We would much rather have it to be thought of as “old friends” than have to fudge around the issue as to identity. Would you come to know us any better? Who we may claim to be at this stage is relevant, but if a stranger were to come and take the same name as representing us it could be dangerous for you to trust solely in name only.
And so we ask that you be patient for the time being, concentrate on each and every lesson given, and we shall try to perfect the medium in which we work. It is important to be guarded at all times for incoherent messages – prophecy is not in our field, advice can be dangerous. There is definite intent and lessons to be recorded however; but never cease to discuss and question, for our sakes as well as yours. Misguided information is bound to come through; we shall try our best to establish a clear contact that will become distinguishable in time.
You may find that [typing] speed helps. Do not be discouraged. We cannot offer anything in way of gain for you, we believe you to be sincere and that this understanding was from the first.
Pure teaching when given can be muddied at the outset; you cannot buy the world’s wisdom, nor can you offer payment for the propagation of the task. But if recorded properly, there are those who are waiting to receive these lessons when put to print- and one can never underestimate the possibilities.
We do not ask that you be tied to us in any way whatsoever.
If a community arises from this activity it must be strong enough to perpetuate itself. We can assist. If we sold tickets tomorrow it would be a non-event without the work and participation required by those who seriously seek betterment. Laws do not prohibit intervention, but they do discount its usefulness in most instances. For example, intervention is only a temporary application: a river can be directed in course upwards flowing into the sky, but it will come down eventually.
The obstinacy of Man’s constitution is a blessed safeguard for his future freedom. And when all is accounted for at the end of the day, Man himself will understand in blessing his Father’s reasons.