
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Monday, November 28, 2022

Modulation in the Modern World - 27th November, 2022

With a cornucopia of experience, the soul - the human soul - is thrice entertained and many times fed, throughout its earthly life. Although our souls are enduring and fearless, they are entirely sympathetic to everything which is both within and without their human earthly existence.

They feel and gather experience thusly, therefore they cannot escape the very emotions (be them spiritual, astral or physical) that are responsive to life’s circumstances surrounding them.

In this regard it might be directly from ‘knowing’ or by a living connection to our neighbour’s condition, or our housemate, our parent, our wildlife, and so forth, that we are so affected, challenged and fortified daily.

And the very best transit of such experience entails the ability to be impervious to those ongoing impressions, without being completely divorced from them.

To some extent the stronger the ‘I’ within the individual, the better this talent becomes. A developed ego can withstand many differences, discerning and adapting, and choosing who and what to invest in, knowingly, without feeling the desire to vacate or shut down when confronted with differences.

There are many, if not most, in Western society who now practice such distancing and non-disclosure that they are closed off completely from sympathetic learning and empathetic resonance subsequently.

In this and because of this, they may also lack virtues of true charity, of purpose, of unselfishness … and the list goes on - and when their time comes to depart their earthly lives they may leave empty handed. Some will depart even dimmer than when they arrived, for they lost the loving interest in much of the world and desire nought from it.

And so the consequence of trying and succeeding to escape experience, particularly that of the conditions of our fellow men and associated kingdoms surrounding us, is that our own beings can contract, and with this our spiritual journey forward is gravely thwarted.

Subsequently it will require much loving effort from those who are ‘awake’ in Spirit, to be able to commiserate and coax the sleepers into a response, that they may become once more aware of the luminosity of the very heavens all about them.

It can be for many reasons that a person will shut down from receiving the world. It is not necessarily born from a selfishness or acquired coldness, but can be from a condition carried over from a past life unresolved, or a pressing conflict that first began this imbalance of soul.

By contrast is the autistic individual who feels too keenly. Given what was just now described one could suppose that autism is a result of the soul’s receptors becoming nullified willingly - however the opposite is most likely to be true.

The colours, the sounds, the experiences, are all many degrees interpreted far more intensely overwhelming the individual who receives these immediate influences, just as one might be caught amongst the strongest of waves, deluged and moved backward and forth, struggling for a foothold.

The autistic inclination has a quickening which leaps from one experience to another and finds difficulty capturing mentally a continuity of self amongst this ongoing vivacious experience.

Soul impressions are perceived as random and are not directed/selected individually, or sequentially, and even though the memory is exact, the mind flutters indiscriminately. The will is amused by all and sundry and the mental focus can be without a purpose that is easy to define. Having said this, the overall experience of the world in this manner is rich and with much to keep, and is made sense of retrospectively: either at night during sleep or during their afterlife. And this condition is not fixed at all in perpetude.

There can also be the individual who goes in and out from the two extremes. In an attempt to master the influx of sympathetic experience they can alternate with an unresponsive blind coldness to the people and conditions around them, to then haphazardly become awash with emotion, often seemingly out of control. With this behaviour they can appear to be as two people, whereas they simply lack modulation; and the chaos and coldness is merely symptomatic of that.

And there is no one glib answer for such a complex disorder - as the interpretation and distillation of life itself is one of the key mysteries of all time.

And yet there are prescriptive measures which may bring some ease to disease and order to such disorder.

It is through routine and repetition that the individual may find corresponding co-ordinates to help fix their place with a predictability less burdened by chaos.

Some individuals self-impose their own regularity in order to come into a place of being that is content enough to then be able to manage and tolerate the influences all about them.

All habitual practices are just this: especially when they are not needed for a pertinent reason, other than to find one’s place in the order of things, separating off from the overwhelming impressions flowing in.

Involuntary motions (in physiology within the sympathetic systems, and astral configurations) to rocking or repetitive Tourette's, become as the metronome is to the pianist, with beats to modulate what is to become.

The wristwatch assisted in this, whereas the digital does not. The increments of the movements give a beat, which although run contrary to the physiological rhythms they establish an orderly ongoing rhythm to help modulate the external interface.

Repetition incarnates, repetition draws certain forces in and re-establishes one’s relationship with the alternating forces without.

Routine and rhythm for a child is paramount to their sense of awakening into their worldly consciousness. In this (and not in a regimental way) we celebrate our interplays, rather than seek to diminish them.

