Truth is neither a panacea or salve, it is life itself: material, physical, electrical, spiritual life, which permeates, invigorates, correlates, imbibes, motivates and manifests yet more remarkable life.
And at the very centre of all life is Christ.
If a soul rejects Christ they reject life.
This is why the variety of death cults appear as they do, and do as they do.
The two allegiances are distinct and whilst it is very true that the human being changes moment to moment, and is never far from either grace or falling; and that we needs must affirm anew every day our intentions and our inner pledge ... it is also most true to say that adults (not children) tip one way or the other.
Ultimately the path of death incurs its own consequences - literally living and dying by the swords of its own making.
Death has not the duty to sustain itself. It plays no part in beauty or creativity, and it simply seeks to unmake that which is coherent and maintaining life. And this unmaking has a place within the natural order when it is time for the unmaking to make way for new life, or the changing circumstances of life.
The powerful forces of cessation, dissemination, and withdrawal are essentially a blessing - sleep, for example, is one of these gifts where life is relaxed and re-ordered.
However there is life within and without the Christ. Salt, yes into the membrane, but Christ into the heart.
The ‘fallen’ ones suffer a conjunctivitis of the heart and in the very worst of cases the soul evacuates, the angel keeps their distance, and the entity within is either the base consciousness of the animal body or a visiting lodger.
We can most certainly pray for the ones who are but empty shells. Such judgement is not criticism, it is discernment. If a person is actively, wilfully, attempting to cause a demise in your own life you can invite them to pray with you before the further conversation together - or quietly commit a prayer in the room in their presence.
The saying of Grace before eating holds many good purposes and the pertinent one here was that it was a call to peace with those who you break bread with. When eating in the company of others you are particularly sensitive and open to their influence.
If a person aggrieves you it is preferable not to eat food with them or if one must, then to say Grace openly and loudly beforehand.
Charitable concern is natural because the pitiable conditions of unrest, madness, anger etc. are most obviously saddening, however these are not to be indulged in or have us captivated thereby.
We try hard within our own consciousness to stay the course and exercise our confidence in goodness - we try to make effort and mostly we enjoy the benefaction that follows ... however there are those miserable individuals who would interrupt these strengths within your being and disturb your own sense of peace within. If this occurs you can be momentarily in peril. ‘A little poison may be a cure, yet a lot of poison may provoke a death.’
Choose the time you have where possible away from these individuals who would destroy you.
It was not just one man who crucified our Christ - it was many. And many more today would gleefully do the same.
As difficult as it is to picture, in many respects it comes down to just this.
And to qualify: it is not to expect that Christ needs be named by the individual or that he wears the title ‘Christian’, but rather that Christ’s Love lives within them, that they accept His Grace and Presence and Peace into their hearts, their choosing, their discerning and deciding, their knowing, their providing, incarnating goodness into the spheres of today to build up the worlds of tomorrow with the living majesty of heavenly proportions.
Let no man or woman take your happiness or your soul - or for that matter, quality of mindfulness also. To this we have by Christ and the divine intervention the ability to say ‘no’ sternly, firmly, protectively, resolutely and most definitely ‘No’ to any or to all who would assault us.
Who is Medusa?
According to this Greek legend, Medusa had been at one time a beautiful
woman. But during the course of time she developed snakes for hair, and
anybody wh...