
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Away with the Fairies- 28th May 2023

Time and time again the sea's roar and the wind's murmur speak of the incandescent beings who live amongst the froth and fervour deep in the oceans, riding the waves, skimming the lakes, high on the wind’s bellow, surfing the breeze - these fundamental fellows of the aether and of the water.

Now there are many beings to which our world and life comprise - beings condensed within the one Earthly sphere of activity; and as experience proves, they are both interdependent and independent of one another.

Added to this is the question of consciousness and its range, its scope, and breadth of such ... and that it will vary, similarly to those differences that exist between men, and with stages of development from infant through to man, etc.

Beings throughout experience gradients of consciousness, lit with modicums of insight, emotion, virtue, intelligence, intuition, co-operation, observation and fellowship.

Every species and type will have these universal gifts to some degree - at times some more than others - and they will invariably influence one another in this also.

Yet distinct from this becomes the mind of Man with his divine obstinacy, a characteristic which sets his being apart from all others.

This obstinacy is a gift (not necessarily a talent) that they may be unaware of so much and so many - perhaps even becoming detached from their very own reality; inert to the movements around them, and thus discriminatory, contained, and unpersuaded.

This ability to filter truth, reality and being, is truly valuable on the evolutionary path to individuality - and yet also potentially quite dire on that very lonely journey.

It can be as the pilgrim who tires of carrying his provisions and leaves them behind, only to find his hunger now follows him down the road.

Humans beings (and by default association animals also) are the only beings in the Cosmos to experience loneliness. Within the hierarchies the multitudes of beings hold an ever-present awareness of the interconnectivity of all - they do not feel separate or alone, as this literally is inconceivable to them.

Both laterally and from the bottom up they function within this living knowledge of universal connection, and this reality “is what it is” for its divine co-inhabitants.

Individuality can be a cruel mantle of stupidity, or eventually when developed, become the endowment of a young god - it can give to the Master the eyes to see the greater God - the ability to truly envision distinctly the majesty of the Heavenly Powers, in contrast to the smallness of self and the meekness within.

Individual consciousness and egoic appropriations can bring the soul to reverence: perceiving the greater for what it is in relation to what we are.

And in this we come to an exalted happiness and sadness concurrently - yet also with the blessing of the peace that follows by knowing one’s place both in and out of time.

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