The seas of energetic interplay roll over and under the back-tides of past history.
War is nought but a back-tide and sometimes its force will drag and draw many with it, as it recedes- back the old pathway into the heavens, to become in the world no more.
There are always those who would become kings of fate: they choose to try to attempt to mark and shape a humanity - as with the face on the coin - they would put their face and their stamp as demi-gods or would-be gods.
And it could be said that most tyrants suffer from a physical malady whereupon their own system is overrun with those invading infiltrates - for many times one’s common perception can mirror the physiology they bear. The consciousness often times goes inward, usually in the night hours, and it knows much of what the body endures and if there is a corruption to the body the being of the individual within that body is aware to some extent of the dis-regularity, or disharmony of the condition.
And most naturally we would want to right any ills and restore health to the body that we are in - not always is it fit for purpose from birth moving on - for the physical body in many respects follows its own course. Some speculate that illnesses as a cancer manifest due to emotions of the consciousness within, however in observation this is not the case. It may be that health is aggravated sorely but it would be too simplistic to lay blame in this way. And yet the forces welcomed to both the soul and the body that it is invested in - the cosmic forces - do nourish and maintain the physical frame.
And nightly the soul will peer in, as it were, inspecting or just getting to know the condition of their beloved body and it is not unusual for the physical frame to vary its conditions and to host all manner of ancillary beings - minute in size — communities to their own - that life on life does travel.
And the would-be dictator can suffer an esotericism that takes them into themselves. Extreme egotism can do this also. And the world is perceived as the inside out, as nonsensical as this may be found, it is completely sensical, and this is the point. Sometimes if we cannot look outwardly to the world and its stories and are focused only upon ourselves it becomes that we see the patterns of ourselves everywhere, and even can begin to enact them.
If Napoleon had eaten more sugar he would have been a far different man.
Sugar inspires joviality within the body and without; it devours a certain parasite, it qualms the complaints, it stills the emotions, and it buffers the relationship of ego to body. Sugar takes a perspective outside of the body, and outside of the self for a time.
And whilst it is never advised to over-do or indulge in great quantities, one can understand that it is the action of the sweetness introduced into the body that alleviates the stresses of conferring with the living situation within and without.
Who is Medusa?
According to this Greek legend, Medusa had been at one time a beautiful
woman. But during the course of time she developed snakes for hair, and
anybody wh...