
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Across the Moors- 26th December, 2023

At the time of the birth of the baby Jesus there were tensions within the world, fractures as it were, divisions - and a malady of war, brutality, idolatry -where temperance had all but died, motherhood and fatherhood were wasted.

Festivals and ritual were dedicated to formidable beings - beings who were visible and seen, familiar in the camps and the towns, demanding, corrupting, and very very present and real.

Lesser gods were incorporated also and usually the deity presented was used merely as a spruik and facade for the demons; for the genuine planetary deities did not walk the Earth any more, and whilst their grace and composure was present in the forces of the World, in tissue and sinew, their living conscious beings would not and could not participate in the physical realm directly.

Every age that one is born to appears worse than the previous, and it may feel to be so, but in truth at the time of the birth - this very special birth - the world was in great peril. For it itself may have lost its soul and teetered on its cosmic path - persuaded by Humanity’s waywardness, reckless to divinity.

The forces of corruption are simple: the demonic forces of destruction are particular to themselves.

Every year following on the cycle of the world has this birth event added into it repeating and enlivening and reviewing what was once. The point of the birth was as dawn in the World where the darkness was evacuated and Divinity illumined. It began with the child who later became a man and then a God.And this is how it will be for every individual so told. We are as an infant and then as a child, and then upright in the human spirit, embracing our inner God.

This is a time for vision and dreaming and refuting the darkness that grips the soul and contests our World: in seeing the sun eking up the horizon and knowing that we have all been saved in time … and although it may take awhile to realise, it has been done.

Through the power and generosity that is Christ, we are whole and impermeable to that which would tear us apart.

Through the majesty, hierarchy, and sovereignty of Christ, we are claimed, we are saved, and we will remain as ever, quite perfect.

Christmas is a time for all good things to recognize one another and separate out from the arcane glamour and treacherous destructive forces. For we have a celebration like no other infilling the expanses of the Cosmos, as the Kingdoms of Humanity rejoice.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Trolls Under the Bridge- 18th December, 2023

The physical body cares for its young and accepts wholeheartedly their infants born, and it nurtures, enwraps, coddles and cradles the young -for it loves and it loves and it loves further on.

The physical body embraces the spirit within -it welcomes its graces and light from divine, and it loves and it loves the combine.

In former times of folklore the trolls were explained as heavyset base individuals who had a propensity for eating the humans. They were not simply barbaric, they were cruel. Generally large, yet small minded, and with no conscience for their captives’ grief.

Trolls became part of fairy-telling for which there is little remembered today; but they were, and are, in existence.

Mortal society suffers them, and there is no good explanation for their being and no light for their path, for they are morbidly close to extinction, having no redeemable souls, disgraced by the cosmos for their actions of the past. A human being without conscience or empathy or warmth is no longer a human being.

Their disuse and dislike of women comes directly from their abhorrence of life, and the life women bring - not only is it an anathema for them, it is a repulsion. It is a sign of the troll as to how he treats women, mothers, daughters, and children.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Inwardly and Outwardly -5th December, 2023

The seas of energetic interplay roll over and under the back-tides of past history.

War is nought but a back-tide and sometimes its force will drag and draw many with it, as it recedes- back the old pathway into the heavens, to become in the world no more.

There are always those who would become kings of fate: they choose to try to attempt to mark and shape a humanity - as with the face on the coin - they would put their face and their stamp as demi-gods or would-be gods.

And it could be said that most tyrants suffer from a physical malady whereupon their own system is overrun with those invading infiltrates - for many times one’s common perception can mirror the physiology they bear. The consciousness often times goes inward, usually in the night hours, and it knows much of what the body endures and if there is a corruption to the body the being of the individual within that body is aware to some extent of the dis-regularity, or disharmony of the condition.

And most naturally we would want to right any ills and restore health to the body that we are in - not always is it fit for purpose from birth moving on - for the physical body in many respects follows its own course. Some speculate that illnesses as a cancer manifest due to emotions of the consciousness within, however in observation this is not the case. It may be that health is aggravated sorely but it would be too simplistic to lay blame in this way. And yet the forces welcomed to both the soul and the body that it is invested in - the cosmic forces - do nourish and maintain the physical frame.

And nightly the soul will peer in, as it were, inspecting or just getting to know the condition of their beloved body and it is not unusual for the physical frame to vary its conditions and to host all manner of ancillary beings - minute in size — communities to their own - that life on life does travel.

And the would-be dictator can suffer an esotericism that takes them into themselves. Extreme egotism can do this also. And the world is perceived as the inside out, as nonsensical as this may be found, it is completely sensical, and this is the point. Sometimes if we cannot look outwardly to the world and its stories and are focused only upon ourselves it becomes that we see the patterns of ourselves everywhere, and even can begin to enact them.

If Napoleon had eaten more sugar he would have been a far different man.

Sugar inspires joviality within the body and without; it devours a certain parasite, it qualms the complaints, it stills the emotions, and it buffers the relationship of ego to body. Sugar takes a perspective outside of the body, and outside of the self for a time.

And whilst it is never advised to over-do or indulge in great quantities, one can understand that it is the action of the sweetness introduced into the body that alleviates the stresses of conferring with the living situation within and without. 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Wild Horses- 26th November 2023

If one has ever seen the Brumbies on the plains galloping in unison, feeding from the sweet grass, muscular, with heads erect, taut, and ready to run … their spirits are not wild- nay they are perfectly aligned with the nature around them … their instincts are as they should be. Their lives are fulfilled, and often as one great body they live and breed.

Why then would they ever consent to becoming tamed as they do, to live a life of subservience, to only run when commanded, to become brittle in bone, and fed on chaff, without the company of their beloved kin, never more to choose for themselves, and then and thereafter generations would be born into this service of slavery?

And so whilst it is a beautiful vision to behold a man on his horse, it is in truth a sad one as well.

Men themselves very easily become as the horse: they may forfeit their true natures and even their breed, to be in the service of another.

Graciously we may serve one another willingly in the spirit of charity, generosity, and compatibility: cooperation is archetypical to the higher realms and this of itself, when willingly and consciously executed is over-lit with joy - however subservience and brokenness perishes yet further the will and the striving, and leads ever yet to an inertia whereby the individual can no longer move forward or back, and slowly but slowly begins to die.

From an early age children are encouraged into compliance by various means and are taught to accept their role in life as being merely one of a group, or of an order, of a predestined future.

But what is really required is that freedom is nurtured within the mind, the will, the soul, and cared for, that freedom is described and shown and proven, where possible. Of course it is not appropriate or wise for a small one to make big decisions or be allowed to go where they choose; however this is not really what freedom is about.

The true spirit of freedom is the acknowledgement of identity: that one is not part of any group.

