Does the moon, wear the reflected glory of his greater light? Or does he emanate from his own lamp?
Does the silver fish ride the currents, or does the flap of his palpitations stir the waves into motion?
Do the tallest of trees command the passing clouds to expire their beverage upon them particularly?
Do we, in humility, truly know our own place in this world - or with a child's mind, do we forge a fantasy, which inevitably will disappoint?
The route to knowing one's place, sane, and sure footed is one of humility, and the grasp of humility is secured by finding the Godhead within the souls around us.
We need not revile ourselves, or even that of our own mistakes – but profit moreover, from a steady observance, hope, and imagining of the glorious, spiritual infilling of our brothers, and a joyful respect for the mysterious and grandiose kingdoms that support our beings.
In this, we come to the comfort of truly knowing that of our own place … and it is simply wonderful.
Gabriela de Carvalho |
One of the greatest predictors of the future they say, is the past - and this is most certainly true in respect to the actual past re-presenting in the world, returning to replay a set of circumstances within the gambit of life's forum.
These patterns are most often from the same players, jumping back into life when the cycle returns and permits, and the gathering of the familiar may recommence similarly with the microcosmos that is family and friends.
These karmic interplays occur naturally - however, and endearingly the roles are many times exchanged one amongst the other, and perspectives are then shared and enjoyed within this repetition.
There is never just one right outcome nor win to be realized, but there can be many unprofitable, disruptive and karmically compelling outcomes that blunder individuals back into the fray of such repetition.
This is why you may find that the pioneer souls who have broken away from their racial religious mainframe usually have been empowered to do so from having developed characteristics and soul attributes that have enstrengthened them to the point of resistance.
And a good many souls have gone through these changes to now experience a certain measure of loneliness – a point of difference – between themselves and the familiar and the societies they find themselves in today.
They are not evolutionary cast-offs, but rather it is they themselves that have ventured out and away from prior karmic obligations, having been released due to their knowledge gained and virtues polished, along their journey.
It is as if one travels so far that the guideposts are no longer. The future becomes so vast and wide that the individual experiences displacement: and this can be experienced within their body, identity, mind, and so forth.
Such transition periods have a much broader cause and concern than is realized – and, wondrously, so.
It is said that anxiety is a luxury that the poor cannot afford – and similarly so, the souls who are still bound to their collective will be somewhat content irrespective of circumstance - for their paths are shared and familiar, come what may.
But yet, for those who have ventured beyond, there can be a very natural sense of emptiness, and even vacancy alongside the awe that the open possibility brings.
Christ is here for us during these times. It is because of Him that such changes and subsequent freedom is possible, and when feeling as though we are in free-fall, it is He that can secure us once again.
Free-spiritedness can be many things – and generally genuinely difficult. Our souls are in adolescence, where the spiritual emotions are intense, and our desires exceed our common sense. However, there is a kindly consortium to guide us, a symphony of angelic helpers to aid and consult, and the loveliest of new friendships, soul to soul that will become everlasting from now on.
We have not discarded they who we have left – there will always be remaining connections for those in which genuine love resides, however our affiliations to the commerce of old religion and races have gone. Overall this is a gift to those who have made the break which can lead to future freethinking, individuality, and building the future worlds to come.
For in Christ all things are possible, but without Him, all is but a repetition of what was.
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*Tools required:*
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- *A conversational partner*
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