
Christianity is Esoteric

A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Good News & the Bad News-13th October 2024

Hans Georg Leiendecker

The true natures of some may not be as they appear, for there are indeed human beings who have lost their souls.

This disparity comes from abhorrent behaviour enacted by the lower consciousness.

The soul itself is not contaminated in this- having separated from the incarnating humanhood borne out of trauma and disgust - albeit of self, and not that of the World.

This is a slightly different take on the usual interpretation of what it means to ‘lose one’s soul’. For what we are explaining here is that the soul (although in a trouble all of its own) is fundamentally pure enough to evacuate its body and circumstance when life’s happenstance has been overtaken by the darker influences which thrive on death and sorrow.

When an individual in their early life leaves God, departing His ways, the soul along with their Angel needs must depart. For there comes a time for the wicked where their involvement forces the soul to abandon connection and association.

It is often said that the worst psychopath and murderers have come from cruel childhoods.

One cannot go into detail for that would provide a formula for those already given to evil - however it is enough to show that there are those who would perform unconscionable acts of injury to the innocent and take pleasure in their suffering and draw life from the ebb and flow of others, whereupon the ultimate desire is to separate men and women; and yes, even children, from their very souls.

And some of these individuals can appear to be whole humans - they may even conduct themselves successfully in all precincts of humanity; they may feign charm and work with a cunning - not all are brutes outwardly - but from our view it is plain who is and who isn’t as such amongst us.

This consideration is potentially as harmful as it is helpful, for we may look to our neighbour with suspicion or justify incarceration etc. depending on judgements which for most would be uncertain.

However you can know two things from this: one, the soul is safe and always so.

Christ holds our souls close and is protector to all.

Secondly, there are those within this World who have no conscience when it comes to the suffering of others and this alone can show you who they are, and sadly what they are likely to do and not do in their limited capacity - and, to be wary of such, for they do not care for humanity, and there are other forces and beings driving their passions, uncanny and godless, in abject masquerade.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Wraiths of Sadness- 28th September 2024

Yuri Kuznetsov
The reckoning of ideas becomes the torsion between the heavenly spheres and the very motivation for proceeding forth with earthly evolution.

Materialism is of itself inert - it is not self-fulfilling for it requires a spiritual sustenance to sustain itself, and furthermore, from a cosmic perspective it requires a true purpose - a beating heart as it were - to be able to continue on.

During times of immense change the influx of souls is championed with such a variety of experience coming from past lives and places; and not all of the times represented coalesce homogeneously.

Added to this the storms which are becoming more prevalent are a direct result from demonic practices that conjure and coerce sprites, and righteous kobolds, and in some cases the collective malefactors that as puss now contained have been released into cyclone and flood, with ruptured earth and drenched metropolis, barren fields and splintering winds.

The ravaging tempest exceeds the resistance - for a time. And after its passing the calm does return - and the ground stills, the waters recede, the fires have gone, the stillness once more becomes a cache for bird calls and beetle creaks.

Meanwhile, overtly (in acts of war) and covertly (through acts of deception) peoples throughout the globe are being impinged upon, and for some their lives are interrupted in ways that are not normal, natural or friendly to the soul.

There becomes a collective unrest in the spiritual realm - overfilling the ‘Van Allen Belts’ of sorrow and suffering which is contained - for that residual is not permitted into Heaven itself having no real place there, yet clings to the outer atmosphere of the physical world as a smog of complaint and angst, tacky and dense, encircling the atmosphere; with no particular continent it travels sometimes in the radius, sometimes in clumps physically, astrally and etherically.

For the thoughts and experiences of the many are so powerful and their injustices and suffering impress the ethers with a ghostly imprint.

Now more than ever a remedial pledge can be made that we release and conform the very mirror of this world to reflect instead the inherent majesty of soul that is Man.

By grace and graciousness and purity - these measurements may give allowance for the holy to come forth and put task to further, to reclaim, and to heal.

