
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Thursday, June 29, 2023

From the Highest Perspective- 25th June, 2023

Freydoon Rassouli

The highest perspective is not always ‘top down’ but one that can incorporate and reconcile often unseen or extraneous elements, which may be of time, or of place, or of plane, and so forth. And of course wider perspectives, loftier insights, experience gained ... these lend some predictability to one’s thinking, adding to the gift of foresight.

And this form of predictive comprehension is precisely what a baby comes to develop with their awaking consciousness - a predictive foresight where they may gauge with reason an expectation of something outside that of their own longing, those happenings in their day, and this becomes their anchor in their small lives proceeding forth.

And then there are periods of worldly life where such change enters in - either to the economy or country - more specifically change itself in spiritual causality and this is something that the consciousness could not have readily foreseen ... and the highest perspective during times of catastrophic change takes us to a place of peace: the soul escapes the tumult of that change up and out and into the quiet - the Angelic resonance, the Christly illuminated mind, the love that cradles our own central space, the peace that is untouched by time or its controls - the ineffable, ephemeral sweet home within us.

Yes, when conditions become so ‘out of hand’ and beyond our determining, there is this peace to go to, that is the highest perspective of all.

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