. Whatever the case, there is a specific shaking of the head (within the head) of this "No!" - as in a stutter or a stammer, whereupon he cannot resolve his daily activity in happy compliance. 

Now some might have it that this is the normal route as referred to commonly today, as 'stress'. And perhaps it describes a stressful condition to say at least, but is not of itself because of a general stress but rather says something of the condition of: the surroundings, the activities and the people, in relation to what is to be drawn from that individual. It may speak of that which he, with inner conflict, feels that he is called upon to do and yet feels that he cannot; and it may not even relate to the immediate at all. Regardless, there is this conflict in which the man continually answers himself and does shake his head in distress, causing many a shockwave resounding through an otherwise peaceable system.

The head and the heart come to disagreement, and the heart may often 'win' over the logic of the mind, and the head as such, is turmoiled, upset and disagreeable. Should the situation become transversed, the individual would dominate and drive the physical system to the extreme; for the heart always obliges, as it is wont to do… to a point. The stomach however, may manifest symptoms of the heart, for it is so closely related with the 'goings on' that it shall be sympathetic to all pleas unheard.

When the migraine sufferer has settled themselves into the darkened room, the inner battle becomes more determined by the fact that the man cannot resolve immediately the conflict, as dictated by the head. As he resists, and for the most part despises, the condition worsens and the battle rages, and the consciousness submits to delirious interludes. 

Now this may occur with a man who is usually of cheery disposition. In point of fact, this would be more than likely, for his natural tendencies when confronting the world at large would be compliant, (rather than resilient), complacent (rather than aggressive), confined (rather than communicative), complimentary (rather than critical), and so forth. By the main, he would (if left alone), be rather happy and peaceful, as his 'higher man' would have it. He is confused by all lower tendencies, both within himself and displayed by others, and unsettled because the extremes within are unreckoned. 

The pressure which 'builds up' within the frontal lobe, is usually an indication that he has been presented with something that he finds he cannot consider, but the nature of that which is troubling him resurfaces itself again and again, and begins to wear at him, regardless of his instinct to push it away to the back of his consciousness. The conscience is overworked, for the man cannot successfully expel the confrontation from his mind, and is reasserting the values and the presentation, with an inclination to pronounce 'no'. But this is ineffectual and this will result in a pain in the head. 

If the pain has begun at the top of the spine in the nape of the neck, then it is more than likely that the burden upon his shoulders does weigh too great - literally. Here the individual would tell you that not half of his work is completed, and he is forever in conflict as to how he may effect the impossible. His struggles need not be because he is actually overburdened by responsibility, but that it is enough for him to perceive it so - usually because, once again, he is conscientious enough to always strive to do more. 

The pain which begins in the region behind the eyes (apart from the factor of bright light, and iris dilation becoming inadequate), is related to a condition of memory or a condition of concentration. One will often assist the concentration by closing their eyes; also too, in attempting recall. The eyes do fervently move away from the perspective of the immediate, and though the gaze shall become inverted for a time - and pain within this region tells of an effort to suppress a past conflict, of which one is reminded. For here the conscientious individual may have well been reminded of a time in which he was scolded or reprimanded, and the conflict so exhumed in recall, is presenting and making effort to be put aright within the perspective of the present.

Now in all of these instances as characterized, the individual has difficulty in withstanding certain dilemmas in a way in which they may be put to resolve speedily. None of this examination is to say that he does in fact act mistakenly or badly, but rather that it pertains to his interpretation and perception of himself and the world.

At the first onset of pain it is essential for a man to identify the source of his disturbance. Usually there will be clarity enough to begin to sight the demon which afflicts him. If the individual persists with whatever he is doing and tries to ignore his impending condition, then it shall probably continue and worsen until he has no longer the ability for clarification. And so where possible, it is best that he remove himself from the environment (the room, or the company), and begins to digress thoughtfully over the hours or moments just past. 

Now one's conscience may be delightfully and rightfully fulfilling when adhered to. One must always try to align one's conduct according to the dictates of conscience. But there is a distinction between one who observes their higher self and the conscience, and the condition or state of being 'conscientious'. The individual who suffers from migraine attacks is a veritable zealot when it comes to being conscientious. There can become a point however, when this condition (as with many others) may turn back upon itself, and produce an imbalance of itself, being not particularly symptomatic of significance. It may become a generality of condition, rather than specifically called upon.

