
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The EGO-IDENTITY & the Sins of Division: Acquisitiveness & Delusion- 3rd June 1991

ENGRAVING AN opal is an extraordinarily difficult task, but when one has accomplished shaping the surface area with deep crevices of design (as with a deep-cut seal for example), one can find the profusion of split colors, in such refraction, quite exquisite. 

Many gems have a totally altered appearance, in the cutting and the polishing. It requires someone of skill, expertise, and a sound knowledge of gemology, to foresee the possibilities of an uncut rock. Man has sought out such gems for acquisition, in both talisman and luster ornament, for as many eons as he has sought for new foods - long before the tendency towards 'acquisitiveness' formed, the beginnings of such were founded in the love and lust of the gemstone.

Here we may find marked and explicit changes within the consciousness of Man. Imagine a man moving about the world, with the assistance of his lower ego, identifying all that is perceived to be the arm and the leg, as it were, of his entire being. If a man's consciousness is fully immeshed within the physical conditions that support him and in compliance with this, his consciousness is attuned to the nature, the spiritual nature, of his environment, and the two are compatible, then there is no division between the element of ego-consciousness and its recognition of self, as opposed to the understanding and interpretation of the surrounding world.

However, within the light and glory of the gem-world, man discovered elements within the gem that were not so easily identified within himself. Therefore, he felt the need to take such a substance to himself, and keep it for himself.
All sins originate in the stepping down and out of paradise. Here is the sin of the divided consciousness of ego-identity.

If man were to return to the paradise state of paradise-ego-awareness, then man should have to be compatible with that paradise. However the environment of the world today offers man no chance at such compatibility, therefore no such paradise-awareness may overcome the ego-identity that decides and measures itself against the outer world. 

This is necessary to an achievement of a higher ego-identity awareness. For one truly must enter into the higher consciousness to find the paradise that once reflected the Heavens on Earth.

However, all good things come with time, and whilst man has consciousness placed on Earth, the object of the learning is exactly placed within such processes of acceptance and rejection, of consciously identifying the chaff and the fodder, from the food of the soul.

The gem speaks to man of the higher cosmic values. From the sin of division, we find the sin of acquisitiveness. Whereupon once a man was content to experience the beauty and the form, the life and the spirit of that which was outside of his own being, he now seeks to control and determine the confines of that which excites his attention. This is referred to as a sin, as it is in reality an untruth.

One may never artificially take and keep for oneself anything of the outer world for any great length of time: swallow the gem, but will soon pass through! In fact men of the western world, curiously, gather to themselves all manner of objects, which befuddle the onlooker, as to what held the appeal in the first place. 

This of course is another matter, but not totally unrelated. However, it should be most useful if one were to examine each and every object that is taken into the house and even treasured, and ask why.

Observe such curios and establish their true significance, for this practice will help one when the time comes that through entering Heaven we take only that which is of true significance and leave the rest behind.

Of course all objects smell of memories. One finds today that folk seldom study any collection of objects for what it is of itself, but of what they should like to make it. So we have a reversal, whereby in the first instance there is immediate recognition that we and the world are one. 

In the second, we discover that which we see not in ourselves and seek to take it into ourselves. 

Thirdly, try to make a gem from a lump of glass, and then believe it to be so- the sin of delusion.

True observation requires the skill of restraining one's lower ego, whilst being receptive to the impulses of the higher ego; to hesitate before judgment and impulse and consciously direct one's attitude after having been open to such impartial observation. Not all situations allow one to delay the identification of the outer world. However, when this is possible, such delay, such a pause during the process of inquiry and discovery, is invaluable.


THE point that was entirely missed was that of living the MORAL life. Here is the perfect example, of the unbalanced mix of quasi-spiritual/psychic perception and intrigue, without the strength and fiber to support and sustain the individual concerned. Moral strength has to be the foundation in any teaching, and is a necessary practice before all else. This is fact.

