
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Monday, June 17, 2024

Memories of Nothingness- 15th June 2024

Vapid memories portend storms in the ethers- a cumulus of ‘dead’ energy, a collective of similar lowly thought densely surrounding the populace.

The expression ‘clouding one’s judgement” is, in this instance, entirely real. The inner cities are so contaminated mutually with the abraded scabs of tired thinking; and this is no small matter, for both the thoughts and words of men are rich with prospect ordinarily.

Individuals and collectives are empowered not only with prayer and petition but also with the day-to-day thoughtful activity affecting the whole. This output of energetic reasoning and deliberation, imagination, and creativeness is contributing to the overall mental and spiritual health of the community who share somewhat in its influence.

However, so too do tensions, obsessions and deviations deride further thinking and the willing of the community - and at the same time provide a form of sustenance for the demonic beings who energetically are ‘recharged’ with the lower astrality of desiccated desire and so forth.

Now as to the term ‘demonic’ it is true to say that this cohort are far from beautiful, for everything about them reflects the very worst of our Humanity … yet having said that, there does also exist far more frightening characters from which all men are protected; and these sinister entities thankfully are beyond our comprehension, being so vile we would not be equipped to recognize or conceive or contend with them.

And when it comes to the demonic beings they are inverted and limited, repulsive and counterfeit - counter-creative to all life presently - annoying at best and corrupting at worst - with allies and connections that are persuasive and seemingly pleasing, yet with falsehoods and fakery, deceiving and controlling.

These beings of a hierarchy shall soon need to reform or quit their objectives, for the battle in Heaven for the souls of Mankind has already been championed and succeeded (all glory be to Christ); and the little brothers of darkness are angered all the more, but not as one might be fearful of - for they are defeated.

The slag of tired lifeless thought, this sewerage of haplessness, is in many respects more deleterious to the spiritual mind and needs attending to. This is one reason why it is said that a walk in the country may ‘clear one’s head’ and so forth.

Even in the suburbs it is possible to find patches in parks or unfrequented places where the psychic atmosphere is somewhat clearer and the tension of tedious thinking may be relieved.

This is one reason why folk who feel disturbed or depressed can find genuine solace in a quieter place or a country life. It is especially true for boating on the water, walking the beach and so forth and surprisingly the renewal that comes from escaping the pollution of thought-scum is so beneficial that all at once we can experience a benefit from the relief discovered.

One reason for this is that the thought-scum is/was not of our making in the first place -however if that kind of thinking is all we have - i.e. our daily thought is bereft of any aspirational desire/hope/thinking, then sadly there shall be little recharge received from escaping it.

Elevated thinking in groups, in churches, can create a very positive space for all within - cordoning off from the dredge from the world, if managed thoughtfully.

Overall we are sovereigns of our thinking, willing and being, and if the lustre has dimmed we can, through prayer, transport ourselves via the golden cord from which our beings are so attached.

This cord is not the silver astral thread often spoken of, but that line that connects us with our Divinity by which we will never be lost - through to our Angel, and their Angels, our beloved, our Christ, and to the Father.

To meditate on this may take one up and out of the poor postured thinking, the malaise of self doubt, the contrivance of habitual justification or perhaps even perpetual mourning. You may meditate on the golden cord and its revelations will come to you always in kindness, with solace, and encouragement.

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