
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Angels of the Morning-11th September 2006

THE ANGELS of the morning sunrise kiss each roof as they pass through.

Every house is blessed with their bright gold presence, every bird's head and the scruff of their neck, is kissed. 

With ease and grace, they sweep each country in turn - with gossamer residue beading the grasses, the flowers and the trees. With caring and blessing, in greeting, they are.

What is this dew? And whyfor the romance? It comes from that close travail, where those Angels of the morning have touched us all, descending and heralding all that is new and is bold.

Angels are not automata - do not get confused. They can have strength and they have attitude; and knowingly also, their purpose lives within them. They just do not recognize our 'choices' as being choice at all.

With clarity and heart there are few actual choices outside what is needed- and as for creativity, no time at all for those who work to maintain what is already in existence and improving its form.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Lion & the Fish

One day a lion was crossing over a bridge and a troll leapt out at him - roaring and gnashing his huge and horrible teeth, shaking his scraggy hair and pounding with his bare but hairy feet upon the rickety mount.

The Lion, who was very dignified and courageous said to the Troll "look down there and see the God of the River" and the Troll leaned over, looking hard at the water. Suddenly the sun appeared, and he could see a face staring back at him! It was his reflection of course, but nonetheless, he was quite taken by it, so taken that he leapt off the bridge and into the water.

Just then a curious fish was swimming by. He looked up at Lion and the two mutually regarded each other for awhile - in great consideration. This is to say that each knew their place and also the place of the other - and from this came great appreciation and strength also.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Golden Child & the Preparation for the Baptism- Christmas 25th December 2005

TWO days before he came, Jesus (Zarathustra) had gone into a reflective mind - he had, of course, been issuing his silent goodbyes, knowing that his lot of life was to be changing very soon.

During his childhood he had got used to a small but invisible companion that had followed him throughout all of the changes to come - a child that grew as he grew: as an infant in the crib, crawling, sitting, sprawling, grabbing, laughing, playing; a child of light that was always close by.

As a boy there were times together that only boys can know. Life was difficult and trying, even for an adept - especially for an adept. But his friend was frequently there, up to and amongst the adult hardships; and if you had had the eyes to see, oft times, out on errands or meditative rests, you could glimpse the young man Jesus sitting beside another, who although quite ethereal, appeared very much the boy, as his friend.

There was a constant consoling of sorts, for Jesus could not abide the current world as it was, and wrestled his own fit within a people and a time that had dust for words and even less for thoughts.

Yet the presence of his ethereal brother never failed to soothe him of these troubles. There was always a reasoning and enlightenment that answered his baffled protests. In turn he cared for Him, inspiring and likewise comforting his companion in kind.

And soon, very soon, he was to make ready for the exchange. All of his life he had wanted nothing more than to change places with his beloved Christos. How often the solid souls of The Faith cry unto Him from the Eons past until now that same plea:

"Oh Lord, come fill me with Thy Presence,
And I shall surrender unto Thee
All that it is that I have,
In my power and possession,
That is most rightfully Yours,
To become and perfect in me."

The romance of melancholy drew him into a conflict of airs - yes, to say goodbye to those he held close, in circumstances that could not be well known....this in itself was a sadness perforating the instinctual joy.

Mother had sensed a preparation and change about to become. She had always been able to perceive little Christos, and regarded Him (although unseen to most and ephemeral to the World itself) as one of her own also. She held an understanding when there was no one to explain the many cosmic movements conspiring around her. Perhaps another silent counsel tutored her? Or even still, was it just another norm so known? Man replaces child, why not then man replaces man?

Two days before, Jesus stood at the riverbank and preambled his transference - in the uncanny way our imaginations can, snatching into the unveiled futures. Past his inner eye trudged the procession of Humanity pushing right up through the gates of the Ages. Their faces were ashen, expressionless and weary. Yet in this vision their robes were superior and quite glamorous.

It was not as an exodus of migrants fleeing an unwelcome land - displaced poor, ill, old and ugly. This representation of the souls of the World was well formed and nurtured, yet spiritless, humorless and impotent.