For the man of high ideals, he in his own mind, shall never be able to achieve enough, become as much, as he should prefer to be. At times his self-criticism and self-dismay may or may not be warranted, but regardless shall stand as a ghost beside him ever cocking the finger with persecution and with reprimand; whilst the workhorse of the personality, who is obliging also, may well listen to the stern positioning which comes from an ennobled character, and be subject to protests which arise, commanding and calling upon the inner man - from the past as well as the present.

When the vessels constrict and dilate, compress and impinge on nerve fiber, and vacillation becomes irregular, the vitalities have been spun into flux, and with chaotic hiccups, wave in and out in response to the condition of dilemma. 

The purpose of regaining the rhythm, in which it was formerly functioning in cooperation without this intermittent flux, relates to the fluidic process of free-flowing discharge, as opposed to vitalities encaptured and embanked within a closed-circuit conflict. Expelling, rather than shrinking. Making release, rather than introversion. Making decision, rather than non-commitment. Not succumbing to argument, or for that matter objectivity at the expense of one's own higher dictates.

The vitalities may be deposited elsewhere, either within the constitution or within a suitable receptacle without. The discharge is common within a vomit, or subsides according to the endurance of the individual's own rhythms exhausting the conjunctions as described above. 

There is however, one way in which one may settle an argument peaceably:-


Imagine that you are standing at the foot of a throne, a throne which is so large that you cannot see the Face of He who does sit upon that throne - and that the Hand of He you stand before, is verily as large as yourself and is there before you, held down to greet you.
And you stand in judgment, and you stand there in humility, and you bring your predicament, all you have with you to offer before He who shall give all of his attention to your being.
And you refer that which troubles you to Him. And you make apology, for all your shortcomings - each and every one. And you designate what strength you require, in order that you may persevere, with each and every toil, and labor. And you feel His blessing, and you acknowledge His loving concern, and you know that you are immediately relieved from the guilt of your wrongdoings, for you are as bare in the sight of God. . .
And you take this meditation of forgiveness, and resign all strife to He who knows best what to do with it.

When the pressure begins, withdraw and reflect. Try not to sigh excessively, or reprimand oneself for the very withdrawal. For it is more productive to take 'time out' at the outset, than be obliged to do so if the battle takes hold.
It will help to use the hairbrush (natural bristles) and the water, as so described before.* And replenish the water constantly, throwing it out, and replacing it with a bowl of fresh.

It is important to give over to those things which invoke pleasure in both heart and mind. If the disagreement cannot be located, if the upset cannot be identified, then it is best to call upon a distraction which will impel both to be harmonious: Music, scent, non-restrictive clothing - nothing which is disagreeable.

If there is something which the individual feels that he wishes to respond to, with a 'no', then it will most definitely assist in making this audibly definite. It need not be in answer to a particular. By pronouncing vocally a 'No!' then one is practicing a decisive repulsion, which will help assist in resolving the troublesome irritation.

Feet placed in a bath of water, hot water, may be helpful also - but again - replenish the water; and mind not to place it upon one's favorite plant!

*Brush hair twenty times, or so. Rose or rosemary water can be used.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why we do not remember: Our Past Lives- 22nd February 1992

IT is difficult when asking others for their opinions or interpretations, as truth does not depend upon consensus - thankfully.

The memory-recall which one develops throughout a lifetime does not readily (usually) make available to the man one tenth of the detail which has passed during his waking hours- particularly if the actions of a man are neither impressed with conscious determination or sufficient impact, rendering conditions to be most memorable. A man has difficulty recalling in full the minutes of the day which was yesterday, even though he knows and understands quite fully that the day prior to this one was lived and spent with minute detail. The man is not troubled by this as he looks towards the future and the new day's prospects ahead of him with concentration spent in this the consciousness of the present, and he rarely practices the exercise of reflection, of recall, depicting the days or the weeks which have past.