As for communication: telephones and semaphore, fax and shortwave signals, are not spooky. Telepathy is a communication of the future, and is not spooky. We are very much alive and well. You know of no imposition.
One must never underestimate the soul-importance of living an ethical and upright life. These sorry experiences of your friend, hopefully if anything, shall speak to her of her personal perils, and alert her to her inner problems. Here lies their usefulness.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Geography & the Perceptions of Man- 2nd June 1991

The sound of the rain is truly soothing, isn't it? When we spoke the other day of the etheric impact that sound explains something to us of, think of how in illness and in health one might remember this.
It is instinctively known that the very ill should be kept very quiet, with no 'jangling' noise to disturb them; and sadly for those in hospitals with much equipment and bustle, there are too many disturbances. Think also back to those favored lyres, that although they may not relate any particular sequence to make music, have a profound effect, bringing soothing and imagination into the surrounding ether.

THERE ARE very few jungle regions in the world today, and contrary to the belief of those who picture a past paradise, there were as few centuries ago, to be compared with today.

The life-forms belonging to the humid regions, the prolific wild vines and trees, the exotic plants, the three hundred thousand or more, varieties of creepy-crawly; the enlarged and colorful reptilian host and lastly, the dazzling bird-life - all of these cohabitants belonging to the jungle environment, give to man the closest concept of the nature of the astral world.

It is a dangerous, unfriendly and extraordinary environment. There are very few folk, who, not born within and native to those regions, could endure a stay of any duration, let alone feel comfortable about the prospect of settling there permanently for an entire lifetime. Very little peace is to be experienced and although there is much vitality and such prolific, almost crazed growth, the experience of man in such a jungle usually ranges from extreme annoyance, watchfulness, to a condition of aggravated fear with subsequent aggressiveness.

In contrast, the nature of the European landscape offers man, in experience and perception, a certain repose for soul-reflection. The threat of the climate is of chill, but does not of itself cause the glandular system to work overtime in sustaining from one breath to another. The tone and the impact of the colors of such a countryside are issued from a different scale, and the native to these regions experiences sight very differently to that of the jungle tenant.

Colors speak to the eyes, and eyes that are accustomed to receiving vivid perceptions, cannot in fine detail, distinguish aspects that the eyes of the watercolor region have adapted to. The South American, the African, could not conceptualize visually, the detail that the Swiss or English could discern. However, the European man visualizes as through a window, and cannot adapt to the strength and intensity of visual conception and relay that the man of the tropics has developed to receive.

The physical skill of the tropical man is adept, with a keen motivation from instinct. The reflexes of such a man are sharp, and the muscular drive is superior in ability. A European man would have little or no hope of matching physical skill and endurance with the native of the tropics.
Returning to the visual aspects and perception, one can see that within the relationship to the applications of fine art, the European displays great finesse and tardiness in respect to fine detail. Blatant symbols and brushstrokes that are indicative to the tropical man are transformed by the 'window' perception of the former.

The careful and precise artistry of the Oriental tends toward both perfection and inhibited interpretation. One should not find flourishes of extreme color, nor clumsy application. The pictures of the Oriental do not suggest that this man is immeshed within the astral consciousness. With careful, planned, exact application, the Oriental could, with photographic skill, replicate portraits, but does not choose to incorporate such talent, tending rather to convey with simplicity, the essential nature of the study chosen to reproduce.

The Western man can find much difficulty in developing such talent. Usually there are few who can exceptionally work with brush on paper with skill. The Western art today implies a free hand, whereby the man is rarely connected to the hand that works the brush, and the necessary discipline or instinct, cannot find its way to motivate the artist.

The children enjoy the tropical man's aspect, growing up in the formative years from one to seven. However, as the consciousness shifts, and the flurry of environment presses in, there is much visual contrast and conflict that deters artistic interpretation and expression. Cartoons seem to be the end result, unless rarely, the individual has a strength of ability, a determination of character, that can overcome the physical inadequacies and overlook the physical/visual bombardment that is encountered in later life.

Usually true art is motivated by the spirit of the subject speaking to the artist, and the desire of the artist to reproduce the image that speaks to his soul. However, within the Western World there is an extreme influx of a sequence of images whereupon inspiration would be very difficult to derive. Visually there is a great clashing and a clanging of forms that are 'soul-less' and images that are incoherent to the soul-speak.

This environment, of course, mirrors the concepts of the modern man, who has set upon a path of adventure seeking the free, the extraordinary, the unique; and subsequently has surrounded himself with concrete, Walt Disney, and food that has to spring from a package being enclosed in colors and writing quite foreign to the former nature of that food. The artistry must be abstract if the life experienced is abstract.

