
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Materialist- 19th April 1992

MATERIALISM provides for only one static condition of inertia. According to the materialistic perspective there may be no such thing as Divine Cognition, Divine Motivation - circumspect or retrospect - present in living quality and enduring; or that of Divine Memory (also recall).

The properties which the materialist attributes to this great and glorious universe are such that do not afford for impetus, but rather regulation. They have substance, without substantiation: tri-lateral dimensions of finite proportion allowing for no quasi sub-structure - stratum infinitum.

Let us declare that this is fact: if we are decided, then there is fabric and substance in Divine decision. If we are to know of anything, then it follows too that there is higher knowledge, greater knowing; and knowing itself, only known in part by those who may come to sense something of the greater Gnosis.

It is the height of egotism to accept the corporeal realities and willingly ignore realities which present to the soul. The inability to make connections is usually borne by such sufferance, such entire upset, whereupon the man has much anger directed towards his parenting spheres. This anger will not be calmed by denial. Denial alludes to resistance, but in reality denies the secrets of self.

Such a man is driven with definition and repetition, and makes an entire concentration of it, becoming adamant convincingly in an effort to continue such denial. In other words, it is from his own inner core in which the contentions arise, and are made much of, as his dubious and nonsensical affirmations of 'logic' protest and protest, without relief.
There are two questions here:
1) What is the true nature of matter?
2) Why is it that some men are unable to perceive the realities of their linkages with this their higher worlds, and consequent higher forms of being?

The true nature of matter is precisely an issue which of itself is fascinating. For matter itself does shift and alter true to form tangibly, and yet is not understood - not even remotely in current conception. Even strings and spheres and planes and codes do not allow for individuality.

One must first question - within all of the recurring cycles and patterns - why our defined and lawful structures bother to any extent with also, undeniable individuality. It is rare to find two men who agree on all subjects, rarer to find that they shall share entirely the same backgrounds and experience, and relationships to such experience; rarer again, that they should look the same, respond the same, and share fingerprint and so forth.

From this simple, very simplistic argument, one may question the materialist as to the provision (within the law) of individuality. As they would have it, there should be no such thing. Undeniably however, these characteristics which do distinguish one from another, distinguish in a far greater way, all that which is alive and emanates life. Whilst there is a world of generalities which hold good for much agreement, there is also that which does separate all from each other, clearly in division, no matter to what degree they are conjoined.

Distinguishing life therefore, is a process of 'sorting out' and assessing, from the viewpoint of individuality, that which is impressed upon us as being both separate to us, whilst becoming ever yet a part of us in part. The complexities of such design, namely of incorporated individuality, are inherent to self-conscious and conscious distinction. One can generalize about DNA as they might do about trees as seen from afar, but the properties of both may only be assessed at closer range vis-a-vis the distinguishing characteristics which verily set one apart from another. 

All of manifestation requires a parent from which it is born. This need not be a mirror representation in totality of reproduction, but rather aspects lent, certain aspects shared - origin, which will later be drawn together within expression. Something on one plane of manifestation cannot of itself reproduce a total makeover solely from that specific plane, unconnected with spheres higher above. In other words the quality and nature of something is dependent upon its relationship to the higher worlds precisely. All else on one plane would be imitation at best and imitation without life, character, self-perpetuated impulse or motivation. Life without such cords of connection leading into higher, respective emanating spirit, would be horror-filled indeed!

Herein is the astral reflection and perception of the staunch materialist. As he endeavors to look further and perceive into higher realms, he is as caught within the immediate boundaries of an echo, as it were: the astral echo, which exudes much of his own sensory perception, with entanglements suggesting that there is no range beyond such an echo.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Mission of St. Henri- 16th April 1992, Father C.R. Day

T’WAS several years past long, long ago, that an idle man sought for a gainful opportunity. He had had wealth of much variety, although by comparison not of real measure; and was truly excited at the prospects ahead of him. 

For in his sleep he would hold many visions close - and yet come the morning, they would slip from him, when sleep herself would depart. And so he sought to know more of the dream hinterland in which he would frequent, and arrive at a more sturdy comprehension of those lengths of time he passed.

Around the town there was much speak about the Basilisk, who would entice the mind of a man with the frenzy of an unanswerable question. And many folk would scold and reprimand such questioning, as was on the part of our dear friend.

"I shall not succumb to madness" he would contend, and then would add "But if I do, it shall not be because I wish to make sense of the world and my thoughts."

However, he had not the mind to go mad or the disposition as was required, but was shunned and disapproved of when making approach into deeper realms of conversation.
We shall call this man Adam.

For many a long night, dear Adam would battle his drowsiness and pretend to sleep, but not sleep. For he bethought that all bridges leading into the forgotten realms could be trekked by conscious passage - that he might obtain glimpses at the very least. More commonly he did sleep however, into the morning and throughout the day, for his vigil was fatiguing, his efforts a half-measure.

Adam's mansion now composed many a block, and quarters and room. In fact, his holdings were vast, and innumerable. Those whom he had gathered to him - in servant, in cousin and cousin removed - boarded within the estate, so many that there were faces there which for him, had no name. There was a curious man, a pretty man, who was often seen roaming the grounds at the most quiet of times - and Adam had wondered at such times when he had seen this stranger, as to how or by whom he had arrived.

He inquired at the kitchen, he inquired at the stables, but none seemed to recognize his description, as he would tell it. More curious it became, for he himself had never caught eye of the stranger long enough to give a full account, for this man would appear and disappear quite rapidly upon approach.

How be it that there were strangers at all you might ask? It had been the wish of his father, that all might remain with their lodgings, as they had done in his lifetime. Adam had been abroad at the time of his father's death and upon return to manage the estate, had come to find folk numbered in the hundreds. Whether - by his suspicion -many had not long resided there, was not his concern, for Adam would abide by his father's stipulation and great heart. What did it matter, if all were content? And so, he had many to whom he was a stranger also.

One day upon the common, Adam was reclining- so tired from his vigil the night before. His mind was all a’wandering, whilst his heavy feet poked into the grass carelessly. The Pretty Man (which was what he had called him to himself) appeared in full view and sat down beside him, staring out at the great house and beyond. This aroused Adam and he made effort at composure. 

Adam thought quickly of a mental challenge and spoke, "Do you know of the Lord of this household?"

This man to whom he addressed was tall, elegant and full of grace. When he spoke, his words resounded musically and elegantly also. He replied, "Why yes," he smiled, an enchanting smile and gazed piercingly, "I am he" he suggested.

The reply caught Adam unawares, for he was rather expecting to hear something of himself, and now he had discovered that this fellow was some guiley impostor pretending to be none other than himself!

"How so?" asked Adam forthrightly, with a little indignation.