There are those who say that they favour uniqueness and with good reason they push back against the enclave, and in this struggle they are saying very loudly that they want to be themselves; which may not really be revealed by a paint-pot or a change of name, yet it is the cry for the human spirit to be able to feel the freedom that Christ and Father God has endowed.

There can be no meaningful change in the spiritual realm for the many who are born to conform into ideologies and faith that deny them their own souls.

We are coming to a time where in many ways and many regions this innate sense of free-spiritedness will regain its composure regardless of the outer pressures, and this may manifest in many different ways, but know that this will be the cause of disruptions and seeming absurdities, yet overall and until it shall be.

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Energetic Thinker-19th November 2023

Out from the breaches of the innermost city, scurry our thoughts, in and out, with preponderance, questions and doubt … this metropolis of thought vies for the attention of the soul.

And the inner man discriminates as well as he might in contrast and competition to that which impedes the consciousness from without. It is not a struggle, yet it is a contest.

And only the energetic thinker may succeed within the modern world today.

One might have imagined that the process of thinking and the receiving of thought would have been clarified as the individual gains knowledge of self, and his comprehension grows accordingly. However, the conditions of the outer world have somewhat changed and it is as though the frequencies have been altered.

The bearings of a man (although the same as they ever were) now need to adjust in order to understand and interpret what lays all about him.

And to ask if this has been an organic change, or even one in which the gods have contrived, the honest answer to this would be no, no - this is an interference of sorts.

One often may wonder where has the commonsense gone? Why is it that individuals have lost their bearings when it comes to a simple morality, a plain decision, a generous heart?

And one of the answers no less moderate is that their very thinking has been interfered with to such an extent that they do not know what they know, they cannot see what they see, they cannot hear what they hear.

The majority of individuals within the world are confused and derelict. The light does not shine on morals as it would, nor on the spirit and soul of others, for everything and everyone is a fraction, just a fraction, divorced from their true selves.

And so with what ordinarily would have become natural - i.e. to find goodness in the light and in the food, and to perceive through eyes of knowledge and of love - these natural talents God-given need to be rediscovered whilst walking this world.

In the spiritual worlds however, things are as they are, and have always been, and the difficulties just described do not exist.

Given half a chance the spirit comes to many realizations simply, emphatically, and magnificently and does not need to toil to arrive at the most wondrous portals of further knowledge.

And so this seeping disconnect between the consciousness in worldly life and the consciousness beyond, brings about a certain sadness and loneliness in all.

It is a state of discontent most natural to the problem just described.

And of course the more one leads a spiritual life with contemplations that take the consciousness up and out and into that realm the more one finds their coordinates to truth and to beauty and to wisdom.

The greater picture involves the kingdoms of Man to regain their bearings within the world and to stop the interference coming in from without.

There is a veritable noise that comes from the demonic infiltration sadly … it is not a noise to be heard as such, but it is as a noise that is disharmonious, interruptive, and overbearing.

For the weak-minded such interference is painful and overwhelming and often leads to further corruption.

This topic is not an easy one, but it cited in order that we can understand the difficulties of modern man today when one wonders about the confusion and loss of soul.

There are short term remedies and further on we will adjust. For the while we may steady ourself going forth with honesty as this will give one a firm railing to hold when the bearings are confused; and generosity as this is the work of the heavenly hierarchies (all heaven) when we give to one another in kindness, in thoughtfulness, in sharing.

It is not goodness for goodnesses sake alone (which of course will carry one well regardless) but goodness also for practicality in an environment that is waylaid with the heaviness of selfishness and confusion.

Goodness is not sentimental, nor for winning the favour of the higher realms - goodness is the direct passport into the higher realms - and it is the only way to save this world.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Finding One’s North Star- 5th November 2023

Both bearings and polarities shift continuously within the individual in relation to time and place; and these polarities relate not only to circumstance, but to those issues of health and to strength, resilience, vitality, wellbeing and to also conditions where there maybe too much vitality directed or misplaced inwardly, outwardly, or insufficiently - and added to this, even a virtue can become too much depending on the axis and the polarisation that occurs.

Similarly in life our personal coordinates readjust continuously. That is to say that our destinies are never static: they are dependant upon choices made daily, hourly, and minute by minute - and none of these are ‘bad’ choices we may add.

If a soul withdraws to heaven it is a choice that they themselves have made, and a happy one. However and not forgetting that this does not apply to murder, for murder is not a choice and nor is it karmic, and it does most definitely cut short a plan by which the starry overview has considered and hoped for eons prior to the incarnating individual.

All warfare is murderous regardless of the site so chosen or the falling one.

Defence is not however murderous by intent or action or consequence, yet retaliation without direct causation is.

Death can be confusing to the soul who has hitherto planned a long and good life and had it cut short so.

For every child who has been taken too early, there is an angel to cradle them immediately, soothingly, who delivers them into the arms of their loved ones in the spiritual worlds.

The children themselves are barely conscious in young life and in many respects this is a blessing when it comes to a premature death … for their recollection, if any, is very small, and their knowledge of what has befallen does not mark or mar the individual going forth.

Our physical bodies tremble, and have far more consciousness than is realized.

If you were to communicate with the brightest of the animal kingdom and befriend and raise them and then walk together, and feed the beast … as with, for example, the horse who becomes compliant and then a friendship and an understanding follows - or the humour of a dog with playfulness, and the accord, the shared astrality, the sympathetic resonance, the defensiveness - yes think of the astuteness of an animal you may have known, and then realise that your physical body, the animal body, is far far more intelligent, reasonable, cooperative and literally awake and aware, as it accommodates you within this earthly realm.

Added to this, everything we do impinges upon and within this animal. Our habits, what and when we consume, and then, most subtly, our personal tides of emotion, as well as the higher impulses of striving, of wondering, of virtue.

Our animal body is happiest when we are happy, and it is quick to be sad or inflamed when we are so.

And to picture this animal body with its acquired wisdoms, its working intelligence, parallels many of the attributes a toddler might have. It does not hold a cunning or an observation that extends past the feelings or the nature of the indwelling spirit - it cannot independently operate within the world of its own - but its understanding and its nature and responses do hold a sophisticated intelligence towards the soul within.

There exists an elevated, almost angelic nature, in so far as the body itself gives over to the soul, and its purpose is one of the greatest of cooperation generally.

It can though, just as a rabid dog in some circumstances - particularly with those of addiction or severe astral impairment - turn upon the soul within and be in conflict.

Remarkably, surprisingly, and confusingly and wonderingly, the very bodies of animals can be viewed in a similar light - in so far as they host a spiritual being who is not fully incarnate or representing themselves completely in the world - and there are two coinciding intelligences.

