
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Monday, June 3, 2024

All God’s Creatures- 2nd June 2024

Luciano Balduino
The advancement of race and species necessarily moves forward as one unit, one whole. In time the generation and formation of the group of associates are so connected and intertwined, intrinsically placed one beside the other, knitted in time, melded with the unison of shared experience and mind - be them all manner of creature - everyone divine - and by this are exacting grace and happiness on high.

Yes! The advancement is ongoing: a cosmic parade spilling further out into the foaming terrains through boundless fields of blossom and fancy - deep rivers of solemnitude with starry manufacture, angelic hosts, who by any other name would simply be known as ‘the exalted’ ‘the pure’, gathering unto them their children, who with one universal instinct seek their betters, and make their way closer into their outstretched arms.

There is no evil, no contest, no being, who does not love the light.

The Devil himself adores Christ and melts in His Presence - he weeps for His forgiveness and offers up his desecrations as self-inflicted wounds.

Repentance is the completion of the advancing circle, the journey back on the upward spiral.

With mirth the merry heart is glad and sojourned, bonded in memory with the stories now told. These pathways so travelled are all pure gold - pure gold.

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