"How so, by what right do you question me?" the stranger smiled.

"Tell me your name, I need to know this at once!" Adam asked, now uneasy.

"I have many names.” replied the stranger, just before he vanished, exactly from the spot that he had been sitting.

"That's it!" Adam did think to himself, "This man is but an apparition; he has no claim, but has been sent by the Devil himself to upset me. I shall wonder no longer, I shall ignore him in future and attend to him not." And he settled down to a nap, straight away without further worry.

The years did pass and in all of that time Adam would be given to view this most strange fellow at seasonal intervals. Neither would speak, for it was Adam's contention that he must be quite dangerous company indeed, and as persuasive a ghost as he ever thought possible. So if he caught a glance of him turning one corner, Adam would take another passage, and if he were given to frequenting the grounds, Adam would withdraw inside and lock his door.

Forty years in all had gone and Adam had aged accordingly. The Pretty Man however, had not; which only affirmed Adam's opinion of him being but a specter and nothing more.
Many of the original folk who had cloistered within, had departed or deceased and the numbers so reduced were as little as fifty. This is probably why the community of his household were ill prepared the day the thugs came to steal and vandalize the great house and its contents.

There had been particularly bad weather over the last dozen seasons, the crops had not provided as well and the stores that had been were largely contaminated. There had been much criminal activity all over the country, spreading similarly to any disease; save that this one was called poverty. Men were frenzied and given to overrun and plunder any estate that did not resist them- in great parties, organized and conspicuous, unruly and becoming deliberately rude and vain from result of previous conquests. Adam was not immune from such attack, and had thought himself spared until that day.

I shall give no account of the details, but rather of what resulted shortly after their departure, for this is more the interesting note of an otherwise lengthy tale.

Adam was understandably dismayed as he purveyed his empty cellar, and examined the ruin and the breakage. He was not a practical man. He had long forgotten what it was to be practical (somewhere around the time of his inheritance); and being so utterly confused by his situation was inclined to give over to despair. He had not the funds to purchase more goods to feed his community for they had taken the money also. When they had raided, they were thorough. The rogues were not to be chased or caught, for simply put, there were more bandits than there were honest men who had resources then, to even enter into pursuit. All was lost!

Dreamland was becoming once again preferable! Even this was much more the difficult with an empty belly and a weighty upset. He grieved for his former wealth, and he grieved on behalf of his fellows who camped beside him. One by one they came and asked for food (for his fallows had been empty for many a year) and one by one they departed his household in search of employment, and a lodging elsewhere. Within the week's end he was utterly alone.

As he was rummaging around the private rooms now vacant, searching for remnants or tit bits, or parcels or remains, he heard a bell in the distance and some chanting, which by the increasing loudness indicated that there was a group approaching quite near to his grounds. He gathered himself together and made for the outer gate to see who might be visiting his now desolate and empty home. 

To Adam's surprise, once there he peered through the openings to find a small group of monks with one large trailer, weighted and covered; and alongside the party one man who appeared an oddity, amongst such a group. The bell ceased clanging, all faces turned towards him, the queer one spoke, "Gentle man, have you rooms to spare, for these weary travelers tonight?"
Adam peered at this group and searched for evidence of food that they may have been carting upon that laden trailer. He hesitated.

"My companions I fear, have been long suffering the cold at night and whilst we are content to camp, I am not happy at their condition this day." the odd man said. One of the monks did cough.

"Dear men," replied the half-hearted Adam, "First I am to maintain strangers to whom my father requested that I unerringly entertain and put up with. Secondly I am to endure bandits who would come to my household and take all that I have to even sustain myself, and now I am asked to welcome yet more strange newcomers who wish to share their grave illness with me, and bring certain death to my doorstep! Can you promise that this will not be so? What plague do you carry? How am I to know that your provisions are not equally contaminated? Is there no end to the impositions in which I must suffer, from all who come here?"

And so saying he turned and walked away from the gate.

Perhaps on another day, he may have made the dutiful decision and bid them entrance. Perhaps, if his heart had not been overwhelmed by that of his own hunger, he might have found charity enough to give what was certainly within his power to give. Perhaps if his faith had been stronger he would have come to know that they carried no threat of illness to his personage, but rather suffered the extremes of the tempests and needed but homage away from the cruel winds. Perhaps too if he had given them shelter and a time to regain themselves, he might have discovered what marvels, verily marvels of life itself that they bore in that mysterious trailer.

Whatever, that was not our story today, as he did surely turn away from the humble party who would not protest his decision. He watched from the tower as they shuffled down the road which led away from the estate, and up into the hills. He watched for many hours, for great was the view from up there on that location - as the party shouldered the trailer's weight and slipped and slid over rock and hillock. Until at last, as black specks in a distant sunset they disappeared from view.

In the half-light Adam ran down to the gate, though he knew not why he felt to do so, and opened it so he could look down that road on which the monks had departed. He was beginning to feel quite alone and with such came melancholy and remorse, which he was now entitled to. 

He turned to return inside; when he saw a sack slumped beside the wall. Within the sack, tightly wound at the neck, was a combination of grains: food enough to sustain him for many months! Oh, blessed finding! Then he realized that this must have been left by the monks, for they took pity on him and could not have him go without. As Adam bore the weighty sack inside, he wept like a child who is lost. 

Hunger had got the better of him. He had sat and stared hard at that sack, as if to ask it if it were indeed contaminated by plague. It occurred to him that it might be better to be consumed by food-poisoning than consumed by starvation. The latter he was more sure of than the likeliness of the first. So he ate and he ate and repented his hasty rebuke of those monks. He wondered what would become of them and he vowed, that somehow, some way, he would make good for his wrongdoing.

The following morning he awoke and felt as well and as healthy as ever before. In fact the weeks before had made cause for him to trim down to but a slight representation of his former self. There had been no perceivable ill effects from his hearty meal the night before and so he sat down to breakfast before the fire, all the while conjuring great and splendid designs for the day ahead. For it did occur to Adam that he might venture after the group and steer them back to his home, that they might recover themselves. For, he did reason with himself, he should go all the faster than they, for they did have to haul and pull that weighty trailer, whilst he might be far speedier on foot. (The animals too were gone.)

He ground some grain, he packed some water, he donned his clothes, with a few extras. He felt renewed in the hope and expectation of finding them. He was a man with a plan, once again!

Down to the gate he sped, prepared for two day's journey. No sooner had he flung aside the great bars, to his surprise and in shock, he saw an old friend approaching. It was none other than that Pretty Man whom he had shunned, on so many countless occasions in the years before. Behind him were many mules, which obediently pulled a cumbersome trailer! Yes, it was recognized: the trailer that belonged to the monks only the day before!
Adam slammed the gate, but so quickly as to block the entrance of that conspicuous man. The arm that followed in after him did trickle blood from the crush of the iron - and upon seeing that blood Adam realized that this man could not possibly be a specter as thought, for ghosts cannot bleed.

