
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Preparing for Death- 23rd July 2023

Life is kind, life is sweet, and death, dear death, is sweeter still.

This is the home to which we all will go - the marzipan* and the willow switch* - the sunlit shadow.

Where every striving will bring forth its reward, and with one’s release comes also the satisfaction of living one’s life will be known.

Time cannot penetrate the heavenly regions, and mysteriously, completely, we are not only united with those souls who have past gone that we have cherished, but also it is as if immediately that we are with our dearest friends and loved ones from the here and now living in the physical world also.

For during their sleep they transport to us ... especially when grieving they are drawn to thusly, and there we continue on as before with our connections and friendships and family - being a conduit thereafter to both the past and the present.

They gather to us, and although those within the physical world mostly cannot recall these nightly meetings, and needs must continue their lives still so, they have the nightly peregrinations which take them to they who have departed.

For the heavens celebrate the bonds of life so loved, and as natural law they ever seek to join and co-join one another.

Rest assured dear soul that truly a greater life awaits - one that is without pain, struggle or solitude.

This communion of life is the ultimate good fortune won by effort and kindness and kinship that is personal, significant and resilient - this is the immutable way - that we go to a greater life from life, beyond the constraints herewith.


* On Marzipan: For it is in Lubeck, an island in the middle of a River, quite close to the Baltic Sea—that a strange myth, concerning the invention of Marzipan, has been propagated. According to the bare bones of the story, Marzipan was invented in Lubeck in 1407 during a Famine, or Hungersnot so severe that all there was left to eat were some almonds, eggs and sugar. When these three ingredients were combined, so the story goes, Marzipan was invented, and the villagers (presumably) escaped death at the hands of the Hungersnot.

Indeed, by implication, the Marzipan could be said to have saved the people of Luebeck from hunger forevermore, thus constituting a miraculous substance, not unlike the breadtree explorers dreamt of transporting across entire oceans, or manna flung down from Heaven.

**The Willow tree was often a symbol of Death.

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