Similarly in life our personal coordinates readjust continuously. That is to say that our destinies are never static: they are dependant upon choices made daily, hourly, and minute by minute - and none of these are ‘bad’ choices we may add.
If a soul withdraws to heaven it is a choice that they themselves have made, and a happy one. However and not forgetting that this does not apply to murder, for murder is not a choice and nor is it karmic, and it does most definitely cut short a plan by which the starry overview has considered and hoped for eons prior to the incarnating individual.
All warfare is murderous regardless of the site so chosen or the falling one.
Defence is not however murderous by intent or action or consequence, yet retaliation without direct causation is.
Death can be confusing to the soul who has hitherto planned a long and good life and had it cut short so.
For every child who has been taken too early, there is an angel to cradle them immediately, soothingly, who delivers them into the arms of their loved ones in the spiritual worlds.
The children themselves are barely conscious in young life and in many respects this is a blessing when it comes to a premature death … for their recollection, if any, is very small, and their knowledge of what has befallen does not mark or mar the individual going forth.
Our physical bodies tremble, and have far more consciousness than is realized.
If you were to communicate with the brightest of the animal kingdom and befriend and raise them and then walk together, and feed the beast … as with, for example, the horse who becomes compliant and then a friendship and an understanding follows - or the humour of a dog with playfulness, and the accord, the shared astrality, the sympathetic resonance, the defensiveness - yes think of the astuteness of an animal you may have known, and then realise that your physical body, the animal body, is far far more intelligent, reasonable, cooperative and literally awake and aware, as it accommodates you within this earthly realm.
Added to this, everything we do impinges upon and within this animal. Our habits, what and when we consume, and then, most subtly, our personal tides of emotion, as well as the higher impulses of striving, of wondering, of virtue.
Our animal body is happiest when we are happy, and it is quick to be sad or inflamed when we are so.
And to picture this animal body with its acquired wisdoms, its working intelligence, parallels many of the attributes a toddler might have. It does not hold a cunning or an observation that extends past the feelings or the nature of the indwelling spirit - it cannot independently operate within the world of its own - but its understanding and its nature and responses do hold a sophisticated intelligence towards the soul within.
There exists an elevated, almost angelic nature, in so far as the body itself gives over to the soul, and its purpose is one of the greatest of cooperation generally.
It can though, just as a rabid dog in some circumstances - particularly with those of addiction or severe astral impairment - turn upon the soul within and be in conflict.
Remarkably, surprisingly, and confusingly and wonderingly, the very bodies of animals can be viewed in a similar light - in so far as they host a spiritual being who is not fully incarnate or representing themselves completely in the world - and there are two coinciding intelligences.
Physical matter of itself is the most mysterious to be had and it becomes ever more mysterious when it is imbibed with warmth and movement dancing throughout life in cooperative force.
And there are ever yet more distinctions with the interactions of a tree trunk, tree leaf and breeze and bird; insect and flower; sunshine and bee and blossom - it is not a linear relationship - and quite so also in relation to our health, our physical health in the world.
None of the things that we take into ourselves in the form of medicine and food works within us in just one particular way. Not only is quantity and quality and pedigree of importance, but also so do the coordinates of time have a bearing in relation to the spheres and their influences, the seasons and so forth - affecting the animal body and the soul - and all of these things change throughout the day and the year.
And whilst certain habits can provide a strength to conform with, it is most remarkably true to say that every individual will react at different times to different things in different ways accordingly from one another.
And so the role of the physician is never absolute. In relation to food and medicine we are always pleasing two masters: both the soul within and the body without.
The physical body generally has great instincts as to the foods it would consume and often the consciousness of the indwelling individuality can experience through the body what the body tastes etc but can be partial to its own likes and wants and needs because it is collecting subtle forces as well from the experience of the food - unless of course it has little value. And in this circumstance the understanding is not entirely mutual. But there is the possibility of the occasion for the individual within to ignore the needs of the body - this maybe for sleep for example, and in this circumstance there is a measure of hardship which follows.
None of ill health is to cast blame for the discord experienced or the failure or the breakdown of the body itself. There is a saying: “we live in an imperfect world” and it is most definitely true that this physical world is evolving and improving and adjusting in a most wonderful way. It is because of this evolving that we often come to an impasse - a conjuncture - where there are opposing forces or conflicting circumstances and the physiology breaks down. This is by no means a fault of the body or the soul: it is a consequence of living.
If we wanted permanence we would walk as spirit, but this remarkable etherial project of the physical world has many more mysteries that we at present do realise. Its prospects are so exciting because the collaboration of the realms and the various participants is an orchestration of Creation that has not been cosmically witnessed before: where the many beings of the hierarchies mix and mingle participating together with a sharing of experience like no other.