"I have returned Adam, make way for my carriage" and whilst saying this he led the mules through the opening, and up into the road afore the first cottage.

“I know not what or who you truly are" exclaimed Adam, whose day was beginning to sour, "but I am deeply disturbed to see that the rightful owners of the property you bear are now without - and I suspect you to have robbed them! Explain yourself or depart!"

"I am no thief, Master Adam, and you must not be so fearful of this servant who will oblige you. Know me for who I am and do not waste words with accusation. I have returned because I must. The dear Brothers who did carry this burden are now wasted and quite dead - actually, now buried. All of the party awoke to death this last night. The chill and the damp did consume the last of their fire and their spirits are released. Move out of the way for I must secure my convoy. We shall speak further, much later when I am done."
Adam was distressed at this news and did not know what to make of it. Who exactly of the two was the criminal? He did not know. He did not care to know. His mind began to hurt with the proverbial 'prick' of the conscience.

Adam retired to his bed. The plan which he had turned over and over in the hours preceding had disbanded, and there left was an unhappy emptiness - he was forlorn.
How long it was that he had slept he did not know, but there at his bedside in his personal chamber, stood the Pretty Man.

"What do you want of me?" Adam murmured feeling much imposed upon.

"I want you to get up from that bed - you have spent much too much time there already - and prepare for the arrival of your guests, for there shall be many." The man did smile as he did say this, and was kindly in such forthrightness.

He continued, "There are many who are homeless and without, whilst you do frequent a house with countless empty rooms. You are to go to each and make tidy and clean and open the windows, that with sunlight and fresh water, they will become once more habitable. Welcome your guests in the spirit of your father, and make known that this home shall be their home as much as any other."

"And what am I to feed them with?" asked Adam wryly. 

"You have fields ripe for cultivation, you have tools and help a' many. These folk shall work, as you must do, and plant the crops and live from the labor."

Adam stared into his eyes - this man was serious, his eyes were very dark indeed and you could sense his seriousness even though you could not reach the depths of it yourself.
He began to take heed of his words, and asked, "And what therefore are we to put to soil?"

The reply to this was: "Why, of course, the grain that the Brothers did leave you - have you forgotten? For this was its greater purpose. And each of those grains shall produce tenfold the ordinary plant! You are most fortunate to have them."

Adam arose and prepared as was instructed. That day he shook the hands of so many men, women and children, as he knew now how he could house them - but there was by the end of the day enough space found for a bed for each one. How it was that they came there, he did not know. He did not ask. But the following day, they did as they were instructed and all were glad.

The harvests were to outlive Adam. The soil remained fertile and produced year after year after year. It came to pass that in Adam's seventy-second year, he did take to bed and wish to remain there for anon. He was disturbed yet again, by his friend, the Pretty Man. 
"Adam, the time has come for me to show you something that I have kept secret from you in all of these years. Would you like to follow me?" His voice was gentle but stern.

"I have come to have faith in you, even though you be nameless to me and though our relationship has spanned the years - much of my lifetime - I am now old and decayed, whilst you dear Sir, are as young as the day I first saw you," croaked Adam, he continued, "I have not the strength to follow after you. Perhaps you could bring it here to my bedside?"

"This I cannot do for you my friend," said the Pretty Man, and then, "Have you come to trust in me Adam?"

"Yes, I believe so, even though I know not why", softly replied the weary man.

"Then I shall take you to this vision" he replied. And so saying, he withdrew the bedcovers and gently lifted the frail but heavy form from the bed and carried him out of the room.
Deep beneath the mansion's blocks and stone framework, were passages which led down to chambers of surprising proportions. This was a place in which even Adam, had not been aware of, for he had understood the cellars to be the only space so provided, cut into the earth. But he was to be carried for quite a way and so far in that the noises of those families and courtyard animals: the poultry, the cattle, the dogs, and the donkeys, could no longer be heard, save a slight echo at all.

Finally they did enter a room which was most glorious to behold. In the style of a most ancient antiquity, it glowed with innumerable lamps, with shining stones a many, which too - set in the walls and floor - did glow also. There was something that resembled an altar, or perhaps a bed which was carved in stone. Upon that slab was the image of a figure, a very large figure, so robed and covered that one could not distinguish the features from the entire form.

"I have kept this safe, as was my duty to do" said the Pretty Man, lovingly. It is your time now, to see this blessed statue, and come to know what it was that in your youth you sought so fervently for."

And saying this, he led old Adam to the altar and gently placed his hand upon the upper chest of this giant form. Adam was past the time of surprises, he was also past apprehension for truly it was time. 

You know that it can come to a man, that he finds a greater joy which so exceeds that joy he had ever known in his lifetime - that such becomes to him as only a part or a shadow of the experience he later finds. It can be such that we may believe that we are intimate with all of the glorious expressions of life's experiences, when later, not only in culmination and extraction but with the true vision of soul, are rightly illumined to such pure essences which life reflects but a hint of. 

So it was for Adam, who had not known joy as he did do on this day, his final day. 
The breath of Angels is sweet and the man on the threshold discards all weary garb. When the heart is unveiled and a man comes to meet the Heavens having fulfilled his due tasks, then he is happy. As all that is goodness in a man is exalted and becomes intensely known to his spirit, who has now the eyes to see. 

Did I mention to you that Adam had fathered a son? Yes, during that time of greater community, there were many goings on and a family was born. Adam had made it known to his child that there was one stipulation to his inheritance: that he may keep all on who are within the household and make his house to be their home also for as long as they would stay.

For there was surely room enough for so many, so many there that not all their names were known.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chronic Fatigue- 12th April 1992

"To be perfectly frank", said the pig to the louse,
"Of all of my closest companions, some are preferred to others.”

ALIKE to a soluble aspirin, when the stomach still burns, all panaceas bleed a man. At times peace of mind may be a compromise. Conversely, despair is as unwelcome as a twelve-foot frog. What is it however, when a man seeks peace? Peace with the turmoil, peace with himself? Does he welcome illusion or mere rest and repose from a world fraught with turmoil? We must ever be stronger, and it is this that we seek- to be tossed and turned like a reed, upstanding and compliant but not bent by the impact, neither crushed nor broken but intact and resilient.

The sufferers of Chronic Fatigue, or more importantly, those who are so depleted as to engage with tiredness and never waken fully into limb and into consciousness, are those men and women who particularly desire peace - to come to know peace, within and without - but cannot reconcile such desire.

