
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Friday, July 12, 2024

In & Out of Time- 10th July 2024

Crisp newness fortified with the promise of endurance … robust, and exuding purpose… life burgeons life, replenishing and refreshing the life around it.

Wherever we are fixed in time - a very certain and particular time - we can look for the genius of life in its manifold ways of expression.

Generally it is contained and yet unruly; and this expression and behaviour can also apply to lively timely thinking, where our minds reflect our souls and reach to the souls of others also.

Goodness flows with the exuberance of such connective interplay. Lively discourse and commune is holy, and excitingly powerful within the world - especially today.

Person to person, person to beloved animal, or plant: this meeting of consciousness makes way for new life to enter in and for further life to follow.

The properties of ‘life’ are not to be underestimated. One’s mind could of itself drive a car, energetically propel it forward, and will do so again one day again as has done in the past.

Our minds may summon thoughts and arrange them. They also request and direct the very vitalities that drive our body and withstand the tides of extraneous life-force. We literally navigate a sea of such lively life force and miraculously withstand combustion thereby.

The almighty powerful source of the verve of the Holy Spirit and the force of perpetual goodness - continuous and rectifying - streams in from the Angeloi and through the past converging in our very hearts. The liveliness of Christ is so shared that He knows us, recognises us, and supports us every time we are a conduit for His Life that motivates and replenishes this World.

Beings hold hands around the globe. “I am the Life”, the life of active love - i.e. of compassion, charity, kindness, service, communion.

The divine brotherhood and sisterhood of Humanity and its realms of associates and friends rejoice in the life around you … for it is real and enduring in the sharing, and in the being.

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