Physical matter of itself is the most mysterious to be had and it becomes ever more mysterious when it is imbibed with warmth and movement dancing throughout life in cooperative force.

And there are ever yet more distinctions with the interactions of a tree trunk, tree leaf and breeze and bird; insect and flower; sunshine and bee and blossom - it is not a linear relationship - and quite so also in relation to our health, our physical health in the world.

None of the things that we take into ourselves in the form of medicine and food works within us in just one particular way. Not only is quantity and quality and pedigree of importance, but also so do the coordinates of time have a bearing in relation to the spheres and their influences, the seasons and so forth - affecting the animal body and the soul - and all of these things change throughout the day and the year.

And whilst certain habits can provide a strength to conform with, it is most remarkably true to say that every individual will react at different times to different things in different ways accordingly from one another.

And so the role of the physician is never absolute. In relation to food and medicine we are always pleasing two masters: both the soul within and the body without.

The physical body generally has great instincts as to the foods it would consume and often the consciousness of the indwelling individuality can experience through the body what the body tastes etc but can be partial to its own likes and wants and needs because it is collecting subtle forces as well from the experience of the food - unless of course it has little value. And in this circumstance the understanding is not entirely mutual. But there is the possibility of the occasion for the individual within to ignore the needs of the body - this maybe for sleep for example, and in this circumstance there is a measure of hardship which follows.

None of ill health is to cast blame for the discord experienced or the failure or the breakdown of the body itself. There is a saying: “we live in an imperfect world” and it is most definitely true that this physical world is evolving and improving and adjusting in a most wonderful way. It is because of this evolving that we often come to an impasse - a conjuncture - where there are opposing forces or conflicting circumstances and the physiology breaks down. This is by no means a fault of the body or the soul: it is a consequence of living.

If we wanted permanence we would walk as spirit, but this remarkable etherial project of the physical world has many more mysteries that we at present do realise. Its prospects are so exciting because the collaboration of the realms and the various participants is an orchestration of Creation that has not been cosmically witnessed before: where the many beings of the hierarchies mix and mingle participating together with a sharing of experience like no other.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Great Ones- Onward & Upward- 29th October 2023

The Great Ones who went before us: those who travailed the world, who tried with all with an intent that ran deep and wide - those souls that came in whose hearts were open to Humanity, whose vision reached far enough to see beyond the mundane and perceive the possibilities for each and every individual within the earthly plane … those with hope and with such foresight that gave them the verve and vigour to continue forth day after day, eon after eon - they, these Great Ones, are still with us.

Such souls who are invested in their work and in their hopes never really leave the world after being here. Whether departed now from the physical realm, they may be many planetary spheres away and yet still be so attached by their gifts and by their pain, by their effort, that they have forever a window into our lives currently and beyond.

And these may be many types of individuals who have laboured in various fields lovingly for the betterment of all. For this is the key primarily: that the desire for such advancement is not personal or private but is that which is one, broadly speaking, on behalf of the Human Spirit.

Just as Nature versus Nurture is contested, so too there are questions as to the pedigree of human souls and their influence, their advancements and their opportunities. But in truth we are only as good as we become, and are.

Many of the Great Ones have become so by their own deeds and by what they have proven to themselves, and to their inherent compassion made manifest.

By and large a pedigree (if such thing exists) would count for nothing if not enacted upon with courage and commitment becoming a worthy vessel for the universal light, for the blessings of the divine, being steadfast with this, throughout the duration of one’s life - upright and committed to being goodly and Godly, loving and wise.

And some are fortunate enough to feel this interior passage which connects one and all to those who have gone before, who have pledged their lives and their thoughts, their pursuits, to the greater spiritual trek on behalf of the many.

It may be but a fine differentiation as to what is personal advancement and what is done on behalf of all - but it is in this aspect of willingness to share, of a greater desire to participate with an openness for the many to benefit in the consequence of one’s own strivings.

This therefore will give to the world and allow for other souls to perceive keys into wisdoms that may have been kept solely and soully to one’s self otherwise exclusively.

If one does not consciously choose to share their advancements then they are closed off from others understandably, for at all times we draw certain parameters by which we live by - however for the student of the esoteric it is clearly defined in the who’s who of schools, if you like.

Names of organisations have little to do with the interior truth but what is evident individual by individual is the light that shines upon their heads that the seer could perceive most readily. It is whether or not there is enough love in their heart for others that they wish and will the truth to be for all and not just for a certain few or for themselves only.

This is a sublime difference and over time (perhaps many lifetimes) it builds, and for the souls who have taken to themselves the plight and concerns of the many, these dear folk will be given opportunities further on to do just what they desire and this may be physical opportunities made manifest in the world or spiritual opportunities that come to them through greater teachers suitable for their instruction.

Heartfelt and as simple as this may sound it is perhaps the most vitally important signature one can carry; it is the difference between great and greater, the wholesome approach that would incorporate everyone and see each shining soul come to peace, to light, to wisdom, and furthermore in their own time and in their own way.

This is not a dictatorial pledge, it is one of an open-hearted giving, a thoughtfulness, and a kindness - that is all.

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Windfall- December 2013

The Windfall

a Meditation

To the Masters who have stepped 
the starry paths before us 
and returned back into the World
with their gifts from abroad 
with pictures and tales of future men
having travelled ahead on the spiralling road. 

For their encouragement 
and constancy
to ever stick by us 
ln the quiet, in the sterness 
through the tides of time they steer us …

With the pulse of one and the Will Divine 
our teachers of Men 
believe only the best
will remake ourselves well -
with the fabric of soul 
the Cosmos spins all 
and the hopes of good men, 
with their work in the World. 

We give thanks!

The Distinction- 22nd October 2023

There is always a question of intent with regards to a character of brutality, of evilty, and that is: is there a difference between a quick ‘clean’ death caused by another, or one that has incurred a suffering, whereupon fear, pain, torture, cruelty, and delight in such cruelty occurs?

 … The question goes to asking how much does context matter in any transactional death, and what of intent of purpose? Are there grades, are there levels, within this and what are the effects ongoing? Added to this we may bear in mind that children suffer in many ways and it can be through death in war, but also by the loss of their beloved parents - ultimately there is suffering with children during times of war.

There are so many aspects to consider during such times of peril and hateship, this morning the topic is of intention and delight in cruelty - for it must be said at the outset that if a soldier or a combatant was purely exacting retribution or reclaiming land or property, death alone would suffice. But if they are lascivious in the sport of torture and the emotions are exalted (or degraded more aptly put) into a frenzy of a heightened pleasure from the misery they are creating then surely this is a far different act than simply a causality of death itself. And as difficult as this maybe to contemplate, it is we suggest, a very important differentiation and something to consider going forward for the days and months ahead.