Even with the disdain so strongly experienced, Jesus went to that inner place where hope for these souls was yet believable. He could feel in himself so closely and almost, the very strength it could take to absolve each one of the countless into a life eternal, full of grace and abundantly glad. It seemed both real and possible.

His resolve was clear and charming. He looked mentally over his shoulder for Christos, who was not there but rather had been playing catch-up with a passport authority, somewhere between the Young Spirit of the Ages and the benevolent Father Time.

Jesus could not tell really who and what had to be in obeisance to pull this one together. What planets were fixed, and did it really matter? He knew that Christos was that strong, not just by sense, but in that the weather seemed to change around Him, as so did people for that matter, in extraordinary calm. It would not surprise him if a painting could paint itself or the stars would step aside to let Him pass - moreover it seemed natural, for that was exactly how he felt before Him.

Love with reverence, and Love with Love - knowing Christ as he had done, he recognized that all was empty without Him. The sweetness of the sweet and the flavor of all flavor, how apparent it was when one saw this great God and how all hearts would beat much faster around Him.

Two days later he went back to the River to see John....

All that is Man is mighty and strong. Our physical frame holds it well. This physical life tempers the god within; and with restraint and constraint we evolve.

Maria hugged her son goodbye - she could feel the tiredness within, and that his Spirit was stretching itself to get out.

This was too blessed a time to become upsetting to her, for also she understood how very close the two had always been, and in her mind bethought that somehow there should have occurred two births, rather than the one. Mistaken or not, her reckoning was that they had been twins and it was their right to share, even this, the one Life. She had no foreknowledge that that life so given, would hardly go on past a few years to come.

He did not see a dove or any bird above that day. The very last thing he felt was the weight of John's hand - a thick hand, but a good hand, guiding him down. The water filled his ears and his soul spilled right back out hemorrhaging into it, diffusing itself into expanses that spanned the very skies.

He felt good, really good, albeit briefly. For what seemed like only moments later he could see himself standing upright again. And there, wearing his mantle so well, superimposed over and through the sodden flesh was his shining Beloved. "I do hope it goes well" he thought....

Friday, June 3, 2011

Monkey & the Pole

There was once an old farmer who had many chores to do, and was dismayed at not being able to manage very well. He prayed to God to help him, and no sooner than he had done this there appeared a helpful monkey, sent to him by God - God explained, that he would do as he was asked and serve him well.

The old farmer was delighted and asked Monkey to go and plough the fields. Because this monkey had been sent by God he was a very fast worker, and before the farmer could sit back down upon his chair the monkey had returned at the door, asking for another chore. This time the old farmer asked him to mend and build the fences around the farm. Before he could put his coffee-cup to his lips, the monkey had returned having fulfilled this job as well.

The old farmer then asked the monkey to paint the outside of the house and barn, and once again, before the coffee was half drunk, the monkey had finished his work.

All day this continued until the Farmer was too exhausted and pleaded with God to show him what to do with the monkey, who kept returning with speedy enterprise. God said to the farmer to ask Monkey to go outside and build a pole. The farmer did this; the monkey then too. Then God told the farmer he could ask the monkey to climb up and down the pole until the farmer called him. 

Tradition is, that the monkey here represents the active thinking mind. Sometimes we are well served by our thinking and sometimes it can become too busy, and like the farmer we become run by it, rather than have it serve us conveniently!

Here we have depicted the heavenly monkey who from great labor has achieved the fruits now that have come to him. He represents inspiration from an active mind that also knows the wisdom in stillness.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Modern Ailments & their Sacred Causal Effects- August 7th 2005

Budhi & the Nagging Wife

THERE is a phenomenon recognized by most men, which at its best is the mothering from a woman, and at its worst is the attempt at controlling all around them. Generally speaking, the state of the soul of a man around such persuasiveness is one of forlorn enigma, resulting in either a bewildered apathy or retaliative denial then given.

The women themselves, from an early age, frustrate themselves also in almost all attempts to shape or mold their fellows that they love; and with a superior knowing and sadness, tend to suffer their correctness before they would tolerate that which they would have had changed.

Almost immutable, a woman's sense of self-certainty bears the very life force itself. This is not meant cynically either, but to convey the force and quality of nature working through her, in this tendency to try to reform others.

