
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Early Death- 23rd July 1993

QUITE often the quality of soul-life and soul-expression may blaze intensely in those men who have predetermined an early departure. In some cultures, death to the very young or very pure is an indication that God is so satisfied they need not remain, but rather become as picture-perfect, loved and embraced by Heaven; even though those who remain do mourn their departure bitterly.

After death the sufferance of men differs by degrees extraordinarily. All souls shall come to paradise and sweet respite, all men will glean from their soul's experience and know of its delight whilst called into earthly interaction; and the manner of which the earthly link was severed will determine much for their future, as well as their immediate experience.

Firstly one must acknowledge that we have all 'passed through the portals' very speedily at one time or another, at various durations of age, and there is probably not one form of decapitation or tragedy that we haven't personally encountered. It is or has been, a fact of earthly life - particularly in those times whereupon the consciousness of man perceived the spiritual worlds through but a very thin veil, and knew no mortal fear.

However our natural abhorrence to violent insult goes further than good instinct for self-preservation, it does indeed reach deeply into our promise of continuance, and that Will - both ours and the Divine Will - which drives us into the world in the gathering of earthly re-embodiment.

Suicide, above all other forms of death, has to be the most horrendous. For it is the sacrifice and defeat, whereupon the soul has conflict with the immobilized self-consciousness, and the man in hatefulness to the world and to his higher-being seeks annihilation to such argument. There are beings which feed on and encourage such events; veritable demons who would separate a man from his soul and endeavor to devour both. If there is any doubt as to men becoming truly pitiable at times, view a would-be suicide where life itself is rebuked and spat upon, and the wretchedness of a belittled man has overcome his dignity.

Returning to the question at hand: it has often been found that if one were to view the remains of the deceased of one who had died as a result of an accident, and was known to be an individual of great merit, quite often such remains prove to hold physical organs of which, there is a marked dysfunction. Not always does this occur, but as a point of interest it can even be said that the man in question appeared healthy and strong of constitution, however may well have been so afflicted that fatality was imminent. We mention this for one of two reasons:

There can be many episodes and opportunities presented to us during the course of our life where we may desist from living, should we choose to do so. Whilst we continue on, we have by the Grace of God and His loving troop of caretakers, averted much malady, defied death constantly. We defy death by living; also too and more obviously, we are placed within fractions - the whole world is held in place that we continue day to day. Many, many accidents are quite possible but avoided, vanquished by the timing, foresight and promptings of beings who act to counter-force the distresses of chaos and violence.

As specified before, the nature of our death is of importance to the gathered experience distilled by the soul after the fact. Should a man die with his body intact and be permitted to loosen himself, dissolving the bonds in time necessary, then as with an uncomplicated birth he may work his way through the various procedures, before becoming free to go on.

Should he however, be so separated from his physical body and the body become corrupted all of a sudden, he is greatly hindered in the gleaning. In the case of lingering illness the absorption is taking place whilst alive, i.e. the merits of the developed depositories are becoming as intake all the while, as the slow departure requires.

For what is in the body you might ask. One cannot distinguish that which is of a man, so belonged by him and intimately used by him, and then separate it as though the two (in this case the physical body and the soul) cease relevance or connection. In death one withdraws, but during the process the individual seeks to depart with all that is his, so to speak, leaving no remnants behind. The physical body is saturated by such impressions of individuality as borne within by the man himself.

Also, the subtle counterparts require their distillation too: every single portion of our body/bodies holds gathered expression and experience which is of us, ourselves, and after death we endeavor to translate such stored experience and expression and absorb it into the very fabric of our being.

It can be that there are parts of a man's constitution which are uncompliant to his individual markings. For example: the kidneys do not serve him; they do not hold a complete sympathy to him. Whilst there can be many reasons for this, the result is that (in the case of a 'good man') the fact that he cannot dissolve certain parts of his body accurately - for reasons of an accident - may prove that he should not have been able to do so at any rate, nor should he choose to, and thus the accident. For the body would not receive his intimations and became separate in function.