One often considers the perceptions of Man to go as follows: early childhood: Tropical man; teenage recklessness: Western man; middle age: European man; old age: Oriental man.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ash- 1st June 1991

CARBON ASH is a remarkable substance indeed. The modern world today truly is born from the ashes of the past and matter does resurrect from the compounded elements of former fire. The planet by its very nature is ash. 

Cinderella told the story of one tending the ashes, from whence came the elemental help that transformed and reunited her with the light from the spirit. The primitive would apply a face-paint made of ashes. The modern man will often collect and save the final remains of those he holds dear, in less than a handful of ashes. We adorn ourselves with diamonds, diamonds of resurrected carbon remains - and herein is the full cycle of evolution (8) resulting in the perfected gem. The crystal springs from the ash.

When organic matter dissolves from putrefaction and dissipates, where does it go? And what transformation of the material occurs when put to flame, rather than sporadic dissolution?

The actual character of the material at a molecular level is altered to a condition whereby the elemental world may imbue the material with mineral qualities. The mineral iron, for example, was never iron amassed within the Earth to begin with; it was however, ash which received those iron influences, taking on the characteristic of iron thereafter. The ash gives over as a vehicle to embody that given mineral influence which it receives.

The organic material which dissipates freely shall return to organic reconstruction, manifesting over and over where the impulse of plant, animal or man requires to gather the 'stuff' (stuffing) which is of the organic realm. The organic material which is transformed by flame or radiation, returns to the pre-organic condition as ash. A mineral 'blank' as it were.

The Earth ingests the lower mineral/elemental worlds regularly, ever in the process of assimilating and receiving their waves of influences, and this period of ingestion shall not cease until such time as the planet itself withdraws from manifestation.

Oxygen is a by-product of organic material, organic material is not a by-product of oxygen atmosphere.

The planet originally was one organic mass before the mineral realm was entered into. Our perception of the physical world today is of a mineral interpretation. Before the descent of the planet into mineral evolution, the manifestation and the subsequent life supported by the planet had worked from the highest realms down to the mineral realms etc. - now of course working back up through those conditions; transforming the lower realms with each cycle of respective evolution.

Just as the constitution of Man incorporates all realms into his constitution and manifests such representatives within their respective forms of manifestation, the organic realm has incorporated within its respective forms of manifestation in part, the evolution, the influences and the representative bodies, from that of the elemental mineral kingdoms. And so here we find that the plant becomes predominately influenced by a certain cosmic element, which in part characterizes and determines the formation of that plant whereby the mineral in trace-elements is found predominant and therefore attracting the influence of the respective solar bodies.

This requires a shift of perspective contrary to the belief that we are evolved of the lower kingdoms, whereas they are but offspring from the higher evolution, and as children of such, are totally dependent on their respective higher kingdoms, as well as their higher bodies, expressed and manifesting on higher connecting levels.

And so within the organic constitution of man, we also have incorporated the various mineral influences, and in small trace their relations which indeed require the vehicle of the 'ash' to embody in. Therefore Man himself contains the carbon compound as well as the living organic material, although the actual production of such carbon is effected internally, of the man's own making. Within his constitution is the combustive element and combustive capacity to transform that which is taken into his constitution as the 'stuff' of organic free-particles. It is put to the furnace, so to speak, in the digestion and transformed from such organic material into that of ash.

It is misguided to gauge the ashen substance referred to as 'lifeless' because of its inability to support organic life. Clearly this is relevant to organic life only, however there will come a time when the activity of life manifesting throughout the sub-mineral stratum permeated by the higher cosmic elements, shall be able to be not only measured, but in fact seen to be in and out flowing.

Magnetism and magnetic fields explain something of such existence, however the scientist needs to look to the extreme variants in given magnetic fields and question the influences from the viewpoint of the variation and its influences. This of course requires correct timing, correct material and the correct predispositions to certain influences in order to establish that magnetic fields can and do alter in dramatic ways. Here in part explains something of the nature of the experimental research being conducted with measuring the magnetic resonances within a given component of the human organism. Such experiments shall prove fruitful, as from these patterns one can determine the relationship between the organic man and his elemental mineral bodies.

