There is a hesitancy for someone to enter into a new life, and this can be for many reasons, none of which are attributable to having a lowly character or compound of karmic equity. Moreover, it directly relates to a former experience towards the end of the past life, or, at the very end, where the soul has dislodged with grave shock (again, due to many causes) that it cannot connect fully within the physical body as before.
Mildly it could be said that this is a malady of the consciousness, or soul, or the ego, and yet the higher awareness is perfectly fine; whereas that which may connect a lower body with the head (refer last dialogue) is paralytic, despondent, and dysfunctional.
For conscious awareness within the incarnating body requires that there is a cooperative synchronistic behaviour within the body from the neck down and the head above.
The body itself is where all manner of forces aggregate and flow in and out of.
For the unsettled mind, most of the experience of fractured thinking comes from the perception of the organics within the body itself – much like a physical organism there can be gateways through which the ailing body can attract nuisance entities that are self-aware enough to interfere with the harmony of the whole.
With schizophrenia, the individual has not even incarnated fully, and yet their astral body is virulent and perceptive and antagonised by the physical body, which generally has contrived on in its own way with the deficit of self throughout.
Ordinarily if the consciousness did not fit with the hand, the hand would be paralysed – unfeeling – but because the astral body has developed the hand is strong; but often in this case, it is not directed by the will of the individual.
This is a human being, who is going to attract persuading entities, because of their vulnerable loose ends and mis-connections – because the mind/body fit is incomplete.
One could say that schizophrenia is a variety of epilepsy, which does not manifest in bodily spasms that are noticeable because the episodes are active within the mind’s activity, even though the consciousness is but semi-aware, if at all.
This true state of dis-ease is never accidental in the sense that the one true cause originated before birth, and continues on throughout the life of the semi- attached soul who has lost the will to incarnate fully.
One thing to note then is an aspect of the individual that travels above the man or woman looking on – taking in the experiences just like a soul might after death. This also occurs with dementia etc. where the consciousness can no longer requite with the mind, or express itself bodily: yet they are present, very conscious, spirit-like and with spiritual guides watching over.
And so you can talk with them, knowing if nothing else, the spirit hears, and will remember.
The disquiet and frustration from such people is real, and anger is fuelled in the astral body. With other illnesses, where the consciousness withdraws, the astral body itself is quietened, and generally, the vapours are ethericly and astrally dissolving from the physical frame, however, with dementia and schizophrenia, the body is resistant to death and continues on.
This is not a problem that continues life after life, and most individuals experience this; as a consequence of past trauma, or fear of the life-plan ahead of them – we are, after all, only human.
When a person with dementia dies, their transition is so gentle as they have been in spirit, and have virtually passed over, prior to their body breaking down.
For the schizophrenic individual, there is an overwhelming attendance of loving souls, both angelic and familiar, all who are there to comfort and console the spirit who has suffered their incomplete incarnation, and it is this loving attendance within the spiritual world afterwards that brings confidence to those who have been affected, bringing a perspective of life now added to that of their own when they watched on … it truly is the ultimate participation trophy, if you will.
And whilst we are scrutinising so heavily, it must be added that there are misfits in so many smaller less obvious ways whereupon all people suffer synapse fails in their will, or moral or conscious effort – and our trials within our lifetime can be tedious and daunting, for it is the nature of a bodily existence at present, trying to find its way in all aspects to perfection.
But know this – all that is good, and holy and glorious does work with us and about us, and the rewards of the heavenly worlds will become self-evident, and both the reasons and purpose for everything one suffers will be understood, healed, and transformed into enduring strength thereafter.
Who is Medusa?
According to this Greek legend, Medusa had been at one time a beautiful
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anybody wh...
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