
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Non-sense- 26th January 2025

Juno Kitano

That which is physical is physical, and that which is ethereal, and not clothed in physical matter, is not physical.

Extraterrestrials cannot mix worlds, may not manifest in anything other than the lowest form of physical life, and even then their presence is not binding or liveable.

If a foreign influence – one that is outside our kingdom’s biology - is trying to break into the human eco–form it will not be sustainable as imagined.

Animal/Man hybrids can and do exist, (sadly), because they are related and incarnate, however, the co-authorship to physical life is prescribed by higher powers who by design are not entertained by the non-sense of the usurper i.e. combining man or animal within sentient robots or micro organisms as a gateway for alien consciousness to enable incarnation is (and always has been) pre-determinedly stopped/blocked.

The entire conspire to infiltrate humanity and its kingdoms with devilish interference in multitudes of measures is, and has been, trying to take sovereignty over the physical world and find the license, the pathway, into the physical design - but no sacrifice, ritual, medical procedure, other-worldly interlude, no combining allegiance, no fallen angel or dehumanising practice, diet or torture, nothing and no one can supersede Christ, and the Higher powers’ design.

It is but a persuasion, a false vanity, and literally a non-sense.

They have no eyes to see or ears to hear - they cannot feel the world around them. The senses of Man (for which there are many more than five) are not only gateways into this world, but they are the soul itself in action. Our experience of incarnation is occurring through these gateways that have both an outgoing and incoming pulse.

The intelligence of the soul itself motivates and lives through the senses and no synthetic being can mimic the complexity of the human life. When a demon inhabits a body for a time it does not feel or see or taste or hear as we would. It is not capable. For these attributes are of our own souls and our relationship to Heaven firstly. And so it hungers for that which it cannot ever realise.

Such infiltration into the larger world – were it successful - would cause such a torsion and a tension and a break in the natural order that the physical world would be rent … yet then repair itself back up again. For it does not admit or remit any other that runs counter to its nature.

And we see this process in small ways occurring in regards to illnesses, and politics etc. – the same principle: that the natural order persists over all with constancy – divine constancy.

“Be not afraid” – i.e. do not doubt dear soul, for this fearfulness is of itself running counter to the natural order and confidence of life.

Life is happily and confidently manifesting within the vim and verve of the Holy Spirit combining with the substance and form of the insubstantial and formless now made real.

And all is knitted together harmoniously with the power and presence of Christ Himself who contains this World – not in compliance, but with peace.

Light and happy is the soul who may come to perceive the beauty and majesty of this truth.

The dance of colours with the light, the procession of the incoming and outgoing generations, the florid landscapes and salty oceans, all companioned by the spiritual, ethereal communities – from the smallest of beings to the decorated angels – our associates are affable, convivial and familiar.

Our Community holds fast – and for those who can see far ahead we are reassured that it shall remain – for what has been, will be - and the vision for Mankind is most glorious.

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