Within Man, unlike the beast or plant, we look to there being representatives of all of the mineral/elemental realm. However deficiencies in one or more and in their respective characteristics can occur for decades, not actually causing detriment to the whole organic structure of the man. Yet combinations of such deficiencies can inevitably lead to a terminal illness. Man may interpret it as a virus of the cells, when however it is a deficiency within the elemental/mineral nature of that man. One deficiency as such from birth is apparent in the system of the Albino man.

There is a predominant healer of this age who effectively passes on to those ailing, small quantities of a very special and complex ash.

The manna, as so described, was as ash, given to the people to sustain them when no means or organic material could be supplied. If one were to pry open the Ark of the Covenant, one should surely find this ash! (Much to the surprise of all!)

We are not suggesting that folk should go out and eat of the remains of their fireplace. However, there are specific and rudimentary values to be had working from the concepts above described.

We must learn of the relationships of the various kingdoms, and perceive their interconnecting representations on all levels of manifestation, in order to understand the functions and order of the whole.

In respect to the perception of beauty within the natural order of nature, one finds that one comes to know and love that which is reflected of our knowledge and love of ourselves. Thus Nature is pleasing to us as we come to acknowledge that which is of ourselves, apparent in all within the systems, realms and worlds, within and without.


Rudolf Steiner:

We breathe out carbonic acid. We produce in ourselves carbon dioxide. We unite carbon with oxygen. The plants require carbon dioxide for their life; and this carbon possesses the opposite characteristic of gold.

Now, this substance of carbon played an enormous part in the ancient Mysteries. On the one hand, gold was referred to as being a quite special substance for the study of man, while, on the other hand, carbon was referred to in the ancient Mysteries in such a way that it was called the Stone of the Wise, the Philosopher's Stone. Gold and the Philosopher's Stone were very important things in olden times. Carbon was the Stone of the Wise.

Carbon appears on the earth in a number of different forms. A diamond is carbon, hard carbon; graphite is carbon; coke is carbon; anthracite is carbon. On the earth carbon appears before us in many diverse forms; but through those methods which were customary in the ancient Mysteries, men learnt to understand that there existed other forms of carbon, besides those we find here on the earth. And so another preparation was necessary for the Mystery pupils besides that of which I have spoken as the sun preparation. In addition to that there existed the moon preparation.

Now if we turn to these ancient Sun Mysteries, we find there in addition to what I have said above a kind of observatory wherein a man could open his soul and his physical vision to the moon forms. At certain definite times he did not merely behold the sun through a diminished light, but for a period of time lasting for weeks the pupil had to open his psychic vision, his soul-filled eye, to the different forms which the orb of the moon adopted by night. Thereby the pupil received a quite definite experience in his soul, an experience which led to knowledge. Just as the soul capable of exposing itself to the sun became endowed with the power of the sun, by so exposing it to the phases of the moon it became endowed with the power of the moon. He now learnt what metamorphoses the substance of carbon could undergo. On the earth carbon is either coal or graphite or diamond or anthracite; but on the moon that which we find here on the earth as diamond or anthracite or coal, is silver — and that was the secret possessed in these ancient Mysteries. Carbon on the moon is silver. Carbon is the Philosopher's Stone, and on the moon it is silver.

What in the ancient Mysteries was so profoundly impressed on the pupil was the knowledge that any substance, however it looks externally, is only this in one place on the earth and at one definite time. None but an ignorant man was then unaware that carbon is only diamond, coal or anthracite on the earth; for what exists on the earth as diamond or graphite, that, on the moon, is silver. If we could at the present moment take a piece of our ordinary black coal and as it were carry it over into the moon, it would there immediately become a piece of silver.

End of quote


Some folk have lost their capacity to marvel and see the mystery of the world; and with such individuals it is near impossible, for us for any system of teaching, to reawaken them if this is not their desire in the first instance.

If this was of imperial concern to us, we should have long worn away the fingernails, and taken an indefinite holiday! This woman would find fault with the quality of the paper, rather than open herself to gleams and glimmers of inner inspiration. You will get very used to such blindness, but despair not for it does but emphasize the enormity and great need for the work.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Pantry- 30th May 1991

It is truly a blessing in life to have a well-stocked pantry and well-stocked bookshelf! Both foodstuffs of both body and mind must offer substantial appeasement of an otherwise overwhelming hunger, which invariably leads to certain depleting, even death, if not given proper nourishment!