An individual may actually live one speck, one fragment out of time- a little forward, a little back, from the present- for such adjustment was displaced by unease and inadequacy at some period of turmoil. Imagine if one drove a car through traffic lights, through intersections, but the reflex reactions to that which must be abided, were a minute too soon or a minute too slack- the near disasters or actual disasters and the nervousness of the uncomprehending driver! Of course, the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue are a little like that of themselves. For the man who must drag himself around the prospects of the day, shall find that his timing of response and coordination is somewhat confusing, let alone befuddling.

Yes, this does seem to be more symptomatic of the Western world. Which is interesting of itself, for here in the western regions, time (as in incremented time) is distinct from a man, rather than instinctive to the man. Degrees of self-consciousness alter a man's perception of time. In youth and middle age of the folk, who by cause arise with the sun and bed with the moon, the rhythms are natural and permeate in time the system within the constitution of the man to whom time is instinctive. Yet now more than ever the Western modern-man has little or no instinct as to the time of the day. By time of the day, we do not mean eleven or twelve, but rather what eleven or twelve of itself does bring into the world. For all regions offer conditions which are best suited for certain activity, and impulses vary between noon and noon just as the light filtrations also vary in intensity, in hue, in gradient composition.

The constitution of a man needs be in rhythmical balance with such daily activity as is sent forth from the stars and does radiate from the prime planets, as it does the Sun. If the conjunctions within a man do not meet with the incoming impulses, then the man himself will become sensitively distracted and depressed by the overwhelming conditions of changeover and missed vantage times.

In other words, his peaks and his falls of receptivity, his drives and disruptions, become 'out of tune' with the days proceedings and impending forces. Therefore, slight enough as it may be, the forces do turn and work in extraordinary ways in areas unfit, on that troublesome constitution. Overall he may suffer what he interprets as tiredness or vagueness in mind; whilst all the time what he suffers most is the argument of a system 'out of whack' out of time.

Oddly enough, the interpretation of time therefore, brings continual preponderances as to premature ageing, rather than the experience of ever renewal.

Of course the question is primarily, what has the notion of 'peace seeking' got to do with such sufferance? Firstly, there is the ongoing crisis of constitution in which the individual cries out for pax to be made, that the system be conversant, in line, in accordance, comfortably regulated and stable within the phases of the extraordinary system without. Sleep will relieve this of course- for that time in which the individual 'steps out' and the rhythms resume correspondingly, accurately for that time.

Secondly, there is the larger issue at hand when one comes to find that the individual is literally captive of a particular time of previous life (the same life), and this period imprint is as noisy and disruptive as a locomotive or a whistling kettle (which we do not recommend: whistling kettles, that is). 

Now upon this point there are two items which require discussion: the definition of 'peace' and a comment upon regression techniques - as is the fashion today - that are understood to be as remedy.

The word “peace” implies a situation which is of balance, whereupon one opposing pole is stationed and fixed by its attending opposite – an answer, a remedy, a fulfillment of a presuming negative, which requires a formula pertaining to its specific. This is one meaning of the word peace.

Yet further on in relation to perspective and to spiritual insights, we can also draw peace regardless of outcome or exterior circumstances from a higher accord, which of itself will answer all disturbance, all disruption, and put such by overview into completion - a complete picture, a complete concept, a complete comprehension etc. For peace is completeness, as well as completion. It is not only to resolve rather than to negate, it is to draw into order (in perspective, in soul, or in quality) and to be so positioned as to be a condition of working with, rather than against- working with, only because one is qualified in perspective to be enabled to do so. In this sense peace is not exterial. When such peace is within all men, then peace without shall follow accordingly.

In simple terms, one may be amongst some unruly noise and exclaim accordingly, "If only I had peace!” Now the means to obtain this in this circumstance could be answered immediately by deafness on behalf of the exclaimer, but of course this is not the true meaning of the answer sought. One might also believe that it implies that the noise itself would cease and therefore bring peace to the individual. However, given that we should be accountable for ourselves at all times and do find some circumstances, however temporary, to be unalterable personally, the greater object is to make sense of the noise and the circumstance and by drawing together some orderly sense and interpretation of the goings on, shall not be perturbed by it at all. This is the singular sense of the word. 

If one sits in a room of people who are speaking in another language they shall find that the irritation experienced is far greater than if the folk were of the same language and easily interpreted. Therefore if conclusions are not able to be drawn and confusion results, the individual will suffer - requiring order, and if that cannot be obtained, cry for what they believe to be peace.

In all individuals there are entire episodes historically, which are carried and burdensome and left unresolved; mainly because of the lack of interpretation as to the importance of that episode. Whether it be remarkably happy or sorrowful, the misunderstanding (or actually the non-understanding) hangs heavy in a cloud around the head.

To the soul, there are pictures of a different nature, in which the soul itself accepts much of life's offerings, and is indifferent in respect to one's obvious reactions. The blockages occur when the soul has not the opportunity to assimilate certain images of circumstance, because the individual himself cannot bring himself to release the experience to the past. This is useful, because it shall make way for similar opportunities of experience to present again; even if they are to be cloaked in differing garb from the original.

However, at times there are considerations when the individual's personality has 'misread' all signs, and is completely static as far as the rendered consideration before him. It is not so much a question of sorrowful impact which cannot be assimilated, but rather that there was a point in time in which the individual was weakened in his constitution (through illness, through conciliatory periods, through poisons without, through personal attack from associates intended or not, etc.) and the individual has come to an experience ill-equipped to comprehend the situation to any degree whatsoever.

It is a little like a spinning top that has been spun off course. The implications here are great, and it would require pages to come to specific circumstances. Also it can be said that there need not be any hard and fast rule as to why some individuals shall be strong enough to remain in good rhythm regardless, whilst others are prone at these episodes to be disrupted. It may in the long term be very much a case of physical disorder in the first instance, even though one is cosmically implicated at all times.

However, suffice to say that the weakness of the Chronic Fatigue sufferer, will directly relate back to a single episode whereupon they were literally 'thrown off course' - albeit in the flicker of an eyelid - and from that day onwards, are out of step with their dance of the constitution and its rhythmical system. They shall identify this instinctively as being quite correct.

Regression is an oddity as regards a subject of remedy, because much regression that is popularly talked-of today is actually forced will upon will by another. Even though there is good intent in this, one can cite that the remedy may often as not, aggravate the individual's susceptibility to future episodes as above described, and it is surely a case of the remedy being far worse than the malady at first.

One must remember that we are talking only of a very slight altercation and disruption to the system. These are not life and death circumstances, even though at times it may most definitely feel as such to the sufferer.

