
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Migraine- 25th February 1992

IT is important to realize that all physical disorder pertains to causes which usually lie superficially dormant within the physio/psyche connections. There are of course physical maladies which arise purely from physical aggravants, and on such a level may be treated as such. However in the main a constitution which is proven to a given weakness (weakness by definition, being either: sickness or pain, dysfunction or disturbance) may be treated in many ways, on many levels. Also added to this of course, one's physical condition may greatly aggravate the individual's capacity in ways pertaining directly to their psyche and mental wellbeing. So diagnosis of a given problem is imperative to initial instructions.

When speaking generally about the problems of migraine, one is usually struck with the characteristic symptoms to which a man is prone, vis-a-vis extreme pain in: cortex, nape of neck, upper lumbar, occipital, bifocal or behind left eye, or prominent in right. All of these issues are significant when one is to consider the conjunctions which are affecting the relative sights of aggravation.
There are three stages of migraine:
1. Being the sensation of dull ache.
2. Being an acute, sharp and overcoming pain.
3. Becoming the sensation of throbbing which has spread out from the second most localized point.

From the second to the third the constitution has markedly become consumed by this condition and reversal is certainly more difficult, and yet requires more speedy remediation.

The individual who suffers migraine may take notice that there are days in which he is inwardly pronouncing, "No, no, no". Perhaps he should like to be satisfactorily pronouncing this out loud, or perhaps he is at lengths trying to maintain himself in a situation where he should rather not be applying himself. Whatever the case, there is a specific shaking of the head (within the head) of this "No!" - as in a stutter or a stammer, whereupon he cannot resolve his daily activity in happy compliance. 

Now some might have it that this is the normal route as referred to commonly today, as 'stress'. And perhaps it describes a stressful condition to say at least, but is not of itself because of a general stress but rather says something of the condition of: the surroundings, the activities and the people, in relation to what is to be drawn from that individual. It may speak of that which he, with inner conflict, feels that he is called upon to do and yet feels that he cannot; and it may not even relate to the immediate at all. Regardless, there is this conflict in which the man continually answers himself and does shake his head in distress, causing many a shockwave resounding through an otherwise peaceable system.

The head and the heart come to disagreement, and the heart may often 'win' over the logic of the mind, and the head as such, is turmoiled, upset and disagreeable. Should the situation become transversed, the individual would dominate and drive the physical system to the extreme; for the heart always obliges, as it is wont to do… to a point. The stomach however, may manifest symptoms of the heart, for it is so closely related with the 'goings on' that it shall be sympathetic to all pleas unheard.

When the migraine sufferer has settled themselves into the darkened room, the inner battle becomes more determined by the fact that the man cannot resolve immediately the conflict, as dictated by the head. As he resists, and for the most part despises, the condition worsens and the battle rages, and the consciousness submits to delirious interludes. 

Now this may occur with a man who is usually of cheery disposition. In point of fact, this would be more than likely, for his natural tendencies when confronting the world at large would be compliant, (rather than resilient), complacent (rather than aggressive), confined (rather than communicative), complimentary (rather than critical), and so forth. By the main, he would (if left alone), be rather happy and peaceful, as his 'higher man' would have it. He is confused by all lower tendencies, both within himself and displayed by others, and unsettled because the extremes within are unreckoned. 

The pressure which 'builds up' within the frontal lobe, is usually an indication that he has been presented with something that he finds he cannot consider, but the nature of that which is troubling him resurfaces itself again and again, and begins to wear at him, regardless of his instinct to push it away to the back of his consciousness. The conscience is overworked, for the man cannot successfully expel the confrontation from his mind, and is reasserting the values and the presentation, with an inclination to pronounce 'no'. But this is ineffectual and this will result in a pain in the head. 

If the pain has begun at the top of the spine in the nape of the neck, then it is more than likely that the burden upon his shoulders does weigh too great - literally. Here the individual would tell you that not half of his work is completed, and he is forever in conflict as to how he may effect the impossible. His struggles need not be because he is actually overburdened by responsibility, but that it is enough for him to perceive it so - usually because, once again, he is conscientious enough to always strive to do more. 

The pain which begins in the region behind the eyes (apart from the factor of bright light, and iris dilation becoming inadequate), is related to a condition of memory or a condition of concentration. One will often assist the concentration by closing their eyes; also too, in attempting recall. The eyes do fervently move away from the perspective of the immediate, and though the gaze shall become inverted for a time - and pain within this region tells of an effort to suppress a past conflict, of which one is reminded. For here the conscientious individual may have well been reminded of a time in which he was scolded or reprimanded, and the conflict so exhumed in recall, is presenting and making effort to be put aright within the perspective of the present.

