
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Is Barbarism Natural?- 8th July 2024

Rudolf Schlichter
It is assumed that individuals in the far past behaved as cavemen-hunters or violent tribesmen. And when we view aggressive peoples in this world today it is often thought that they may hold some evolutionary deficit, and that furthermore it will only be a matter of time for them to be able to ‘catch up’ to a more civilised way of life.

There are particular pools of races and religion which attract fanatics in the true sense, and then those who are impartial to all but themselves.

Often (but not always) the more violent the culture, one finds that their reasoning within that culture is limited, and the physical bodies are strong and robust; and looking further you can appreciate that the members of such groups (tribal, religious, even violent gangs/sports/cartels etc) also tend to be remarkably disciplined and adept at what they do … whereupon rituals are consciously, deliberately, and thoroughly adhered to and the dictates they have been born into are dutifully followed.

Added to this the men, and sometimes the women, can be strict to the point of cruelty, and their worldview is generally narrow i. e. with little or no appreciation for cultures outside of their own.

All of what has just been said, and is about to be said, should not be taken out of context, or used to depict every single soul who is caught up in such a narrowness - an evolutionary decline … and our sympathy and compassion simply increases because of our knowledge, fuelling neither disdain or blanket judgement thereof.

Returning to the point: barbarism denotes decline, and not a lack of evolutionary experience.

Violent traits within an individual, race or religion, occur from poor character and evil behaviour - they do not arise naturally from naive unevolved souls.

In early evolution the men and women were childlike in their consciousness and sweetness abounded.

The closer one is to the heavenly consciousness the more beauty and profoundly sweet is the soul.

However, it can happen within the world that there are those who have chosen selfishness, corruption, murder, deceit and basically speaking, the way of the devil, betraying one another and humanity, choosing the path of death - and they are compelled by natural law to be reborn into a worldly hell of a community of like-minded individuals who similarly have lived and have now become as they are.

You see former times of this globe and earlier still have had golden ages of enlightenment whereupon the intellectual life and spiritual insights far exceeded what it is we have today - however the smog of evility descended upon the whole and it is the mission of the individual to help rouse the living world to what it once was - and by Christ, with Christ, through Christ, all this is possible.

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