The basic problem of enforced regression is that the circumstance being brought about by the leading and stronger of the two, is in fact yet stimulating more of the situation as described above. For when one submits to another, especially because of an original grief, they are open to all kinds of pictures which may actually be inspired from the one who is leading the regression. In point of fact, the images which often come as regards previous reincarnations are often as not, read directly from the images encompassing the individual who is leading the regression. The other, who is submitting to such condition of receptivity, is drawing from those strong impressions and quite liable to mistake them for their own. Once the impressions have been accepted into the man, they may hold real for the individual, and be picked up again and again by others yet further. It does not refute the question of reincarnation, but is misleading as to proper recall, which springs from reason and direct circumstance rather than miscomprehension.

Is it enough that an individual actually believes that he finds sense in something which was previously an enigma? This is an interesting question indeed - does understanding need a basis of fact or is fable enough?

Here we find there are two concurrent forms of thought on this subject. Firstly, it is true to say that one may glean much from a fable; particularly if it helps one interpret a like situation of equal proportions. There are many such linear interpretations in which we come to the world, and sympathies are based on this means of understanding.

However, there needs be on the personal level, particularly with those who are prone to unstable energies, much reality and desire to meet with it. Instinctively, the Chronic Fatigue sufferer wishes dearly for his smaller world to be a more conducive environment, whilst also, the world at large - and is fearful in both. They become fearful as to foods consumed, fearful as to folk encountered, fearful as to concepts abroad - because of the inherent inclination to be so out of rhythm that their interpretation of everything which is based in reality, is (to a fine point) out of focus, and either in advance or behind, in time, in actuality.

The point therefore is: that they might resume their rhythmical process and resume them well. Remembering back to the fact that those pictures which particularly have not been absorbed by the soul are so carried with us, it is not difficult for them to gaze inward (close the eyes) and go back to that sequence of events (without assistance) and so picture that original off-swing. The real difficulty lies in the fact that at that time they could not interpret the circumstance and make order of it, and when it presents again and again they are further confused as much as before.

One can seek active participation with their soul, and call upon assistance, just prior to sleep, that the matters be resolved. Remember also, that we stated that it was during sleep in which the bodily functions and the entire constitution was inclined to be fully capable of resuming proper rhythms once again. Upon entering into slumber it is most useful for the individual who feels tired by life itself, to consciously desire that all miscomprehensions be made orderly and so resolved, that they are offered up to the higher consciousness, whose job it is to oversee and unravel the meanings of all confrontations and activities. The individual will indeed awake refreshed and unencumbered, although this might require some steady work at the moments before sleep, on more than a few occasions. Also, this being yet one more good reason to consciously review the day just past before departing into the fiery realms, where the greater cognition ensues.

It may all sound too simple, but it should be said that within a man is capability for correction. Within every malady is indeed the possibility for remedy and outstanding results. The fact that a man is so impinged upon by life itself, that their day is tiresome from beginning to end, is an indication that the individual has not the resistance developed to withstand even the ordinary impulses which come his way. To an exaggerated degree death would result, and one must be mindful that this condition is not nearly as dangerous as it is uncomfortable in the short-term. Also, it does happen that a man will come to those episodes cyclically, which enable an almost mirror image of circumstance to re-present and be thus unlocked from the malady at such time, through further understanding. However, it is nonetheless real and consuming, and most difficult to weather. If painfully prolonged, the man shall despair within himself and find to degrees that the world itself presents as unfriendly and uncharitable, confusing and unreliable. It is a wonderful thing when one recovers from such a condition; which, with modern practices today, will ever be on the increase, unfortunately.

Entire nations may suffer, both mental and physical fatigue. It does not assist in good learning either.

Of course, one can also say that the regulated breath techniques and other practices that directly affect the vitalities will make a difference in the degrees of which they pertain to. A man who is unregulated and significantly 'out of whack' may find certain practices useful, but only for the time in which he can consciously maintain such a course. Certainly rhythms of activity, routines, and so forth will obviously help. Yet as an overall condition it shall only be alleviated, until remedied as described.

We should seek to understand rather than close ourselves to interpretation and comprehension; and also remember that a kindly perspective does help when coming to know the true world and its makeover. It is difficult for those who find the pressures of the world too demanding, to wish to make interpretation and complete comprehension of such - even more difficult when it is almost impossible for them to accurately gauge the impressions because of their times of delay and propulsion into impulse and inflow, release and resistance.

So we should all seek to know, rather than to annihilate the consciousness or the development thereof. Antipathy is an extreme, which proves that the individual is ever yet upset within and 'at odds' with complete and comprehensive understanding. Resistance is not antipathy - even though antipathy is by nature resistive.

Furthermore, the Chronic Fatigue sufferer is not in any way more hateful by nature or ignorant than any other. More often, the original episode which did lead to the 'hiccup' may be quite simple, but compounded because of the circumstances surrounding the individual at that point of time. So one does not have to look for outstanding causes or reactions, but rather that momentary abandonment in which the individual fell from perspective into confusion.

There is very little that we take into ourselves consciously and yet all considerations are impressed upon the soul eternally- especially those considerations in which our consciousness participates when it meets the world. Our inner world holds full account and requires order, requires recognition, that we might hold such experience and greet all circumstance with such universal mind, in accordance with universal language.

Peace is not cessation, but rather the coming together of an overview which speaks to us of the true picture, the true reality and order of that which is. We may endeavor to reach this understanding and not be perturbed by our own incompleteness of understanding, be peaceful in the greatest degree that it will be fulfilled, if not now, but in the future. At peace with ourselves - being that larger perspective, that comprehension will come and the path made yet clear.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hold Fast- 1992

NOTE : In no way are we to convince you or anyone, but through assistance we are permitted to make ourselves known. Hold fast and try to keep on track. If the motives are pure, the results which follow will glimmer as dew does on grass - all truths will become self-apparent.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Invasive Entities- 5th April 1992

THE question today is in reference to the possibility of men being 'hijacked', or those parts of men being made use of to the detriment of men. For if one wishes to enter into precisely the dangers at large, pressing in upon men from moment to moment, one must establish clearly the nature of such dangers and concede that this is so. Accordingly also, from what desire would this be?

Primarily all men and women seek to be loved. In attraction, in affection, there are many entities who would, if they could, make rapport with those parts of a man which they might entice or consume - to which the man may be drawn - in comprehension of this being love, with a magnitude and a magnetism similar, but far from the reality of the true impulse of love itself. Even those of the extreme who would submit to a being that they themselves would call the Devil, seek his appreciation and affection, rather than his contempt, for there is a mutual approval in the minds of men, which is irresistible when viewed in this light.

If a man has cause to gravitate to any particular field of impulse, it is because of likeness which he himself has taken to himself regardless of whether or not he is aware of the true situation i.e. that he has succumbed to that which seeks to use, rather than commune.