Sometimes too, one may be in error when trying to examine events which were of the years prior. Usually one's memory is given to specific instances, specific impressions, but even when these are called upon, there is a great limitation to carry them further and expand upon those particular recalls, further into that very day or thereafter.

Added to this one has extreme difficulty in recalling those experiences which occurred during dreaming when the consciousness has been so expanded beyond the particular that the mind is used to define within the waking hours. Translation here is again quite different, almost to the point of becoming undiscernible.

So one may say that memory recall within the immediate rests upon factors pertaining to both the present consciousness, and the exertion of consciousness at the time of that which we endeavour to recall. Quite rightly one would find that if we had opportunity to 'live out' all of the detailed impressions that we have gathered, then we should be so taken up with those living memories that all future receptions would be incapacitated by such. For at present the consciousness of Man cannot lend itself to both and function concurrently.

However and nonetheless, even though a man may begin to understand his inadequacy of detailed recall, he does not doubt his existence and the days spent from birth until this moment. For he 'knows' that his existence has been prior to this day, and he holds sufficient - though few by comparison - memories to sustain this supposition.

There are times when direct memory impressions are to be necessarily few- such as those times of infant consciousness whereupon the ability to remember the founding days is entirely non-specific, and may not be accessible to the mind through ordinary means of interpretation and memory. Such as it is, the consciousness which was of the infant, is so completely made separate to that of the now adult that connections are not taken up and impressions received are now separated also- and you know what they say about first impressions! How very true with the babe, whose experience of experiences is all consuming and multileveled! 

The child and its interpretation of the world has by far, an extraordinary encounter with the new and unfamiliar. Whilst added to this, they have direct perceptions of not only this world and its attributes, but also they take impressions knowingly of the ethereal worlds and the emanations within - and have dream-recall. For, so to speak, they have just crossed the border. The incarnating ego has not settled within the frame of a certain reality, and is not comfortable with such. There is an 'easing in' over many years, before the consciousness is: complete and receptive, coherent and concentrated upon the specific interactions; with a specific realm and grasp of 'reality'. 

With many forces employed here, the development from child to man would lend itself to volumes of material in the whys and wherefores of such incarnation. But suffice to agree, that one's present day powers of memory-recall are very steadily reliant upon present day consciousness and its abilities to translate or decipher and reckon with, the consciousness held in the past. 

Added to this, a man may well have expended much vitality within a situation which markedly impresses him so, above the usual. Therefore, if he has worked or exerted the consciousness with such vitality, his powers of recalling these events and impressions at a later day will be better equipped to draw forth these outstanding and worked-upon events.

The scholar who strives to do this is a perfect example of a consciousness that may exert such vitality into that which holds great interest for him. But similarly, that same scholar may misplace his keys or his hat, or be without recall as to what was for breakfast the day before. For such details do not concern him and he has not expended consciousness in these semi-conscious performances of activity.

In the instance of a man who after many years does suffer short-term memory loss, there may be a few explanations as to why this is effected. However, one particular reason may be that, as with all functions within the constitution of man, he may have ceased to utilize those vitalities within the conscious activity and withdrawn either by choice or by habit; and in such has forfeited the ability.

If a man has chosen to withdraw his vitalities from certain interactive sequences of activity - i.e. he has forced his consciousness lower by means of intoxication - then he will certainly find the exercise in later years most difficult, as he has practiced the very opposite of such exertion.

Similarly, if a man has concentrated all of his vitalities into specifics and yet has separated himself entirely from the habitual activities in which he carries out - doing the shopping, making the tea, etc. - then it is precisely the lack of interest and the lack of connection, which then means the lack of vitality and actuality of consciousness exerted, which will finalize in, not in his performing the tasks as second nature (as he has done), but through lack of real involvement, becoming incapable of ever remembering those things (above described) that he has done.

A musician may play music and the fingers may be so practised that by habit they strike the key. But with the case of the musician, he has a definite 'love' or 'passion' for that which he plays and so enhances the activity with vitality thus imbued. 

It can also be said here that there are definite physiological disturbances also, which may be taken into account in the case of those who suffer from this short-term memory loss, however usually the physiological system is reflecting the man and not vice versa.

