
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Friday, May 17, 2024

Beliefs - 17th May, 2024

Illustration in the "Basilica Philosophica" section of Opus Medico-Chymicum

The word 'belief' did not exist once upon a time, in the vocabulary or the thinking of the human being. Belief is an abstract term today loaded with innuendo and a formula for doubt - from the moment it is uttered or pinned upon the concept it contains, it frames the gnosis or the spiritual reality as being ephemeral or transitory, illusive or unknowable.

This transition of understanding denotes one of the saddest times in human history and marks the exact spot where the mind became separated from the spiritual truths undergirding the whole.

Formerly every adult wore the heart of a child, in respect to their understandings of the glory of God and the gods. Similarly there was an innate comprehension of the many devils that could thwart them were they not to recognise the 'thieves' on the highways of worldly life.

Remarkably and quite wonderfully, the inner knowing of there being a tangible reality of Christ and the Father is possible despite the blockages experienced. But for those who are still persisting with ideas of 'belief' and relegating the golden precepts to another form of agnosticism, the leap can be too far.

Why is this important? Our self consciousness is yoked to our Father, and our ability to perceive and conceive anything is first and foremostly a spiritual experience. It does not work from the bottom up. Our perception and thinking will be skewed if our reasonings are base - purely materialistic. Every premise is wrong when understood from the bottom up. And it could be added here: yes, ‘as above so below’ - however it is not 'as below so it is above' - this is concordant with duplicitous thinking - the very same that brought about the abject explanation of 'belief'. And yes, what is being said here is plain and to a point. Evil in the world is all the more dangerous when it cannot be recognised - and especially if it is dressed up as being worthy of our love and attention.

For far too long this world has suffered thusly.

Be of good cheer however because the remedy, the truth and the reality have been  here all along.

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