What is it and where does it come from, this instinct to try to reshape another for their own betterment? What is the working principle we can find, that not only manifests in womankind, but throughout all of the mentor/pupil relationships, parental and romantic, social and religious, and even to that of our own inner attitudes concerning our own self reckoning and development to be had -a powerful would-be motivator that seeks to redefine the subject before them, with an assured presence of knowing better, what is the name for this ultimate caring? Today we shall call it Budhi.

Why does plant accommodate seed? Plants are exceptionally organized; they do all of their work from the beginning. In all other species of being the elder tend to care and be concerned with their young during the process of growing, however the plant does these things before its young takes hold in the world, acting as a living ghost upon their life long after their own life has gone.

And plants do have individual characteristics passed on, so that even though they may share many attributes which are of their class and place in which they are born, they are also imparted with much from their parent before.

Gardeners learn much from the plants in respect to the Budhi-nature they have. The gardener will lovingly prepare much in anticipation for his wards, even before planting, up to and past maturation. The gardener's joy and striving is very plantlike in its disposition, in the positioning, in the envisioning, in the happy melody of consciousness with an act well done even before its purpose has become manifest.

Within the Animal Kingdom the Budhi nature takes being after the birth, with add-ons which go beyond their biological characteristics. Social behaviors, implicit fears and later wooing, certain acts and discriminations are taught and furthered from older to young as well, as nurturing to enable their survival in the World.

Whilst these creatures exhibit very few understandings outside of their own kind, and charities fewer still, it has to be said that for many of the animal world, their caring and their schooling is relentless. The egoic considerations that we might have are not there to encourage these behaviors - their self-reflection does not come into it. However, much like us, they do see themselves (literally) in they who they care for. In the animal mind their young are themselves, and although abstracted from the main they are perceived as same - not similar, but same. Interestingly however, the young do not perceive them likewise.

The powers of Budhi are essential to compassion, to Humanity, to Brotherhood and to Christ. If the elements of Budhi are deplete or non-existent, there becomes little to save the individual or demon from evility. A man or a being with no sense of this power (as power it is) is necessarily self-determined and self-interested, acquisitive, maligned (good to remember, those that malign are mal-lined), and there becomes only room for these beings in the spaces between life, because life itself comes to not tolerate them.

It is difficult to imagine a realm where the grace and gift of the Budhi did not exist, for truly the Heavens have to operate with a Divine Kindness, as the eternal dance would become but a shove.

We have laws of course, but even these laws are unarguably generous to all. And in the vast progression of aspiring souls, there is always the conviction that furtherance furthers all.

The mysteries surrounding parenthood strike at the font of not only material existence, but also the existence of All. Our Father, has taught us a love and a way of loving, which by His Example, is unquestionably senior to that whom He Loves. And by His Love, that which He loves does flourish. This appears to be the very first principle one could cite and savor.

So in contemplation of this Principle, it is no small thing - this same Principle which we are naming Budhi, whereupon a greater betokens their caring and nurturing upon a lesser.

For humankind the experience of parenthood is documentary to His Love. Although one might think it easy to define the love of the parent, and we certainly can know the experience of it, there are elements nonetheless which are mysterious in their composite. On the face of it the parental love is self-evident. The little child is quite helpless and needy, the parents' charge is largely perfunctory however; their gushing and magnetic love, the adoration of the tiny person, is much more than a pity for a need or an attraction from the vulnerable.

In addition to this, as with the animal fellows, there becomes an aspect of us literally perceiving our own natures and selfhood extended within the child. This is not to say so much in the abstract: i.e. that the parent necessarily expects a repeat of their own life, or aspirations to manifest, or even a physical benediction to carry on, no it is much more subtle in relation the astral investments that the child themselves does bear.

In the very early years, up until the age of seven to eight, the child will incur many tendencies and attributes imparted by their parents, items that they were not born with but are inheriting due to proximity at that time. Just as a pet dog can receive astrally many characteristics of its owner and bear some of the owner's astrality within that of its own so the two become the one, so also can the little child in the formative years bear much of the nature of the parent, for good and for ill. Not only the mind is receptive to the moral and cognitive surroundings of the elders, but also the subtle bodies of that being will soak in the happenings and attitudes of that time.