Finally we come to the question of reincarnation as seen in the light of the above-described phases of memory and memory recall. It may also be said here, that even though a man may not remember the details of his day or his life with great or mediocre clarity, it has nonetheless been effected and lived by him. Also, even though a man may not find that the details as such are accessible to his everyday consciousness, they are nonetheless carried within his ego and exist minute by minute, in actuality, in record.

Furthermore and extending past those impressions which are rightly his, there is also record (explicit and defined) of impressions which he has effected, and impressions which rest upon a multileveled, many sphered base. In other words, there are significant interactions which the consciousness of the individual may not realize at the time or personally choose to realize. There are also ramifications which extend into the future and result in further consequence.

Added to this there are impressions left which are concurrent with the immediate reality, but have been effected within realms beyond, which the immediate consciousness cannot decipher - all of this and more, a man does carry with him. But alike to general memory impressions, these may not be extracted from the physical substance that some assume a man is only made of.

Given that the present day consciousness of Man has difficulty with recall, it is not surprising that he has such difficulty with the assessment of reincarnation. All of the abovementioned details relate similarly to one trying to recall, with definition, one's past life.

Consciousness at present is enhanced when applied to the present, and then onwards into the future. The 'inadequacy' of memory is for a time, a blessed reprieve whereupon a man is given to concentrating more upon that which he is to do and become. Also with this, one will find that the more one is conscious, fully conscious about that which they do, the more it shall become memorable in this and in future lives.

Some folk most certainly have glimpses and glimmers of lives previous whereupon particular impressions have incited like impressions that have been so outstanding for whatever reason. The fact that most have so little to go by is not a deterrent to their abilities to date. It is neither, a testimony as to reincarnation. However, today we have discussed the individual's memory impressions, rather than the actuality of a law and a system in which we are very much a part of.

There may be short-term explanations given as to cyclic re-embodiment, however also the long term view as regards these episodes, leads to much philosophical speculation. For as with all cosmic laws, one advances into a region of either: a) explanation or b) questioning the system itself. And 'b' is by far the harder.

We are not certain that one can ever come to spiritual laws by reasoning alone, for the grand whys and wherefores are dictated come what may and have been put into place, along with everything else in the system. Folk may enjoy questioning the processes, and certainly must test each truth personally before coming to the 'peaceful round'. But however, it is a little like asking "But why do we have grasshoppers?" We may choose to learn about grasshoppers, we may choose to not learn of grasshoppers. We may speculate as to why they have been brought into existence. We may speculate as to their mission in the world, we may even try to emulate them. But the 'b' approach to grasshoppers shall not be resolved by the nature of the questioning. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Creative Powers- 21st February 1992

WHEN a court of law tries to establish the weight of a crime, they are first concerned with the conscious intent of the accused. Whether or not the person has accidentally effected the mishap, unintentionally put finger to trigger and aimed, or instigated something of the consequences by self-design - this is crucial to the judgment upon the fellow.

There are marked differences between those activities which stem from our self-conscious reckonings to those which are carried out on behalf of an individual who is unaware of his participation. For once an activity is charged by desire and intent, its potency is excessive and is pushed to its very limits by such desire - equally so by a man who does recognize this - he is again empowered further than before.

 individual with materialist perceptions, who is 'grounded' so to speak, is rendered impotent in respect to this; and because of his ineffectualness within his hardened world, he reaffirms this to himself in stubborn matter with unseen consequence - for consciousness does command. The imbecile, the idiot, have for a time been so encapsulated that these powers are inhibited- whilst the character effects a personal statement, rather than any outgoing activity impressing with cause.

Magic is potentized by a concentration of will summoned within the man, and expelled/directed with certain intention. The problem with such conduct is that were the magician to firstly direct such eagerness, such vivacity, towards his inner constituents and make of himself to be both balanced and developed within, then he should most likely afford his effectualness within the realms of the ethers and beyond. But the practice of exterializing and expending such wishes, as do come from an underdeveloped, under-disciplined individual, is as a child - put simply - with a loaded gun. 

The fact that mankind in general has been held back from this self-knowledge of their potentiality of effectualness, is moreover for their own good in order that they might 'catch up' in other areas that require consideration more importantly. However there are still ways and means in which they may put into practice examples of their creative forces. 