It is not to say that death in war is acceptable at all, however, there are grades of consequence to battle practices. When the devil enacts in Man his motives are far different to what is said: words, intentions and actions do not align. And whilst the mischief is largely for the purposes of chaos in its simplicity, a deeper darker design does often coincide with an intent to stain purity - to mar and mark what is good and Godly. And this attack can be on the soul, it can be to a country, it can be of those of faith.

A deeper consequence of the actions of torture is that the act itself rebounds into the astrality of the vicinity where it occurs and remains. It is not something that can be cleared away with the morning sun or dew. The astral permeability is a constant record of the harrowing and terror, and sadly its ghosts remain. And so this goes to a deeper issue whereupon we have men that act within the world justifying that which they do, and yet being unaware or uncaring of the ongoing consequences of their affiliation with the devils who travel beside them; such beings that they have invited to themselves purely by the hatred in their hearts and the actions they command.

It can also be stated here that the characters enacting these atrocities have degenerated over time; having began eons ago as clean simple souls - all of them living lives in paradise with no more hardship than perhaps hunger and disease - all of them, every mortal soul started out in the early stages of evolution with a quiet life and an angel beside them. But what you see today cannot be called a regression, because a regression for the human soul would be bringing one back to a state of perfection and purity.

It is however degenerative with the individual becoming less than what they were: for that which is good and holy has left the man. Added to this the heavenly helpers who would otherwise be accompanying and advising can no longer stand the presence of the torturer. At first the angels are ignored by the merciless and then shut out as their light upsets the devils equanimity … and then they are so offended with their conduct that the heavens retire away from them - they have not the power to withstand the ugliness before them nor the permission to approach. It is only the strength and mercy of Christ that saves them thus far, for He alone has the faith and He alone has the heart and the power to endure them.

There are actions that one can take in the theatre of the world and intentions one can have that disassociate from Humanity that will disinherit one from their rightful place along side the men and women and children of the greater society. Cruelty is a betrayal of a much deeper variety it goes beyond what may be perceived as the necessity of war. Personal cruelty is never needed or justified or warranted, and yet to some the delight in this will take them to the threshold of no return, for even after death, their own death, when they themselves will suffer time and time again that which they have inflicted from the others’ perspective, even then for most, their souls have been forfeited abruptly, and irrevocably. And this is a sadness for the heavens, a complete sadness, for the element of such destruction of soul is pitiable to all.

From Christ we are asked to love one another - these problems of course were evident during the time of His great incarnation, before, and beyond. And yet coming forward to this time now when the consciousness of Man has in many respects matured, there are opportunities given to every soul during this period - from then to now to heed His direction. Every soul has a character which chooses to respond decisively and there is no excuse ever for those who have chosen to find delight and actually take pleasure in the hardship and suffering of others. 

During these times of judgement the emphasis should really be upon each individual and their choosing, for the perimeters before them are being set right now in this present time. Woe to those who would cause harm to another - be it beast or to man - that to take a devilish pleasure to themselves for an intoxicating gratification short-lived and yet with eternal consequence for their own being.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Nuances & Gathering- 15th October 2023

Our Physical World is elastic to change and porous to possibility, and in relation to its influx of energetic transformation it can be said that this by and large, affords many blessings from Heaven that are enabling the world to breathe deeply the vapours it so desperately needs.

The people of Humanity are primarily first and foremost spiritual beings. Their souls are strong, their vision is high-reaching, and the nuances gleaned from Spirit determine every feeling and every striving that there is to come.

The inherent design of Creation is astoundingly perfect: and the infant man or woman embodies the heavenly aspect and the seed of the future, with grace, charm and humour, and much striving - for it is an effort to incarnate, to become.

And as the will directs the individual they are accompanied also by invisible guardians who help prepare and protect, to navigate the futures as they present.

And our Christ is there before us, His immaculate being, His full generosity, His encompassing Wisdom, His creative vision, His unassuming kindness, His direct and perpetual forthrightness - there He is in simplicity, and majesty - and He is there for all of Humanity.

Souls fly in and out, and all experience a great reluctancy when it is time to depart - even the suicide hesitates, and with the pictorial passion does not wish or want for extraction.

Such a mystery it is: for the physical world is something of a labour, and lacks the ease of those realms of the ethers and beyond; and yet the starry complex here is unlike to any other - there are doorways to new possibilities, meetings and matchups, whereas the heavenly worlds do not enter the possibility of such.

I may forge a friendship here briefly that can continue on for an eternity.

The connections made within this world are potent - promising of the greatest wealth there is for the soul. They enable us, by the nature of those to whom we connect with, to be able to hold keys for further realms of place and understanding.

And so from this one can glimpse the extraordinary possibilities that arise from having life within the physical realm. Everything that we come to, every experience, substance, light-filled joy, every other being and human being - we are there to exchange our calling cards with - we are there to share ourselves with one another - and with everything that moves our spirit to quicken and respond.

Every plant, every tree, every creature, every bird, every essence of place, of country, every child, every person young or old, every handshake, every warmth shared, and yes, even a combat in war.

All of this that goes to the experience of life within the world which continues on in possibilities and further meetings and connections in life to follow - not only here, but also in the spiritual realms forming relationships that are lasting, evolving, in place and with person, with being - forever on.

And specifically too, if we consciously call upon our divine companions for help and assistance with permissions and allowances (in humility) to walk the road with us, then they too can have lasting relationships with that which we have come upon … and also too, we may forge yet more friendships and collate yet more of the higher beings from our spiritual companions therefore and from then on, who will have permission by us, from us, with us, to us, to meet again … and some may stay without departure - for that is the nature of the heavenly worlds.

Our connections are not separated by time or place - it is extraordinarily complex - and yet the sinews of being entwine with that which we know.

From this we can see that no life is wasted and the benefits and bounty of worldliness is as the greatest of treasure hunts. Souls who are about to incarnate know this well and anticipate great findings with an abundance of enthusiasm.

Souls who have left the Earth return back into the spiritual worlds with many treasures and blessings that will be lasting for them. Eagerly they sort through each in review one by one.

This is a different reminiscing of sorts - it is a gathering: of virtue, of properties, of friendship, of experience, whereupon the individual has increased. Wisdom is found in many forms and surprisingly it can be from outside of ourselves in that which we have come to know, and in the living friendships that continue on. 

Digestion & the Pear- 17th September 2023

Carlo Crivelli 
There is a special element carried upon the fragrance of the pear; or for that matter, the lychee and any of the other paler fleshed fruits. One knows the elegant properties to be had - that even though their fragrance is neither pungent nor prolific, there are recognisable qualities … ones that do not scream at the senses, but rather gently delight and invite them to a higher experience.