If a soul is tainted with selfish exploits and is concentrated upon forsaking his own humanity, he shall accordingly come to discover the implications of such. One might clearly recognize the dangers of impure thought and devious motivation, which of itself brings upon certain disasters to soul, all welcomed and maintained by the man himself. This is and has always been the distinct precipice a man may walk: that sin itself is a necessary tutor, but only does it teach when overcome and made transformed. 

However, to the naive soul who is unaware and unguarded, it may come to pass that certain immaturities have led them to a compromise in which they do surrender and make forfeit, not soul or soul qualities, but rather certain aspects of ability within their psychic makeover - their anatomical foci which adhere to certain impulses, yet belonging to very definite spheres. For any being which is not of the mainstream evolution of this: our family of man, could not make use of, or digest that which is a man, regardless of how submissive that man may be. If this were to be achieved, and one could step the bounds of another, then - as with the poem of the old woman who swallowed a fly (I don't know why she swallowed the fly) - the imbalance of evolutionary mixes would be indeed the survival of the fittest, and have long ago ceased to be in question.

One can indeed trace all sins back to their influences which are not of man himself, as he was born indifferent to such impulses. What becomes a sin in Man is that which is not of men. The higher and lofty impulses which compound the Angelic tendencies, are those which fit in truer to what he shall become and conversely, truly is. If it were not already within the make-up and nature of a man to come to these realizations of Grace, then he would not understand the measure and the depth of this possibility. One could say this for sin also; and yet sin is anything but progressive and by nature is a hindrance and therefore gives nothing to men of itself.

A good example is that painting by Hieronymus Bosch, of the various sins being so performed by men.

Within the constitution we have - even within our physical expression - marvelous receptacles for Heavenly (virtuous) instinct and expression. There are centers and spheres of activity pertaining to specific regions of activity and expression within a man. Further to this, there is also the revelation that they shall bring in the said development thereof, an unfolding of such qualities that may one day flow through into a man and be thoroughly emanated, as it were, from a god. That each of these centers be true to plan and true to that which they may receive, wholly. Holy, and wholly! Such is development.

It is not to an imbalanced development to which we refer, whereby a man is artificially stimulated to sporadically endow himself with such a great influx that he himself may not incorporate into his own being. In this instance it is as light deflected, and overstimulation causes periods of void and expiration. Rather that he himself has become intimately acquainted with those forces of virtue which he is equipped to take into himself and with radiance, redouble. We shall not name these centers as chakras for there are many notions about such, which do not adhere correctly to these lower considerations, but shall name them as the true body of man, from which he himself does emanate. Chakric activity is yet one more specific amongst the picture we are trying to establish, and may or may not be specific to the soul of the man, at any given time. And here we come to the twofold aspect of men. 

At present, one might say that a man is imperfect in time; that when one considers all that he has done in the past and comes to view his range of personalities, his off-casts, his Double (more importantly), his legacies of activity, and all of the coats which he has shed in the past, belonging to the past - he has carried into the present some unwholesome and awesome tendencies, such which at first glance, would negate any possibility of them ever becoming collected up in toto and made purified. Yet when one looks further back before time, in innocence, they shall see also something of the original vision which was and is Man, that does correspond to a being who is indeed a celebration of Creation and all of her talents. The anomaly is in the present condition.

That man is even capable of sin is persuasively depressing at times. To some there is comfort that such sin provides much usefulness in the learning, however on larger consideration there are individuals who would choose not to make the connection at all, and rather not be answerable for such, for the indignity and realization is all too great. This is understandable, because progression itself would appear to be a process of making right again, that which was formerly quite correct!

Yet, incorporated in all of this is one of those qualities which was imparted at the beginning of sin: self-consciousness. It is a little alike to the good fairy making answer to the bad fairy's stipulation; more than that, a wonderful complement to He Who has by design and by greater Grace than we, breathed life into we, who are now inspired to live also. All life is inspiration. Respiration, aspiration, inspiration! Further to such self-consciousness, are those components - namely: memory and affinity.

As men and women, we are incorporated within the Being of Christ. Our capabilities may be immature, but our inheritance is kept safe and protected. Beings who would deter Men from their goals so envisioned by Christ, cannot precipitate Christ and take such men into legions of their own. But they may however, deter an individual by one of two ways:

1) By the extraction of certain qualities.
2) By the retardation and subsequent mutation of such qualities.

At all times the spirit of a man is of Christ and within his protective care. But because of his attributed license to go into the larger world and frequent spheres, in arduous passage, Man, underdeveloped and ignorant, may give over those parts of himself not yet fully incorporated within his conscious being; which, though replicated by countless numbers, are individually his and not so easily established a second time.

Although here is a good opportunity to cite the case in the extreme where this might be so, we can say also that the opportunities for renewal do come, and at the forefront of another time in evolution. In other words, these men who have become utterly forsaken and without their attributes of humanity, who are outcast and downcast because their spirit may not be assimilated by those beings who would wear 'their clothes', shall nonetheless become absorbed in yet another evolution beneath this, and at the time of adoption be so incorporated or endowed - as in the animal or Deva kingdom, in a related evolution, and yet separate to where their immediate brothers have thus traveled.

So the implications are still nonetheless very serious indeed - that yes, there are beings who do desire certain composites of men, as men might desire the flesh of beasts or the flesh of men. It does not make for good ecology, when systems are mixed so intimately. 

The physical manifestation of beings that would enter our system as such, are those amoebae of viruses. Not in the form of great spacemen, but rather in seeds of sickness and malady. So much for the physical representation! This is not to say that when a man is consumed to death, having being overrun and overcome by said virus or disease, that he has willingly attracted to him these outer beings. However the predisposition to weakness is yet a reminder of our fragile standing to date.

Activity necessitates further activity, in a two-poled consequence. Each Heavenly impulse of essential cosmic virtue has gradients of expression; whilst also to us and relative to us, has also its corresponding opposite. It is paramount to expression that this be so. It is not as simple to say that what is good in one instance is bad in another or vice versa - it is not a question of philosophy, but rather a law in which all light has its shadow.

A man may summon to himself all measure of impulse - which by the way shall come truly through the affinity of experience, ie. he must become that which he is to impart and impart that which he is to become, and draw upon the well in this manner and by doing so, becomes familiar with the realms which these impulses emanate primarily through on their pathways to here in the present.

Fortunately there are many such pathways the soul desires to travail, enlightened usually by the developing soul. However, in returning to the question of men who are waylaid or hijacked as such, we find that it is usually because these inherent impulses have been turned upside-down, inside out and transmuted with additions which mark and mar the original expression. This is because there are beings all over who do flock to regions of great and glorious activity. Their curiosity is understandable, and in part of that region. They would attach to men in ways that they can, through these impulses - depending upon their own concerns and desires. But those which prove disastrous to men are not in themselves developed in a discrimination that stipulates discernment between that which is unlawful in expectation, and that which is not. 