The study of any particular esotericism will eventually lead a man to the knowledge which distinguishes acts of will from acts unconscious. For the will does drive the level of intense summoning of those cosmic influences which pertain to the act and the expression. In ritual which is designed for the purpose of effecting activity in unseen relations, we find that a man may produce many and varied results depending upon the quality of: that man's character, the quality of his desire (original and secondary), and the quality of those conditions without (in cosmic terms of timing, etc.); but nonetheless, all ritual consciously performed, has of itself, consequence - marked consequence. 

Of course this need not correspond with what a man may tell you is being effected from his willed direction of the creative powers. There may be quite a comparison between what he says and what is done. Without the clairvoyance which directly perceives the ways of the emanations and the color of their design, it is something short of using a match in a fireworks factory in order to read the label.

Complications arise also when a man gives over his will, his creative powers, to be used by some 'higher' authority - namely an entity who is provided with great self-interest and saps off the remains of those vitalities afforded through the ritual exploits of unsuspecting men. A man may be innocently urged to perform many conscious tasks, directing this or calling for that; and yet at the same time has openly subjected these drafts to one who should encourage, provoke and make use of his endeavors. 

One might ask where is the danger in this, as opposed to everyday living. If a man were to concentrate the commensurate efforts of will and self-conscious design, and direct this creative power into the specific of effecting a better humanity, then the results are grand, fruitful, rewarding and to good purpose. However, should he firstly seek to enhance and further his own being by such practice, there is a contraindication for the very nature of the creative powers. It is as though our Father has one stipulation: “You may have all of the wealth, but you may not spend it on yourself - for I shall see to that.” This is the way of Creation. No one can take for himself. To some this may seem awesome or upsetting, and perhaps they may even feel revulsion to this concept, but in the main it works wonderfully. 

Furthermore, if one is exhibiting such creative powers with full intent and they are not directed or sent into realms pertaining directly to the individual's realm, then they shall go on and out, to be managed somewhere. They cannot remain with the man himself, nor can they return upon a man, for this would be a closed circuit system with no contrast. When there is a high/low flux and irregular streams of non-specific, and greater variants, then there must be expenditure. Expenditure or bust! In the case of men (who have not been made insane by such practice) there will necessarily be expenditure. And, risking being thought glib, one may put their finger in an electrical socket in the name of their God, and the consequences will be the same as if they had not. 

Prayer works so wonderfully when man has called upon those beings that by the nature of the prayer, are then given license to assist. Those cosmic influences pertaining to exact remedy are given, through the Creative Powers afforded, a receptacle proper by a task determined. Usually too, there is need, which makes for a proper receptacle also.

So when we have men who are involved in an introverted practice whereupon their desires have no end other than self-fulfillment (which has no end), then those forces employed must in due course be received somewhere. If the intent is not pure and selfless, then the beings which will hover and gather with great interest, shall be as undesirable as this offspring from a heart which is sealed to actual needs and actual prayer.

It is understandable that we should all seek betterment and wish that we should become whole, balanced, equipped and perfected. But with whom do we conspire this and to what purpose? The student who utilizes magic - and magic it is if it compels the use of unseen powers by conscious direction, dictated by will and want - has stepped into a responsibility, whether acknowledged or not, which is riddled with complications unless they are properly prepared for such activity.

Thus the importance of moral training is stressed time and time again - not the least of which, patience is as important to learn, as one will find, for if a soul suffers impatience then they are truly ambitious. Ambitiousness is impatience. Yet when one looks to the whole issue of humanity's predicament and is decided that they will see this through, they must have developed patience to withstand the wearing tides. It is essential. For one must also know that tension requires flex. There is always a balance called for. The student who would live 'full on' in a state of tension with passionate employ, will soon exhaust themselves and those around them. It is precisely the practice of such regulating which makes for a sturdier and reliable man. Tension and flex.