For we are transported by the virtues endowed in such fruit, and can experience the etheric presence that stands at the gate of its very physical being.

And it must be said also that whilst fruit maybe warmed or cooked, the properties acknowledged here are not the same once heated, differing remarkably from the fresh expiration of the scent, or the flesh from a healthy raw and perfectly ripe (but not over-ripe) example.

Yet whether or not we can actually smell the fragrance the effect on one’s being will remain the same - we shall benefit from its virtues purely by being in close proximity to this wondrous ephemeral fruit.

The classical oil paintings of the past representing a bowl of fruit acknowledge this with a celebration of their kind, for the mysteries of their properties were perceived somewhat more vividly than our present day allows. For the modern man there is a cascade of experiences overriding much of the more gentle perceptions.

Nonetheless the fruit still speaks to our etheric nature and to the higher wisdom of our beings, and we profit greatly from such discourse.

The fruit bowl in the house or at the bed of the sickly is as profitable and health-bringing as the flowers … in many respects, far more so.

And so there is a twofold experience whereupon we can enjoy the having and holding for a brief time and then the consuming to follow. Much blest is he who may have a piece of fruit in their home close by.

The spiritual nature of the pear is cheerful, with grace and peace, it represents a noble life. For the burgeoning fruits are a direct produce from heaven itself - they are literally living representatives, emissaries, of Spirit in the present day. And whilst of course we are all that ourselves, and every living being so called is also, they are bringing to us a pure connection that is divorced from other aspects such as a lowly astral nature, or an earthly characterisation heavy-set with difficulty and trial.

There are many chords to our being, and the fruits are definitely the cheerful ones - and one may know this by their experience of them.

The eating of meat can fortify one’s astral disposition in relation to incarnating within the World … it can strengthen the bonding of the physical 
body to the physical existence in ways that the incarnating soul experiences the world with a deeper connection and a stronger concentration within that experience.

In many respects, whilst it is not the opposite to the eating of fruit, but something far different, it still entails a completely different process and digestion, experience and effect.

To look at a human being one might imagine that they have one digestive tract leading down to one stomach and intestine and so forth and that the consuming of foods, medicines, herbs, plants, properties, minerals, that all of these things have but one digesting process, and are assimilated without difference. However depending on the nature the property, the characteristics of the substance and sometimes without there even being a physical substance, our bodies and beings are digesting differently according to what we consume.

There is not just one process, for the reaction is also of the whole organism; and of the character of the man or woman, the soul of the individual, the integrity within, as it meets with that substance.

The digestive process is not merely a breaking down and assimilation as is organised within the physicality: the digestion is a two-way twofold interaction involving the nature of the substance and the nature of they who would receive it. It is personal, intimate, vital, complex - a synergy of not only property, but essence. And although we consciously are unaware of these very intricate combinings, we are experiencing them on many levels within, and without daily.

And not only may we profit by such interactions, we also help and harmonise and give over to that which we have taken to ourselves.

For the substance lives for a time through us, experiencing by us the journey in this World. Everything and everyone advances together.

There is a profound curiosity about this World which eagerly drives Spirit to explore more, and find out more about its mysteries.

If you were to converse with a potato or an onion you would find them to be rather sombre fellows. Their natures seem older than they are.

All life, every tree and plant, holds a measure of excitement to be here.

Quite often threats, concerns and discomforts override the human experience sadly, that otherwise is pure joy in manifestation. Ordinarily and quite naturally within the natural world the experience of being is celebratory and revelatory.
It is with the enthusiasm (yet much more so) of those who have tickets to a main event looking forward to the season it brings where they may hurry in and procure a seat. It is with such excitement that the kingdoms of Nature rush into this world to seek out its cycles and experience life here for a brief yet cherished time.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Moments & Memories- 6th August 2023

The question about memories is very interesting because we may ask: are memories faithful representations of what has gone before, or are they in fact our impressions of what we have experienced? There is of course a very great difference between the two.

And given that, we can go further to ask if this is the case also for truth, and for wisdom, and that which is learned from experiences?

If one were to think upon this and reflect sincerely, they would find that in all of these instances we have but a personalised representation of that which we recall and state to be true or have known to be true.

Now that is not to say that our person touches the reality we are fixed in - for although it may reside in occupation taking space for a time within a reality, and may determine the change of fate or karma therein, it does not however ever create an entire reality of itself.

There has been a question in modern times of alternate universes, of multiverses as it were, co-existing parallel to one another, playing out differing perspects of time. As we have mentioned afore, the future itself holds every alternative awaiting that we may choose. All is laid out in the spiritual context before it is manifest. However, these are but fragments of possibilities and are not cohesive places that one could visit or permeate, they are alike to a series of transitory flashes, as glittering light twinkling on a sea.

The continuum of time lives within the soul: it is a twofold gift comprising of one’s own story and the thread of the tapestry. The soul loves what it sees, with everything the light of continuity shines upon. The soul of the individual embraces an entirety and wants to know, wants to love, wants to experience - and thrives upon doing so. And even in the harshest of times there is still this relationship of exuberant exploration.

Physical circumstance is difficult, it tries the best of us at times, and tempts, and tires.

The trials and hardships of the body are demanding and yet also with the greatest of grace. For the body thrills to be infilled with a soul and a mind and emotion; this experience is as the warmth of sunlight upon ourselves. Through the tendrils of our astral connection the body is happy when the consciousness is present, and only truly rests when the consciousness has left, either in sleep or with death.

If one were to view the cosmic interplay of life for what it is, and how it goes, they would firstly see pure happiness and joy.

This is the marvel of nature itself and of the greater universe: that its currency is both the exultation of God and the absolute joyfulness of life and in living its measure moment by moment.

A Blessing- 2016

The gracefulness that is love,

Brings the light to life,

And the Spirit into being,

Celebrate, commemorate,

And know that by this blessing of blessings,

The World and its Heavens,

And all the mighty engines,

Are replenished by this moment.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Preparing for Death- 23rd July 2023

Life is kind, life is sweet, and death, dear death, is sweeter still.

This is the home to which we all will go - the marzipan* and the willow switch* - the sunlit shadow.

Where every striving will bring forth its reward, and with one’s release comes also the satisfaction of living one’s life will be known.

Time cannot penetrate the heavenly regions, and mysteriously, completely, we are not only united with those souls who have past gone that we have cherished, but also it is as if immediately that we are with our dearest friends and loved ones from the here and now living in the physical world also.

For during their sleep they transport to us ... especially when grieving they are drawn to thusly, and there we continue on as before with our connections and friendships and family - being a conduit thereafter to both the past and the present.