In the instance of transplant, this too will occur, especially because of the signature pre-existing, with a separate individuality blocking/resisting the subtle interaction of another. Whilst the two are alive the organ will continue to receive from the temperament and expression of its owner and cohabit aggressively in the community which it has been placed for a time.

In the instance of the donor being deceased, then there shall be persuasions for dissolution becoming provoked, as the rightful owner is constantly drawn to his organ which is still vitality-infused. Therefore the recipient is somewhat responsible for the soul, being as earthbound awaiting to depart with certain characteristics he has deposited within the physicality and astral bounds.

In the case of semen as distributed from one to another, one may gauge that the substance is not only vitality imbued, but also in emanation extremely linked to association of its owner - a subject we may expound upon at a further date.

However, the point of the physically violent death can and does imply that a man is inhibited from completely enveloping that which was his, as physically and astrally impressed. It does not mean that the life amounted to naught, nor is he severed from recollections of actualities and soul-impressions. It does mean that there is a shock which may or may not cause grief to the man so rapidly flung and divorced from his body.

In the instance of a malevolent man who is grossly connected to the desires which provoke catastrophe, he is to endure quite rapidly much of what he gave out into the ethers. Having lived so divorced from intimations of heart and soul, he, as an ego-consciousness, may well grieve heavily for that body and the world which hid him well. There is something of a blessing perhaps that he does not have to manage all of his vileness - it is as unfurled into the world unfortunately. Yet commensurate development is also therefore denied to him, and in subsequent lifetimes he will be presented with exactly the same circumstances that he may pick up from where he left off and re-gather the experience he requires. There is more than likely to be a lesser period between re-embodiment also.

For the soul who has suffered a violent death because of evil intent and act, there is a great impact of suffering, most sadly for them and for the world. They are, after the event, provided for and so sustained, that the memory is all but gone and the assault and the maliciousness spent at the time of the death is so understood that it can be forgiven. No death which is maliciously contrived and executed is preordained by fate or karma.

In the case of death by accident we find that the soul/consciousness slips out from the cadaver, usually in innocent happiness and curiosity. Many times there have been indicating preparations on behalf of these individuals aforehand, and it must be understood that it is not that they choose death before life and all that they love in life, but that they are nonetheless peaceful as regards the 'stepping out' eventuating.

Remember too, that the soul knows of continuity and does not view death with finality as regards relationships and strivings. All that we hold dear to us goes on, continues on, and survives the physical death, literally! In time we resume, and should we feel that we miss something or someone, then by the power of the desire, we are returned and so united. We may be fearful that such desires will dissolve and memories be lost out of time, and it is true that we may savor a little differently, and the accent of importance may change, but the memories of what has been are vivid and fresh to the soul and are a great gift of life indeed. Old friends constantly reunite. Distance and space, even region, do count for nothing when there is mutual empathy.

How can one measure a lifetime? For those of us who remain, it is from heartbeat to heartbeat. The why/wherefores of an early death depend on deep knowledge of that soul who has thus determined. We must not despise him for it. He himself may have planned many great enterprises and be well disappointed that he could not execute such vision. All good men die too young. The world needs them all, and unobligingly submits them to the Heaven they deserve.

We may be sure, that for a man who has lived well and perceived the world with the strength and guidance of his heart, he is very, very much at home after death. For such a soul, they may be required a hastened return (such as in two hundred years perhaps) and yet, nonetheless shall at times be intent on all that concerned them whilst alive. For whilst that which held their love, still bearing their love, remains on the Earth, they shall be so bound and present, consciously interacting - particularly when called upon.

The soul's reasoning is good reasoning. The soul's preference may not adhere to the wants or logic that we hold, however, it knowing patience, faith and of spiritual cause, dictates its needs accordingly. For the soul holds patience knowing that all desires shall be returned, fulfilled. For the soul has faith that the promise of continual and everlasting life is possible. The soul perceives spiritual causality, loving the world for what it is and redeeming the world by spirit.

No greater friend has he that will remember him,
and pray for him from the shores of this world to the afterlife.
And he shall know it - he who has gone - and shall be glad.

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