Specific instruction is necessary for those who cannot yet form the questions. You are welcome to ask, and we urge that for your own peace of mind that you try. It is not always possible for a message to get through to a closed mind however, and so pick some middle-ground and we can both try our best.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Speech, Sound & the Meeting of Two Worlds- 29th May 1991

THE parrot can be taught a vast vocabulary, which in imitation of the spoken word can mimic recognizably, human speech. It cannot however, grasp the talent for inflection and meter, and lacks expression and also the musical qualities which give to language the emphasis that one is used to interpret.

A talking computer can do much more than the parrot, with a synthesis of electrical components that drone and repeat when prompted by the correct cue. However the computer has not even the vitality of speech that it part imparts, and is completely inept as regards exciting communication. (Regarding speech, not the information.)

The Sirens who called Ulysses, held the power in their vocals alone to incite men to their doom, to hold them captive and spellbound by the qualities of their projected voice - a voice from the spirit, that called to the spirit that the spirit might break loose from life's mortal reins and return home on its passage through those great seas of time and eternity. Their songs appealed to the sailors with sweet tears and fierce passion; as many a mariner today will testify, as the lapping of the waves, the cry of the gull pitched with the winds, still stirs these men to leap over the bough with excitement; and with apprehension one must restrain from that one step down into salt and sea.

It is the quality of voice that invokes the response from the heart and soul of a man. Words can never be enough, in any measure, to compare with the influence invoked by the breath. To feel the power of many a passage, take the poem or the prayer and give it certain existence in the ether, expelling and propelling it outwardly; flinging open, so to speak, the golden cage and so setting free the winged thought carried by the voice.

The vow of silence was never an exercise of personal restraint - it was held to be for the good of the cloister, that the inner path should not be subjected to such interference or distraction from the contemplative life - words being kept to a minimum and sung rather than spoken, with divine intent. When issued forth, such few utterances became more or less impotent within the outer world, although the meditations were strong and pure, and the local atmosphere congenial to a quiet dis-impassioned life.

Those who seek to experiment with plants will find that the growth responds dramatically to the voice, rather than by thought alone.

As the chapel would hearken its people by massive bells, as the farmer knew the milk to be sweeter from his cow that wore her bell, we may bring to the physical world the stimulation of the etheric vitalities, through the vehicle of sound. Man constantly effects dramatic changes and experiences with this interaction between the physical existence which reaches the higher realms through the passage of sound, sound imbued with a rhythm and life. 

Sound is of course, generally thought of as an effect that is audible, however all sounds are offspring, and are of themselves, that which is what it is. Heaven is a symphony - physical existence a cacophony!

The ability to hear, to determine through that particular sense, is but a vague interpretation within a certain range of limited value, of living, propelling emissions that are to be experienced audibly by us. However all life has such a reality that can be audibly interpreted, had one the ears capable of hearing.

'The Word' as told of by John, is indeed but that. We are that Word, and all that is and ever was is but a word to be heard!

Sound enables us to gauge where the worlds of the physical and etheric meet. From identifying certain sounds we are able to interpret a given effect that is being imparted to the world. The quality of a given sound implies the quality of that which is given out into the worlds.
A most wonderful expression!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Pearls- 27th May 1991

PEARLS have been symbolic of wisdom, and natural pearls have been rare to find. The oyster flourishes in great number, but the pearls are few to meet the demand and therefore purse, of the ordinary man.

So often one strikes pearls therefore, that have been artificially seeded. This also can apply to truth itself, that Man has tried to harvest that which is of his own making. Yet the expert jeweller can nearly always cite the distinctions between the natural and the man-interfered-with, pearl.

Systems of thought can often be traced back to a particular assumption of which the entire framework of supporting ideas is built upon layer upon layer. In a certain sense, this is creativity- the seeding and the result. But in relation to truth these systems can be slightly or dramatically deficient in certain qualities, which render them something less than the truth.