They gather to us, and although those within the physical world mostly cannot recall these nightly meetings, and needs must continue their lives still so, they have the nightly peregrinations which take them to they who have departed.

For the heavens celebrate the bonds of life so loved, and as natural law they ever seek to join and co-join one another.

Rest assured dear soul that truly a greater life awaits - one that is without pain, struggle or solitude.

This communion of life is the ultimate good fortune won by effort and kindness and kinship that is personal, significant and resilient - this is the immutable way - that we go to a greater life from life, beyond the constraints herewith.


* On Marzipan: For it is in Lubeck, an island in the middle of a River, quite close to the Baltic Sea—that a strange myth, concerning the invention of Marzipan, has been propagated. According to the bare bones of the story, Marzipan was invented in Lubeck in 1407 during a Famine, or Hungersnot so severe that all there was left to eat were some almonds, eggs and sugar. When these three ingredients were combined, so the story goes, Marzipan was invented, and the villagers (presumably) escaped death at the hands of the Hungersnot.

Indeed, by implication, the Marzipan could be said to have saved the people of Luebeck from hunger forevermore, thus constituting a miraculous substance, not unlike the breadtree explorers dreamt of transporting across entire oceans, or manna flung down from Heaven.

**The Willow tree was often a symbol of Death.

Monday, July 31, 2023

A Divine Countenance- 30th July 2023

The portals to behaviour are many and varied and yet most individuals choose but a few, and prefer these few throughout their life in repetition and with familiarity.

And then it is that some behaviours do not have portals as such, but rather they come directly from what would be an arterial vein if it were a vein, from the heavenly character itself. And so the grace which is sincerity, charity, kindness - these things which we will name a'further, do not require additional sheaths as it were, of presentation or characterization.

In other words an individual can either behave in a way that is characterized of, and by themselves, or they can actually behave with a heavenly grace that is characterized with a divine countenance.

And so our interactions with others depend on not a few circumstances for which we may choose one above the other.

Even the saintly individual who is complicit, who is honest, who invokes their manner according to having a good character, this individual still requires a set of superficial behaviours as well, and will often utilise the lesser aspects depending upon who and what comes their way.

For example: most of us enjoy our own company, within our own thinking and being; and the more dutiful or honest an individual has become, the more this is to be true ... and so when such a person finds themselves in the company of others who they do not meet minds with then, or understand their spiritual perspective, they are compromised from the outset. It is a difficult relationship to be had when one person simply does not understand the other.

Ideas can clash literally, even in the ethers before a word is spoken. And so perhaps it is that the most honest of souls finds this contest difficult and can revert into behaviour which is somewhat disingenuous because of the circumstances.

The only other alternative in this situation is to be perfectly quiet and say nothing at all, however, even with this the ideas will still clash above them and the contest will be very real nonetheless.

Now with all this being said it would appear that interactions are difficult even at the best of times, and yet this is not really the case insofar as people enjoy these confrontations, particularly on a spiritual level where in truth such communications are taking place all the time, in lively ways. It is our nature to love such energetic meetings and cooperative ventures.

We may briefly converse with a stranger, or in lengthy dialogue - we may reach out in conversation to someone who is not in our physical presence and converse in spirit speak, and that too can be a fulfilling and very real back-and-forth on a higher level.

Returning to the arterial dialogue where a person speaks from the spirit directly in a genuine and unfiltered manner: if two people can achieve this at the same time then there is love experienced between the two. There within this interaction becomes a sense of that very moment in the present where heaven meets heaven.

Often that moment can be within a loving silence where the spirit dialogue meets - it can be at the bedside of someone who is ill or caring for another - or in the sunlight, shared in the warmth of the day - it can occur where two are thinking at the same time of one another despite there being a distance between.

When we speak to those who have departed and the honesty is raw and the expression is real, and they hear us, there becomes also this sweet timing, and the blessed sense of heavenly purpose.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Steep Incline- 2nd July 2023

Fortitude and resilience are the two qualities, the two strengths, that assist the wakeful spirit in every activity about.

Added to this there is a tensile strength which holds a particular quality peculiar to itself.

And so we have:

1. Strength
2. Resilience
3. Tensile Strength 
4. and then lastly, the fourth quality to consider is motion/as opposed to inertia.

Inertia, from a spiritual perspective, is literally the cousin to death and often precedes the arrival of death.

This does not have to mean a physical death departing this life, but of course it is an indicator and precedent of such ... but moreover those forces leading to the dissipation of any such thing as a thought, or behaviour, a desire, a relationship, an aberration, a health issue and so forth.

The checklist tells us definitively how something is going when we ask ourselves do we have:

1. Strength
2. Resilience
3. Tensile Strength
4. Motion/not inertia.

Spiritually speaking we can look to how one may acquire more strength itself - whilst remembering also that all qualities begin at their source: one needs to acquire spiritual strength if they are to have robust strength within their will or physical body, or thought, or morality, firstly.

Strength improves with repetition - it is percussive - it is why the army will march to a set rhythm drawing in more strength with every repeating beat of footfall. Equally the repeated mantra or prayer will bring in a certain strength that gets more incarnated into being with every repetition.

Exercising can begin with the tapping of a finger in a repeated sequence - for it is the repetition that brings the strength even though the movement facilitates or enacts and feeds the tissue, it is the will just repeating itself that casts the etheric energy into the mix and fortifies the whole.

Resilience enables us to withstand and tolerate the forces all about us - without resilience we would literally fall apart. It is the power to be oneself, and the ability to remain oneself; and in many respects most individuals are lacking in this coherent shield by which we maintain our personal identity, thought, selfhood, sensibility, reasoning, physical structure, etc.

Resilience is a wonderful quality which again is primarily cosmic, beginning with stepping back, stepping away, rather than engaging with something we instead pull back just far enough to get out of its way, but hold it still in plain view.

It is a shift of perspective and the motion to retreat, to separate, to absolve oneself, and if necessary, to remove oneself, from a condition or situation. It is fluid, responsive and adept to adapt. This quality is improved with humility, for humility is the spiritual precedent and kernel to such an adaptation as is resilience.

Tensile strength proffers a quality of elasticity and a combination of the first two qualities becoming now something that is yet separate again: to be strong with humility is perspect to the divine.

Lastly, motion/not inertia: motion of course precedes repetition and is key to all action. It becomes a chicken and egg consideration to ask which comes first: the motion or the will to drive it? Or is it the will merely riding it?

Nonetheless we never really do more than channel the motion itself - not one individual actually motivates anything at all of himself. We are as infants in toy cars as far as that goes ... science may pretend it can captivate forces and compel them, however they coerce them at best and only then for a time, and only if the greater Will permits. In truth not one of us compels or invokes the powers of universal motion outside of our own small sphere - no, we literally ride waves, and for this we need to be synchronised to the heartbeat of the life around us.