Board games, (physical not virtual) with dice and counting, especially snakes and ladders, help to build a sense of connection for mind and consequence in a measured and satisfying way. There is the unpredictable and the known. There is the up and the down. Checkers and chess are character building and require one to be very present and forward thinking.

Similarly our physical bodies need routine and rhythm to coexist and tolerate well the outer world. If waking times and feeding times are haphazard, the condition of health will also become haphazard, afflicting the heart rate and digestion, energy levels etc.

For the physical craves predictability, and even imposed routines will alleviate the pressures experienced from the perceived randomness without.

Repetitive poems, prayers and rhymes for little children are therapeutic. And all the better if they speak of the beauteous interchange of the days, or nature’s cycles.

We need to be reminded through this perplexity of influence of perpetual life: of our place within a certain universe.

The opposite is taking place with nihilism at the cultural forefront today. With the deficit of respect and understanding for cause and effect, for natural science and morality, the people have become morose and destitute as dry leaves in the whorling wind - they moan and complain, all the while displaced by the currency of modernity, exacerbated with the poisoning from synthetic foods and medicines.

Yet let it be said that the Angels of men and women and children, do not depart them, even when the winter has gripped their hearts, and the patience of Angels withstands this deciduous turmoil.

Paradoxically if one willingly seeks only ‘comfort’ and ignores the world they will feel its grief all the more - yet if one can walk towards experience on a daily basis, bravely, mindfully, intentionally, the comfort within will afford a quiet mind and make stable the soul.

To wit:

Fear is the Dragon:
I see your terrible eyes
I feel your hot stinking breath
And I say to you -
Go wither away
And depart my trembling.

I have the Almighty
Set strong in my heart
And by my own side
My protector, my Life
I am straight in the knowledge
That I and all that I love
Will endure far past this
And with every circumstance to come,
In life and after life
We will continue on.

And to the dragons of doubt
Those of shame, and of cold,
of hate, of recoil,
Know well I fear you not
And, that I see you all.

Finding one’s bearings is not unlike counting one two three go! The hypnotist uses such a rhythm to invite the consciousness to give over to them - which is not advised because the advantage is lost when another’s will and experience is invading the ego. However this examples the connecting ability repetition can afford us.

Mantras and marching, rosaries and routine, all bring a renewed starting point to anchor the consciousness, and graft on the new.

Consciously we find our way into the worldly experience by using the anticipation of such sequences, humble, rudimentary, one foot follows the next. And, by the Grace of the virtues, may we ever be stronger, for what meets us on our way.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Crucifixion Morn- Good Friday- 15th April 2022 Easter

In the quiet of the crucifixion morn, there was an episode of silence - when no noise was to be heard throughout. 

Amidst a crowd in field and stone, shouldered by thoroughfares and the usual trades, the silence stepped in with nuclear effect, and engulfed the merge of the usual cacophony.

Yes! Silence can be pervasive: it can overrun and over-score all else.

Silence is the more potent - it is, within its own sphere, a body with its very own consciousness that may visit when needed or invited - a heavenly force that will quieten all else for a time.

Silence, holy silence, is not a deficit of noise, nor does it stifle activity … it is a sound of such high frequency, it is a ‘passion’ that appears mute because it cannot be heard - and yet its powerful presence can, for a time, exclude all else.

Nothingness is never really nothing - it is merely imperceptible - and the grace of sweet silence is that it speaks directly to the spirit.

In the morning of His passing, when the ground heaved and shuddered with the desperation from those who had witnessed all hope evaporate and withdraw, came the silence.

He, the Lord Jesus Christ, made this possible, on this very day: that thereby and going forward all souls have a direct line to His higher instincts and counsel.

This incarnated silence then introduced into a very noisy world has remained up until now and will persevere throughout.

Every soul is thus connected to each other and to Him, and in multitudes of the ecstatic powers for which the majesty and wonder of the enduring life presides.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Dislocation of War- 27th February 2022

When entire families are dislocated from the world, during massacres of war, it disables those souls from their usual connections in the spiritual world that ordinarily would have remained after death.

This is no small matter for individuals who are in need of living connections with family or friends or loved ones in order that they may be given a window into the activities and lively thoughts as they occur in real time separate to them.

There are evil forces which conspire to 'unearth' souls quite literally - for the purpose of gaining the world as their own.

The interaction between the spiritual worlds and the material world is significant to both - and the hierarchies who populate both places have a mutually beneficial synergy of enterprise through their ongoing relationships: there is much learning and experiencing from one to another. Future circumstances often pivot upon these interactions also.

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