It is not the grit that makes a pearl a pearl. The timing of the seeding determines either:-
a) The abortion of the grit.
b) The irregularities of form.
c) The true spherical perfection.
d) The subsequent color.
Often within a seabed a harvest shall bring either many beautiful examples, or else none because of these factors; in relation to the moon and when the growth of the pearl had just begun. 

Within the world of ideas held by men, this timing in relation to cosmic influences determines the sphere of thought, that although is forever seeded, aborts, malforms, perfects and is colored in a particular way. If this were not so historically, the world of thought should not have altered as it has done. For the thought-world of Man (within this sea: our consciousness) relies on the heavenly influences to stream through and imbue the very impulses that give offspring to certain forms of thought.

Thus there are many opportunities arising at alternating episodes, and much excitement when, because conditions are suitable, new impulses are to be received.

If one should ever offer you a string of beads painted with nail lacquer, do not be deceived! In truth, we must work layer upon layer, with the seed of compassion being central to our sphere which we build upon, working upon one pearl of wisdom to add to the string worn at the neck of our Father, as a token of gratitude and devotion.
Our Lady of Perpetual Hope,
Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow;
Hear me that I might add just one more grievance,
Hear me that all might be better tomorrow . . .

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I, Us, We, Them- 1991

NOT one single truth belongs to a man. He is not the creator and it is not dependent upon him for existence. Lively thoughts, life imbued, may be experienced by a man as he sees fit. Nonetheless, all wisdom which does flow out from the Eternal Truths bears no price other than love's labor and cannot be attributed to any one or any group.

Also one cannot 'authorize' a piece of work set before you. The sole determinant: the choice - the denominator is set by one. One must learn to decide for oneself.

It is one thing to respect authority; it is another to disrespectfully engage in speculation as to that authority. For if one really accepts that there are senior fellows who are trying their level best to assist, but have visions and insight which surpass the current mean, does one suppose that speculation will bring you closer?

Any activity carried out in the name of God is dubious. By all means make effort to comply with the Will of God, but be silent in tribute and take responsibility for what is done by your hand and not lay blame upon another. Up-front honesty, not pretentiousness; humility realized and not false conceit; the harshest judge in the world is yourself.

The problem of anonymity as to what and how and why, is so much more severe for us; and now you come to a little of the same. Falsehoods are wrong, but the truth in part, may too be misleading. How does one confront the world honestly and yet hold back for fear of saying too much? 

Added to that, the believers will believe, whatever the case; the disbelievers as well, shall hold to their courses respectively.

Names, names, names! What’s in a name? - everything and nothing! Do we close the temple door; do we refuse entrance or pick and choose? We all know that this is not the way of the Master. 

Do we oblige all and make of a zoo that which is curious, and peculiar? Unsensed, we may startle the unpresuming. Would you dispose folk to impositions of placing authority before truth?

Does one imply that all of this comes from a far distant land, a long, long, time ago: the Ancient Wisdom? When in fact it's as close as the heart and lives very much now, to be acknowledged and assessed in the light of this day.

Do we characterize or make caricature - distract, extract or simplify the notions?

The question of authorship is indeed a 'sticky' one. Folk have the right to inquire about the source of these works - as does he who would drink of the well: be it sweet or stale, or for that matter, contaminated.

However, all is made clear in good time, and the messages offered are what they are, without false promise and without instantaneous compliance to demands. 

The respect for patience has to be reiterated time and time again. For only through a teaching applied, one may fully come to realize the wisdom of that teaching.

One cannot be covetous. There can be no envy afforded for the typist. A treasure that is imparted, be it secondhand, is as ever valuable and to be valued. Generosity of spirit acknowledges that in this instance someone had to place words on paper and that someone has chosen to execute the job at hand. But ask nothing more of the typist. Learn to be content with what you have. Value that and go on from there.

One name alone can have racial connotations. Real names are private and exclusive, and would provide no real insight to the reader.

We must look and look again at that quiet unpresuming stranger before you. If we look to find the Master in every man, then perhaps we come closer to recognising one whom we should respect as such. There is too much importance given - for the wrong reasons - as to authorship. Hearsay is never acquaintance and but a small imitation of.

They shall come to know the origins of truth by the testing of the lessons.

Your Most Humble Savant,
P.S. By the way, folk usually sign their name X when they cannot sign anything else. XXX - Three kisses, that seems nice.

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