And so lacking in motion i.e. inertia, is symptomatic of one being out of rhythm in general.

This is why in spiritual science so much attention is given to the cycles and rhythms, and maintaining practices that coincide with these repetitions. In this way we may gain a personal momentum that can carry us well throughout our lives and beyond.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

From the Highest Perspective- 25th June, 2023

Freydoon Rassouli

The highest perspective is not always ‘top down’ but one that can incorporate and reconcile often unseen or extraneous elements, which may be of time, or of place, or of plane, and so forth. And of course wider perspectives, loftier insights, experience gained ... these lend some predictability to one’s thinking, adding to the gift of foresight.

And this form of predictive comprehension is precisely what a baby comes to develop with their awaking consciousness - a predictive foresight where they may gauge with reason an expectation of something outside that of their own longing, those happenings in their day, and this becomes their anchor in their small lives proceeding forth.

And then there are periods of worldly life where such change enters in - either to the economy or country - more specifically change itself in spiritual causality and this is something that the consciousness could not have readily foreseen ... and the highest perspective during times of catastrophic change takes us to a place of peace: the soul escapes the tumult of that change up and out and into the quiet - the Angelic resonance, the Christly illuminated mind, the love that cradles our own central space, the peace that is untouched by time or its controls - the ineffable, ephemeral sweet home within us.

Yes, when conditions become so ‘out of hand’ and beyond our determining, there is this peace to go to, that is the highest perspective of all.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Over the Hills-18th June, 2023

There is a quiet sense of humour beneath every circumstance, every event, and every being in existence. For humour belongs to its family of virtue whereby life is swiftly inebriating that which it infills - and bestowing heavenly qualities of vim and fervour throughout.

The Holy Spirit is humour personified. The words: ‘it can’t be, yet it was, here it is” is a process of the magic of rapid change and manifestation. With humour we are compelled by surprise and then taken into a different space ... something appears that was not hitherto before, and as a divine example of penultimate copula - there is humour.

And even when we are overwhelmed with dire circumstances it will be humour especially that may save the fragile soul from despair. And within this there becomes also both incarnation and newness arising.

There is most obviously the mirth of little children to whom all things are new and appear ridiculous to their sensibilities. The unexpected gives the mind a shock however this startling is also enlivening sweeping away the dusty mindset and former presuppositions of bias and control.

For stability is but surreal - the worlds are ever changing, and with that we truly are the children of the universe, happy and excited to see what comes next.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

On the Other Side - 11th June 2023

The sheath of life is a membrane that does not separate one world from another, but rather enables a particular exchange to pass through it, backwards and forth - it joins the realms - and affords a certain passage of continuity to occur. 

And so you can understand from this that a membrane is not as a wall or fence or obstacle per se - it is an enabler - and meant for both to coexist, and allow for this and that, back and forth, and so on. 

In spiritual terms last century it was referred to as ‘the veil’ when a medium could perceive something of the souls who had dissolved their physical bodies and relaxed into their more familiar forms. 

To be able to see beyond the veil was to be able to sense through this membrane; however, and nonetheless, this partition to both remained, and the visions were never truly as clear and concise as the reality was on the other side. 

And even within our dreams, our consciousness and recollections, membranes are there of many kinds: personal and worldly, for which images and meanings distort, going from one to the other. 

And so it is not impossible - in fact it would not be practical - for ourselves to remain solely within the physical realm without such constant transport … the soul at all times belongs in the realms that lie further - in their own natural space. However, in waking life, and on the other side, our conscious recollections are mixed and muddled, confused and unclear. 

In near-death experiences an individual will have a physical connection (a body etc.) remaining and often you may hear their account in the spiritual worlds of being. And then they are told of their life, reminded of their purpose, and guided back so that they can continue on. 

Now had a physical death occurred, the consciousness is both expanded and compacted to a much larger degree. When some time has passed and a good many
processes besides, the individual will be mindfully far clearer and distinct, organised, awakened, and intelligent in the spiritual worlds thereafter. They do not behave as in the dream state, or as remembered, but are incarnating well, and where they are. 

Similarly and by contrast an individual can be fully present within this world; or may daydream permanently, living their best part into the spirit realms, losing their definitive consciousness within the physical world.

With this the spirit takes in fleeting impressions of the physical world which then becomes similar to our recollections of dreams: often nonsensical, incomplete,
crumpled, associative, emotional, and somewhat lacking continuity to reality overall. 

Crimes are most often committed in this condition. Delusional behaviour and self aggrandising proves the opine between the inner dialogue and reality ‘living the
dream’ as it were. In the extreme there develops senility and then death. 

Day-dreaming, meditation and imagining are all relatively safe practices so long as the individual self-consciously embarks on entering into the borders of their being knowingly, with the distinction and understanding that their impressions gleaned are
at best substandard to the underpinning realities experienced. 

The comfort to be had is that we are far far more present in our consciousness, and are in control of ourselves after we have passed over into death than realised whilst alive; and although dreaming and the memories of such afford us small insights, they
are not representative of the completeness we will experience, or of our heavenly abilities and endeavours once there.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Behind the Curtain- 4th June, 2023

Instincts come to us in two varieties: those in which we share commonly and are referenced superficially, and instincts which are personal to that of our own ‘knowing’, reference and experience.

The instincts of the first class come within an even larger family of category for which the blueprint of life as it were is readily accessible - that animal, man, species, may incorporate this knowledge to build and replace those parts of themselves as required - minute by minute, breath by breath - aside from their awakened consciousness. It is a reservoir of operating wisdom that is accessible to all.

And this applies throughout the many types of beings.

A persuasive definition of death and dying is when this instinctual referencing is interrupted and the wisdom can no longer be carried out, there becomes a ‘disconnect’ occurring, and nerve by nerve, thought by thought, there follows a letting go.

It is therefore not so much a problem of the materials at hand, but rather whether or not they may be utilised as before, facilitated by the instinctual key of outcome.

The incorruptible saints prove this (and much more of course) that there is never really an issue of death causing dying or the vulnerability to the dissolution of the physical body - it is moreover the connection, the living connection, that is required in order for the body to go on as before, replacing form with the same or similar form.

And so the question is not so much asking how do such saints remain, but rather how it is that we do not?

What of the dissolution of the mind and the body? In materialistic terms one might fight to understand this in order to gain eternal life on earth or even in the thereafter, where it was that they perceived it to be ‘safe’ and immortally so. 

In and of itself it is however missing the necessary parts i.e. the importance of the higher instincts - the second variety mentioned at the beginning of this paper.