Now in all of these instances as characterized, the individual has difficulty in withstanding certain dilemmas in a way in which they may be put to resolve speedily. None of this examination is to say that he does in fact act mistakenly or badly, but rather that it pertains to his interpretation and perception of himself and the world.

At the first onset of pain it is essential for a man to identify the source of his disturbance. Usually there will be clarity enough to begin to sight the demon which afflicts him. If the individual persists with whatever he is doing and tries to ignore his impending condition, then it shall probably continue and worsen until he has no longer the ability for clarification. And so where possible, it is best that he remove himself from the environment (the room, or the company), and begins to digress thoughtfully over the hours or moments just past. 

Now one's conscience may be delightfully and rightfully fulfilling when adhered to. One must always try to align one's conduct according to the dictates of conscience. But there is a distinction between one who observes their higher self and the conscience, and the condition or state of being 'conscientious'. The individual who suffers from migraine attacks is a veritable zealot when it comes to being conscientious. There can become a point however, when this condition (as with many others) may turn back upon itself, and produce an imbalance of itself, being not particularly symptomatic of significance. It may become a generality of condition, rather than specifically called upon.

For the man of high ideals, he in his own mind, shall never be able to achieve enough, become as much, as he should prefer to be. At times his self-criticism and self-dismay may or may not be warranted, but regardless shall stand as a ghost beside him ever cocking the finger with persecution and with reprimand; whilst the workhorse of the personality, who is obliging also, may well listen to the stern positioning which comes from an ennobled character, and be subject to protests which arise, commanding and calling upon the inner man - from the past as well as the present.

When the vessels constrict and dilate, compress and impinge on nerve fiber, and vacillation becomes irregular, the vitalities have been spun into flux, and with chaotic hiccups, wave in and out in response to the condition of dilemma. 

The purpose of regaining the rhythm, in which it was formerly functioning in cooperation without this intermittent flux, relates to the fluidic process of free-flowing discharge, as opposed to vitalities encaptured and embanked within a closed-circuit conflict. Expelling, rather than shrinking. Making release, rather than introversion. Making decision, rather than non-commitment. Not succumbing to argument, or for that matter objectivity at the expense of one's own higher dictates.

The vitalities may be deposited elsewhere, either within the constitution or within a suitable receptacle without. The discharge is common within a vomit, or subsides according to the endurance of the individual's own rhythms exhausting the conjunctions as described above. 

There is however, one way in which one may settle an argument peaceably:-


Imagine that you are standing at the foot of a throne, a throne which is so large that you cannot see the Face of He who does sit upon that throne - and that the Hand of He you stand before, is verily as large as yourself and is there before you, held down to greet you.
And you stand in judgment, and you stand there in humility, and you bring your predicament, all you have with you to offer before He who shall give all of his attention to your being.
And you refer that which troubles you to Him. And you make apology, for all your shortcomings - each and every one. And you designate what strength you require, in order that you may persevere, with each and every toil, and labor. And you feel His blessing, and you acknowledge His loving concern, and you know that you are immediately relieved from the guilt of your wrongdoings, for you are as bare in the sight of God. . .
And you take this meditation of forgiveness, and resign all strife to He who knows best what to do with it.

When the pressure begins, withdraw and reflect. Try not to sigh excessively, or reprimand oneself for the very withdrawal. For it is more productive to take 'time out' at the outset, than be obliged to do so if the battle takes hold.
It will help to use the hairbrush (natural bristles) and the water, as so described before.* And replenish the water constantly, throwing it out, and replacing it with a bowl of fresh.

It is important to give over to those things which invoke pleasure in both heart and mind. If the disagreement cannot be located, if the upset cannot be identified, then it is best to call upon a distraction which will impel both to be harmonious: Music, scent, non-restrictive clothing - nothing which is disagreeable.

If there is something which the individual feels that he wishes to respond to, with a 'no', then it will most definitely assist in making this audibly definite. It need not be in answer to a particular. By pronouncing vocally a 'No!' then one is practicing a decisive repulsion, which will help assist in resolving the troublesome irritation.

Feet placed in a bath of water, hot water, may be helpful also - but again - replenish the water; and mind not to place it upon one's favorite plant!

*Brush hair twenty times, or so. Rose or rosemary water can be used.

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