This will then go on to affect the child into adulthood, and many times there are behaviors which occur that the adult cannot reconcile to being that of their own, and in point of fact they are not. This will be addressed further as we go along as to how a person can try to separate the skin of their parents from themselves.

Now whilst all of the above occurs, it is still not reckoning the experience of the great love which the parent experiences. Not the compassion for frailty or the continuum of self invested, denotes this love in its entirety.

And here is the surprise. It is really quite profound. Father God Loves us, this is true. Caring and charity abound. Universally there is a whole host of loving, here there and everywhere. But here is the thing: the parent loves their child because they are to be loved, worthy of love and most lovable.

This is and isn't about goodness also; what it means is that sometimes we are privy to experiencing the true nature of an individual, and when we do know them as they are, we experience the truth that there is so much to be revered and respected and loved about them. If you could see into the soul through to the spirit, if you could witness the trials and conquests of the egoic striving, if you could map the journey thus far through the gates of eternity into the same, you would know of the cherished love that this person before you qualifies for most dearly. That in essence is the surprise factor to this mystery, and one most folk seldom reflect upon.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Seeing Reason- 25th March 2005

IN the eyes of our Lord it was never shameful to be seen to be heavy laden. He did not ask that men and women quieten their woes around Him, but in opposite to that, He asked them to bring their tribulations out, that they be obvious before Him, that He might help.

There can be an expectation and hope of an almost instantaneous miraculous healing with our divinity at best. Even though this is the case, it has often done a turnabout, and given cause to those whose problems continue or remain (and are not so easily blamed), to feel that somewhere it should have been otherwise and therefore best not evermore admit to them, speak of them, and ask again of Him for remedy.

This calamity is apparent on a psychological level but also reaches with deeper roots with a somewhat differing causal meaning. Firstly, there is a certain truth which says that all men and women are essentially well and whole. In the Spirit, in the ineffable Future, intact and in every important way, we are hardy souls whose very life is God's Life and therefore blessed in the extreme. Added to this there is the notion of purpose, that is holy and good, which feels its way through even the darker situations to find eventual persuasions of useful interpretation - and better still, moulds a character of fine determination and virtue throughout.

Yes and there are countless sayings which point to that adage of there always being folk worse off than oneself - therefore (by implication) do not be disheartened, but rather, persist without complaint or self-pity.

In summation, there is the final truth to say that such self-pity is largely and for the main unhelpful - unless it is but a springboard to deciding for a better change, a certain action, and if possible, a positive motivation regardless, to drive that change.

There are times when we can project to a future date (like a special birthday for example) and the expectation of that eventual day is larger than the experience moment by moment leading up to its arrival. What is meant here, is that we would hurry through the preceding days to get to it, and in our thinking it becomes the 'important' day; the others are almost in the way of it, in a manner of speaking. We know that feeling, of being so intent upon something that our focus has narrowed upon it and it alone.

Faith itself can be like that - in respect to one becoming a master or an angel or enlightened or resurrected - the projecting through to the happy or happiest of expected events, actually helps in the context of woes, reducing them from the perception, working through them to get to the 'end' so envisioned. The problem with that of course is with what can be missed along the way...

It can be said here also, that hardship and incongruity is by its own nature, irreconcilable. There is no real way the ego of a person can accept what is to them the unacceptable. In heart also, you simply cannot reconcile or make balanced, that which should not be made balanced, but rather should be made right. 

As small gods we feel obliged to often correct or accept that which is not to be corrected, and to make peace with the unacceptable. From aging to insult, the imperfect world bears down around the struggling novitiate; all the while he is working to prop up the falsehoods often causing the demise.

Universally there is a phenomenon where the entities who make up the convoy of Life, manifest quite perfectly for what and who they are. This is to be deduced insofar as there is no going back or traveling to some other level of perfection - they are who they are with what talents they have, and are defined and limited by them for perpetuity. There is not the one huge onward movement towards achieving a greater this or higher that, because there is no capacity for change, let alone enhancement. There can be improvement however - becoming better at what they are, but that is working from what they are to begin with.