Live as Christ would live and all will be well.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Living the Dream- 20th September 2024

Henry Justice Ford
From the Artist’s perspective everything is light, shade and colour.

From the Musician’s perspective everything is note, chord, range, rhythm and harmony.

From the Chemist’s perspective everything is element, phase, combining and combustion.

From the Engineer’s perspective everything is fixed or not fixed, stable, volatile, spacial and critical.

From the Priest’s perspective everything is virtuous or sinful, evil or god like, Christ-like, humble.

From the Gardener’s perspective everything is seasonal, thriving, or withering, abounding and alive.

From the Surgeon’s perspective everything is vapid, with responsibility and gravity, precise, heroic or futile.

From the Performer’s perspective everything is charming, persuasive, creative, laborious, other-worldly, rewarding.

From the child’s perspective everything is sunlit, grace-full, certain, unpredictable, entertaining, humorous, lit with love, warm with love, contained with love and content with love.

The scaffolding and bearings one must utilise in order to catch a thought, to interpret a fact, be able to reason, or perceive and interpret an event, requires a subset of facilities that vary from person to person.

This explains in part why the people who stood on a beach during a tsunami and watched transfixed whilst the wave pulled out, were waiting then for the wave to come back being unaware of any danger.

Reasoning is not merely a two part process. It is far more than receiving just a thought going backwards and forth - it is the handling of that very thought or reality utilising many measures of reference.

And the skills become faster throughout one’s life in forming these patterns of reasoning that will become foundational to later thinking.

The aforementioned occupations/characters did not create themselves - it is the individual who finds his suited path and nestles there.

The noviciate sees the world as temporal, and for this reason is not enamoured with material prospects but is rather aloof to acquisitiveness; he is prideful only with gratitude and never self-congratulatory.

The noviciate is far seeing - although present in the moment also. He can perceive the tides rise and fall - and in this he becomes a seer walking alongside the Divine.

Holiness is first and foremost his creed; and humour, gentle humour, his joy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Everlasting- 9th September 2024

Our lives are annotated, yet there in the margins are the observations also of one’s higher consciousness watching on: living a parallel existence, attuned to cosmic reasoning, beyond the timely concerns.

Our higher beings are one and the same with that of our own ego - our travelling spirit - however, it is the super-consciousness as it were, which presides within both worlds.

It conveys the maturity of countless eons, it is not confined to the earthly limitations - and it is us in total, not in part.

This is no separate being but the accumulative wisdom and the inherent godly Trust - the bank of spiritual knowing - and through Christ and His realm it also shares the truest knowledge of Humanity - from particle to globe - the ‘insights’ are without end - in glory, in splendour, in the most fascinating endeavour.

And why not live in this higher mindset all of the time?

During sleep our daily mind shall try its best to receive this higher understanding, especially if there is a question for which it is needed … however throughout the waking day we participate in limited and particular views in order to strive for a substantiality - making manifest a thought, a word, and a connection.

For the cosmic dance is so wonderful, yet the connections in the spiritual worlds are somewhat frivolous - for in a world of lights it is unusual to be able to find a single light - just as in a forest of trees it is hard to find that one particular tree, and when looking at the ocean it is hard to grasp that one drop of water amongst it. Further to these analogies is the sky itself with clouds in motion - as elusive as this is also.

Just so we may define our relationships and ourselves with an intense purpose and significant clasp that will carry over, bringing a clarity into our afterlife - bringing yet more of a different gnosis that has now been clarified in love.

And this may be to garden, to study, to farm, to care for a domestic pet; wherever there is a living love throughout one’s earthly life, there is this divine carryover that shall remain in the psyche of the soul.

And in this we give much happiness to Christ Himself, who as the Father, lives with the joy of His children prospering.

In this our loving living connections give us pathways to reunite going forward - wherever we may be.

Love everlasting: love here in the world and you have made this particular to the findings of future grace.

And in this we also find ourselves even as a drop of water, as puff in sky, we shall become recognisable now to others and to ourselves.

It is with love we are formed, we become, and live on.

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