Now in the case which has been cited specifically, [an influence from Orion] we are looking to the instance of that brilliant fire which is verily both mind, intellect and intelligence; also very much, Man's very own powers of self-consciousness in this regard. By the way, self-consciousness does not only pertain to intelligence as we understand it day to day, it extends much further. Anyway, suffice to say the beings in question are posed to be as an army, who would infiltrate and dominate the minds of men, and lead them into realms upon which they may disrobe their beings and crunch their souls. That appears to be the gist of the question, names aside.

Firstly, it must be said again, what has been said before: that all men have the power to withstand any impingement upon themselves, and aside from this are only a prayer away from help. It is that which a man brings about willingly upon himself which is of any danger to his being and his development.

Yet - you may protest - that men who are ignorant and mistaken (as we all might be at one point or another) are stepping a perilous threshold, because of their inability to discern the truth. "Lord forgive me, for I know not what I do!" The seriousness of such impact and force upon the globe which presses in and showers down, calling to men all promises with mischievous intent - marauders and pirates, whose abilities on certain levels extend in greater measure than the men they beguile - what of the consequence? It is indeed a pertinent question. Is life so hazardous? Certainly the previous text has highlighted the extremes of such interference.

Most men are obstinate. There has been talk this week about certain forms of occultism rendering men stupid, and if this is the case, the stupidity is for the men's own protection, even though it is an offspring of practice and procedure and ill-thinking. There can be hiccups which may rebound over the course of not a few lifetimes because of false roads so traveled, but usually (particularly after death), a man shall see his captors in all their colors, so graphically and with such a shock that he shall once again prefer humanity.

All of those who have been 'milked' of their vital fluids and partaken in activities which invite such intercourse on psychic levels, usually are not so depleted that they cannot refute the course they have established within a single lifetime. The consequences for the globe are another matter; particularly at those times of pivotal importance whereupon man receives an influx of wondrous influences. Streams of beings follow too, whose gates are open (more than usual) to make the activity possible. And this of itself may be disruptive to the matter at hand, whilst also there are those activities being conducted in the larger spheres, so mirrored upon the globe.

Basically speaking there are beings who would and do, give to man and to all else; who in accordance with the true powers which preside within all life, make way because of their being, for greater creativity, for greater expression, of this: all Love. Added to this, there are beings who do not work in this manner, they do not emanate or radiate, but are as the opposite - whether as parasite or inverse magnetism - who see Creation as containment, and know only to draw into themselves, whilst giving nothing freely. The inclination either way is within Man. The choice is there, and yet, still deeper, having the knowledge of the first and greater inclination, he shall go forth to make this realization be. BE. All else is of death. Whilst death has its place- destruction and cessation- there shall not be an unraveling of this: our system or the greater spheres, or of the spirit of Man, simply because those forces of death are empowered with yet a temporary and single-minded perspective.

Again, we might approach here the realms of philosophical speculation as to why there is a 'Kali' impulse at all and how it is that beings may exist at all, so inclined. Yet remember, it was said that they do not give freely - meant two ways: one being cost to those who participate - but also, that they do not choose to give one jot back into Creation. But whether or not they choose to do so, they do anyway. A last laugh so to speak! By merely being, whether as advocate, or devil's advocate, they still give to the system and experience; and necessarily work within laws they may or may not choose to recognize.

The more advanced a man becomes, the more his fiery participation calls out into the ethers and exhibits great activity and so is known. It is no surprise therefore, that undesirous beings should cleave to those most potent and yet perhaps, unstable enough as to waver into their field of influence- not yet being fully developed enough to discriminate. Wherever there is goodness there are perils not far behind. It is not to say that one must frantically seek them out, but be mindful as to their own inadequacies and guarded as to how certain their own standing in development may be. 

Were that a man was as perceptive and receptive to the warnings that his own conscience will bring forth! It is not simplicity to preach ethics and the importance of. It is difficult indeed to make clear, pathways for such development, yet when one looks to certain individuals who are most equipped and powerful and developed in a way that they may be very impressive, and further on to this and that group or collection of like-minded souls, or further on to those impulses which they would endow themselves with - the key is to gauge if they are thoroughly wholesome and correct from an ethical standpoint.

This can be a simple matter, and yet why are there those who are content to overlook those things which do not correspond with true spirituality and expression? They do overlook very bad behavior indeed!- excuse it graciously, as if one area of development will make good for the rest. It will not. If a man is so full of conceit as to believe that he need not review his soul nor those whom he trusts as teacher, then he shall not heed the warnings of his protective and suffering conscience. Esoteric teachers, we might add, are obliged to be reviewed critically for the sake of their beloved pupil who is a part of their influence for the time that they give to them. Whether recognized or not they are accountable in every degree.

The essence of humility lies in this quality as described above: in giving. Now those souls who would choose in their lifetime to give over their attributes of sensibility in order that they may achieve a 'quick ascension', actually believe there is a bargain to be had- i.e. that they might give, so they might get. That speaks to us of the system of false desire and of wicked mistakeness. Were that they were concerned with the evolution of the world and all of its fellows, were that they were inflamed with the spirit of Creation herself, putting all else before herself, that they may carry on never mindful of themselves. Those are the two paths and the two inclinations. So regardless of the supersensible interferences and the gravity and extent of such, the worst outcome of all is that they have retarded their development of affinity by such self-seeking, by such spiritual selfishness. For they shall be so encapsulated and so blind to the possibilities of what truly lies within the motivations of Creation.

Unfortunately, the self-interred soul becomes smaller and smaller and less adequate as time goes by; fortunately, maybe for others however. This is a direct result from those who repel their measures of sympathy and affinity, therefore their charity and humility also. The individual becomes as a ball so tightened; and it is the response of those who are self-inclined but would offer nothing for nothing.

Yet the reality of life is the sacrifice laid down, and to this we must be grateful for our being; to be truly reverent and humble in this fact - of those who do labor for our continuance, that we may experience, that we may be manifest. And not to be ungrateful or forgetful of these great and marvelous expressions of pure Love - that the grass springs up beneath our feet, and does not complain, and the beasts made dumb, and that our bodies do labor also. That only through the Will of the Father and His Sacrifice, His Loving Intent, are we what we are.

There are folk who would seek riches, not only in physical wealth, but greed is greed, and a great attraction for those entities who know greed intimately. You might ask: "Well then, am I wrong in desiring true and proper development?” To which we would answer: that it is only correct that one seeks advancement, as life itself would have it. But one should also bless all others that this be so; and remember too, that not all which is desired and worked upon is won in a day or in bargain.