Man, on the other hand, is curiously placed, because he has so many possibilities given to him, and is not what he appears to be in actuality at all. The complexities are both beautiful and dazzling, the depths of sorrow all the more deep, the tasks a'many, and the results uncertain.

If an elemental being is infused with experience it will go back to what it was before the influence that inspired the experience leaves it. For it has no capacity to retain and learn, but is impressionable without qualification or discernment past, present or future.

However with a man having Ego, he is entitled to keep that which he earns, and does so in a very lasting way. This wakeful acquiring in itself has the potential for a multitude of talents. Alongside this ability to learn, we also have imagination and empathy, both given to us directly from Christ Himself.

Once again, elemental beings cannot of themselves 'imagine' anything other than what is to them, is. They are confined to a more reality-based perception than the materialist is here in the physical world. This is a great paradoxical thought! That there are scurries of beings (God bless them) that are so fixed in their spiritual thinking and perception, that they are relatively far more bound to their environment than Man is to his.

Free within his imagination, Man has been given the spiritual insights that most of the spiritual terrains cannot even perceive! Even as he is when incarnate in the physical realm, seemingly barred and abandoned from the direct spiritual realms in perception, his sense and sensibility outweighs and outreaches the comprehension of many, many, beings that fill the spaces without and beyond.

By contrast we can examine some truths that we know of Christ, but are little considered. For as to the Presence that He is, there can be incongruities appearing in what is spoken of as His Story.

What is known is that He is at all times considered and with Reason. Christ is no mere soldier of fortune or happenstance - no fool, no puppet, but rather energetic, Mindful and completely in control of both Himself and everything else here besides. Those last few words rarely go out to describe Him, and for whatever understanding, could be offensive to both Christians and non-Christians alike; but if contemplated in the positive spirit they have been offered, one can see the sense and safety of this.

As Creator of this World, Giver of all Talents, bringer of Repentance (which qualifies change - the very change other creatures cannot self-determine).... as the primary and secondary Being of our Lives, Manifestation and all supporting Kingdoms (i.e. the word 'Man' incorporates all of the associated kingdoms seen and unseen around him), our beloved Christ is very, very, very much in control. He does not (thank Goodness) miss a heartbeat.

Everywhere and nowhere He is to be found.

Control implies a fixed nature being determined. Control over the world also implies power over the world. If you think about it, how could this not be so? His Power as is His Conveyance is Absolute. What on Earth would become of us if Christ were to withdraw His Power and Cease his Control in this World? It would be unthinkable.

The conjoining of all things (meaning spiritual beings etc.), occurs only through Him and our Father, and because of Him all things are to us and remain in us and go on in the way that they do.

This is both a great and good medicine to contemplate. Should we seek out a pattern for self-order, this richly imbued truth is of itself most enlightening.

Pictorially, we are so used to feeling the greatest of sorrows for He who suffers for us and with us, that at times we forget His Strength, Joy and Majesty that truly vanquishes the evility that threatens.

Within His Control there was a moment during the Crucifixion that changed everything - or more properly put, created a special doorway allowing for change to pass through. Change itself walked through the earthly door, somewhere between Heaven and Hell itself - at some time, as the tensions of a God moved every atom to an earthquake and shot an ethereal light through to each hidden shadow.

Change - in small, and change in all. Change in possibility, change to the inertia that had become the consciousness of Man. Change to the audacities that spoke on behalf of the integrity of Man, and just enough, so as not to collapse this, the mighty frame.

Change which enabled yet more change again, but in same, not in all days - for this would be an undoing also - but during the Eastertide, where new Life is initiated and born, the old made new, and change is made possible.

The true New Year is at this time now [Easter]. It is not at January the first, but rather at that time, this time, when change is offered. Our blessed fixedness that keeps us true and stable can make way for something completely different during this sacred time. If ever there was a meaningful resolution, spoken or unspoken, one should wish to commit to, this is the fortuitous and advantageous period to establish that New Self in.

This special time of opportunity is repeated every year on Good Friday. It is both the moment of death for the World and also that of the possibility of New Life to come in, especially in those ways we can excel ourselves.

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