The ‘higher’ instincts incorporate the consciousness and ultimately, although separate to both Man and god etc they are interdependent - a living tissue cohabitating the same Grace that becomes life and the drivers of such life also.

What is meant by this is that there is a correlation between divinity and its manifest where the surprises and joys are reciprocal.

A man’s consciousness for example is experienced concurrently in a great many places and shared with beings throughout - right up to the actual instinctual realms of spirit.

Consciousness is palpable and experienced by those beings who live within our spiritual environment, and particularly the very thoughts of men, women and children are keenly felt and perceived weaving a corporeal substance of its own.

Somewhat unique - we cannot walk the Earth and take from it only; there needs be an exchange throughout.

Now it can be specifically to men (as in humankind) that the physical connectivity has for one reason or another deteriorated and the mind or body or organs no longer receive or give out certain virtues, or to their corresponding physical attributes accordingly.

The higher instincts will soon also have difficulty then in being received - not necessarily, but very possibly.

It must be noted too that the physical life does not represent the soul faithfully - for the incapacitated disconnected individuality in the physical world still has their heavenly connections and consciousness even if they cannot follow the threads to get to them in this world.

Little by little the lights go out, the connections are gone, and understandably there are more compelling forces drawing a person heavenward than those keeping them in the physical world.

Individuals within their true nature are wonderful loving beings. Our instincts when realised within us are always confident in the beauty and sustenance of the goodness around us.

We most naturally love God and have the heart of a small child that is accepting, trusting and completely reliant upon those who would feed and carry us.

At present the physical world has many pot holes and dark places. If you can walk (or sit) in nature you can renew connections that have been weakened formerly and almost been lost ... connections to all of the instincts which give you the very keys of life.

Similarly acts of love and charity will involve such a renewal too, for there becomes an exchange of instinctual gifting - although unseen it is inspired and reciprocal and a mystery all of itself.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Away with the Fairies- 28th May 2023

Time and time again the sea's roar and the wind's murmur speak of the incandescent beings who live amongst the froth and fervour deep in the oceans, riding the waves, skimming the lakes, high on the wind’s bellow, surfing the breeze - these fundamental fellows of the aether and of the water.

Now there are many beings to which our world and life comprise - beings condensed within the one Earthly sphere of activity; and as experience proves, they are both interdependent and independent of one another.

Added to this is the question of consciousness and its range, its scope, and breadth of such ... and that it will vary, similarly to those differences that exist between men, and with stages of development from infant through to man, etc.

Beings throughout experience gradients of consciousness, lit with modicums of insight, emotion, virtue, intelligence, intuition, co-operation, observation and fellowship.

Every species and type will have these universal gifts to some degree - at times some more than others - and they will invariably influence one another in this also.

Yet distinct from this becomes the mind of Man with his divine obstinacy, a characteristic which sets his being apart from all others.

This obstinacy is a gift (not necessarily a talent) that they may be unaware of so much and so many - perhaps even becoming detached from their very own reality; inert to the movements around them, and thus discriminatory, contained, and unpersuaded.

This ability to filter truth, reality and being, is truly valuable on the evolutionary path to individuality - and yet also potentially quite dire on that very lonely journey.

It can be as the pilgrim who tires of carrying his provisions and leaves them behind, only to find his hunger now follows him down the road.

Humans beings (and by default association animals also) are the only beings in the Cosmos to experience loneliness. Within the hierarchies the multitudes of beings hold an ever-present awareness of the interconnectivity of all - they do not feel separate or alone, as this literally is inconceivable to them.

Both laterally and from the bottom up they function within this living knowledge of universal connection, and this reality “is what it is” for its divine co-inhabitants.

Individuality can be a cruel mantle of stupidity, or eventually when developed, become the endowment of a young god - it can give to the Master the eyes to see the greater God - the ability to truly envision distinctly the majesty of the Heavenly Powers, in contrast to the smallness of self and the meekness within.

Individual consciousness and egoic appropriations can bring the soul to reverence: perceiving the greater for what it is in relation to what we are.

And in this we come to an exalted happiness and sadness concurrently - yet also with the blessing of the peace that follows by knowing one’s place both in and out of time.

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Gates of Birth- 21st May 2023

There is a certain kind of bliss the spirit of a baby experiences at the time of the actual birth from womb into embrace: as the infant soul is cradled in perfect love.

Although rarely spoken of, or recalled, this time of arrival through the heavenly passage is the foundation for both wisdom and joy throughout the life to come.

During this period also there is a snapshot given to the soul within the infant of the very possibilities aligned for their life to be - a catalogue, a panorama, as it were.
This is no new news to the individual, however it is taken in somewhat differently, in the light of a certain reality forthcoming and with the impressing forces of life’s blissful divinity coinciding, there becomes an amalgam of planes and places, of Heaven with Earth.

One could say that with respect to this initial entrance into the physical realm, and with bonding with the body and with the parents, this energetic unfolding of the greatest love and wisdom streams inwardly, and the child though infantile shines his brightest at his youngest, and will only know again the bliss of such perfect being with this intensity when in recollection they are just about to pass back through the gates of death ... and even then it shall be more memory than experience calling them. Often just prior to death the individual awakens with a renewed energy, and it is the reliving of this birth experience that invokes the final incoming burst of life.

A soul who is fresh from Heaven bears the confidence knowing that their beings are in substance immutable truth - and even those whose paths ahead will not be easy, are comfortable with courage enough to approach the adventure that is the life before them. They know that it is to heaven that they will one day return and feel completely safe in that aspect.

The baby in subsequent days slowly bonds with the world itself, ‘peeps out the door’ and then returns to their sleep - all the while savouring the remaining after-glow of birth’s bliss - the highest radiation of all, the greatest welcome to the world.

During the days and weeks to follow the child identifies individual love as points of light streaming from mother and father and to a lesser extent from others around them; and added to this specifically they are also forming a close working relationship between themselves: the incarnating, indwelling individuality and their beloved physical body whose concurrent evolution travels beside them, as they now for their whole life shall know and love them also.

The very deep and lasting connection one experiences with their physical body does at this very special and formative time become cemented and integrated. Etherically, astrally, it takes approximately six weeks for the soul within to find its co-ordinates and begin to sense their own hands and feet and go on to move their will in order to motivate their body. And this of course is improved upon over many years until their consciousness has mastered aspects of their physical body as is want.

The protective love and outpouring of love to the baby brings nourishment to the child that helps to build their very fortitude and resilience to the environment around them.

This truly is the soul’s most happiest part of their life - for the whole world smiles in their presence, as they, our smallest fellow traveller have brought a divine currency that enlightens us to the greatness of the spiritual realms about.

They, with fresh optimism have decided to join us - that eventually they shall build up this world, fashioning it as only they can.

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