Therefore, let men seek firstly to be better, that they might serve their Humanity well and begin to repay those of the Host, which truly do care for them and love them dearly without stipulation, without demand, without such cost, and do wish for their betterment and work to assist them so. Let all else pass by.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Orion & the Pleiadians- 6th April 1992

THE resurgence of the Pleiades impulse is as an echo back from the Greek Pleiades dream and its people. Consequently there are many to whom these 'missionaries' speak, who are from that exact period and are in gentle contrast with the examples of those conflicting impulses, then and at this time.

To come to know something of that period is to suggest an era of tranquillity and dreamers. For in such a time of impending intellectualism driving down into that region of the world, there were those men and women who kept to small communities - sheltered in courts where their direct knowledge of the natural world was perceptibly attuned in spiritual affability, harmoniously dreaming.

They did not indulge in wine nor were they promiscuous (in fact, quite the opposite) and held to purity: the Goddess, and were crystal clear within their direct perceptions. They were not seers or magicians - as was more common about town after town - and were characteristically quite beautiful, in refinement, in stature, in composure, in expression.

Many of the Pleiadians returned as Franciscans, Buddhists and Lamas. Their original European standing was an answer to the deluge of cults and cultists, which at that time begat the ancient world (so called). The Muses and the gentler of Mysteries were given protection, for there was much controversy. Darkness loomed upon the greater cities and capitals. Bestiality, blood cults and Roman impact hovered thick within the growing consciousness - these folk were of an older world, who would not be compromised.

Though very young in years, often with early deaths, the party of men and women so linked -almost haloed, steeped in not only a love of beauty and adoration for Creation - made many a friend within the unseen worlds they ventured into and communed with. For this was their bent and their privy. This, they maintained, was their mission: to conjoin the two, and they believed that the fault lay with the inadequacy of most men, by order of their consummate blindness.

Harsh words were never spoken. Within such a group there was no need to enforce peace, nor protest, nor challenge - and perhaps this is why many did not live out a fuller life of greater years. 

Look to the regions where the country meets the sea, where many were driven (at one time) to go forth, into the waves and give over their lives. Their oppression was great, and they, easily startled. For the world of average men and powerful men, became itself as a tide too strong. The jeering they endured, the mocking and the goading, turned so ugly - there was little or no competition.

They were not athletes, they were not skilled, and they did not record their revelations. They made for good beachcombers and artists. They would not speculate, but rather envision. Quite often they would be given to welts and marks, which were said to be hideous - rather though, a result from a sensitivity that was inflamed upon contact with the coarse and the gross. A wave of their peoples would sweep in and out of manifestation concurrently - perhaps because, they refused to make connection with the world of men in general. 

The Orion influence to which you refer, is directly contrasting and opposing to that which was the example of the Pleiadians. Earlier on they may have stood for the pure mind becoming quite active and awakening to the properties of cognisation, which to the large are employed today. With a bubble and a burst, men's minds were fired to a quick, yet cunning spark; and in this outsurge of newly released motivation and evolution, there were those of that camp who despised the older clairvoyance and believed them to be examples of a backward humanity - much the same as the Pleiadians held the common sensory-sensual man to be. Each to his own and each in balance of the other. Both examples were small in numbers and extreme in expression.

When the advancement came for those who would exercise their mind with swords of will, they soon came to find that they could exercise also such skills of mind over their brethren. And then too, became disgusted and spiteful towards all who were weaker than they, and believed that superiority in this sense, was enough of a liberty; false though it was.

They became the bull with one horn - or at least the horns were sawn down and made so distinct and precise. It is certainly a quandary for men who pursue a learned career and become adept in one particular, without such total exercise of soul and depth of understanding to accompany an otherwise brilliant talent. For the mind may itself span many distances out into the beyond, but shall only understand the mind - it will speak in mind-speak, through the man who is so developed. 

The mineral influences with man worked their strongest beginning at that era just prior to the great Roman conquests. The gods were mineral gods and their motivations upon the Globe were a battle of re-establishing relationships; some of which to this day have not been resolved. A man was all the more sensitive to these influences - the Pleiadians were the silver people, those that you speak of (the veritable gorgons) were of the class, of the race, to whom the iron had begat with lead (probably from their profuse use of the material at the time - from cup to babe, from blade to man). The mixes of bronzes held tangible influence, whilst gold did not speak to the European man at that time.

There are many grades of iron, and at that time the iron so used was base and coarse, heavier by weight, shinier by resistance. Most of these men (and men they most usually were) were quite deformed in stature, and so overdeveloped in the frame of the skull to be obviously different, and hideous in countenance. They would have neck and back weaknesses, and often rely on a metallic brace to uplift them. They resented beauty, they resented idiocy - for because of their exterior form they were often mistaken for idiots and imbeciles. (That came later for many of them.) 

They were masters at card games and took sport with those who had not the capacity of mind to make it a fair contest. In subsequent lifetimes their ability of will, which was so coupled with the astute logic of cognition, enabled many to become publicly powerful - and as is often the case, the more that one can 'get away with' the more one is tempted to push and try more.

Yet they were the messengers of that impulse which today enlivens (to a point) the technical cognition of modern man. And brilliant it is, as far as it goes. And necessary it is, and was, however, one influence amongst a compilation of many. There are personal enemies, if one could call them that, of such folk, for they became as bandits and left many a wretched and ill-used soul behind in their cunning exploits. Not the least which were the gentler folk, above described. 

The gods had to vacate at a point where the consciousness was defining down. The focus upon the material world was so narrowing and men were more closely steeped within their incarnating form than ever. In the parting of the ways one can look to all of the various races at that point in time and see exactly how many gifts were instilled directly in man, as never before- because the gods and their influence hitherto could speak directly with a man and motivate much which was physically distinct from their own - because of their indwelling, deep within the metals before the metals were harnessed and forced into sleep.

Gates were closed, and just prior the influences streamed in. Mighty earthquakes, avalanches and volcanic vomits ensued. The metals warred and raged for supremacy, and then made connection with Man himself.

Forces withdraw into distant relationships, the beings whose affinity lay with the predominant minerals withdrew to their respective spheres. The Earth settled down to yet a further complacency, the fluidity was ever more crystalline, the arguments for the most part quietened.

Scientists today are very mistaken when judging the time links to geology, for they go by the rates of growth as known today, irrespective of the enormous fluctuations that do occur and have occurred in the past. 

The etheric world has contained the metals in this the crystalline forms and structure. It is not so much that the nature of any given metal dictates its trilateral formations, but moreover its limitations have been placed upon its being, existence and manifestation. The crystals as treasured, are not only examples of the mineral kingdom transformed and thus purified, exalted and evolved, but moreover the peaceable mix and authority of the older etheric regions that do still predominate the forces within the globe, as the original draftsmen to an accommodating Earth.

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