How often have we assured you that you already have within you, whether active or inactive, all of that which you will become? Although there might be beings who pronounce acceleration which leaves the rest of humanity at the starting post - know this: that humanity as a whole is a whole, and no one may go on completely without forfeit of that part of humanity which is him. As brothers we are bound. To what purpose should one become insensitive to the plight of their brothers? Those who would claim their own 'spirituality' and yet despise their brothers, who are but pitiable, do forfeit much that has been given them as men.

For in sympathy and charity we come to know the grace of God that has promised one hundredfold facets upon the face of this, the uncut diamond, of the mission of such free-will afforded man. Do not forgo these higher instincts! Do not suppress for the sake of impatience one's love of those whom we do not consider our equal - for in truth, they are equal to us and in the loving eyes of our Father. When we separate ourselves from others, we separate and sever ourselves from our Father. 

One can never consider that the Father's heart is not large enough. Those who are quick to judge and decide, discard and prohibit, seal that: their own cell.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Comments on "Fur & Feathers"- 20th February 1992

The fish are small, the ocean groans,
The tides did swell, the winds did moan.
Upon a tail a dusseldorf sat,
And rode the plains, those vast terrains,
Upon the foam, and that is that.

Fur and Feathers is unlikely to hold interest with someone who is comfortably ignorant of social injustices. To have made 'peace' with one's karma and settle such scores in time which accrued, in far less than a blink-time of wakeful consciousness, speaks from a particular consciousness viewpoint and not from on high. Dare we presume or dare they presume? Sticky, at best. 

Arguments are best left to the argumentative, who with skilled inquisition run patter up hill and down tales, usually until one party tires of colloquial chit-chat. The 'get serious' talks are left for those who are indeed quite serious, especially because their lives have been awakened to the suffering and need.

You know, there are many profound outstanding arguments and likewise there are doctrines and dogmas and 'petitionings' which are equally as outstanding and impressive to those who cannot discriminate between profundity and path. Truths will be truths regardless of interpretation, however there are those who inquire as best suits them (of course) and would persuade others that they are the only truths to be had. 

If I am to be injected with any powerful truth, [see Seven Most Powerful Truths] I am best to work from a base of selfless interest in order to accept that into myself. For example, they are missing the point - Divine love is so received because we so love the Father; not that we do love ourselves firstly and wish for ourselves such Divine love. We commission such on behalf of the whole of humanity; we may only make such definite contact with this sublime essence as described, by the realization of our devotion, our gratitude, our dependency, our love for He from whom we are born - not that we beseech He to bestow upon us, something which is to be but realized, and is already pledged and given. It simply goes without saying. It is as though this mantram has been turned inward and inside out.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Strife - 1992

WE are responsible for all arguments - as much to say that should we become involved in such, it is our duty to make effort to resolve or deflect the associated anger or frustration which has become so sadly evident. So it is suggested that a gesture or a word of such peace-making be instigated, before severing any connections.

An argument requires two parties; a disagreement which is concise and to a point, shall not hurt any party. However, if there is upset it is usually not related directly to that said disagreement; it relates moreover to a much deeper conflict. 

There need not be wickedness or malevolence, contriving to upset the work. There shall be many individuals who will need to 'catch their breath' afore keeping up with: the pace, the distance and the long road to go. 

We are responsible at best, to try to quell the upsets and not prolong them, for they are unproductive to say the least. When there is calamity it is profitable to attend to one's duty, and make leave of the situation, lest it explodes! The object is never to push or pull, but be patient and learn when to leave well alone. For coercion produces only transitory results and will be despised in the long run. 

Personalities, especially opinionated personalities, are apt to flare. If one is usually prone to attacks of similar episodes of conduct, then it is really to be expected when it comes down to it. We can never expect or anticipate anything from anyone, however this may be the rule for both the old and the renewed. 

With blessing we wish them well and must allow freedom to have her place, for without this precept we should be indistinct from all the rest. Contrariwise, we also should ask this of those who would interfere and think to know best, that they also grant our freedom to proceed with the work as best seen fit. As caretakers of a project, of a work, then it is the responsibility that shall be yours, and not theirs; therefore there shall be no arguments, only consideration.

Strife is not productive, but is stimulating to some. It is a diversion from the true path of inquiry, and as a bad egg within the recipe, does not make for a good result.

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