
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Power of Blessing-14th January 2024

The earliest of songs, of chants, of morning calls upon this earth were, and are, that of incarnation - of the blessing of the divine outpouring making manifest, and the sanctifying of the spaces surrounding … of the spirit extending its reach. All species of the realm pour forth.

And it is the very first sounds of the day (or first words spoken) that are the most potent. The draw-down from the heavenly spheres is released as a blessing into the physical world enabling a thriving for the depleted from the day before.

And it is that various cyclic energies ebb and flow - however those that truly sustain and maintain the world and its occupants do so within the outpouring of the morning.

The birdcall effectively feeds the ethers and beings; not only of the physical environment, but also the spiritual beings as well.

This encapsulates the profound blessing given out by our own daily activity here in the World - particular and quite extraordinary - and there is controversy also!

For those who go to the silence with wholehearted and sincere prayer, into that space where healing may be curated: we say yea, this is quite fine and purposeful and so forth - and there is a measure of activity within the silence to be found.

Yet add to this the spoken word or sound or movement (of beads perhaps and even) and the accompanied activity then incarnates the blessing into the world officially by its busyness and resonance (which can be further strengthened by repetition).

The spirit of cognition needs to abrase and excite and inflame and ignite and thereafter combine within and into the mix here and hereafter.

There is such connectivity all about us - life itself is this process of energetic transference.

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