
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Wraiths of Sadness- 28th September 2024

Yuri Kuznetsov
The reckoning of ideas becomes the torsion between the heavenly spheres and the very motivation for proceeding forth with earthly evolution.

Materialism is of itself inert - it is not self-fulfilling for it requires a spiritual sustenance to sustain itself, and furthermore, from a cosmic perspective it requires a true purpose - a beating heart as it were - to be able to continue on.

During times of immense change the influx of souls is championed with such a variety of experience coming from past lives and places; and not all of the times represented coalesce homogeneously.

Added to this the storms which are becoming more prevalent are a direct result from demonic practices that conjure and coerce sprites, and righteous kobolds, and in some cases the collective malefactors that as puss now contained have been released into cyclone and flood, with ruptured earth and drenched metropolis, barren fields and splintering winds.

The ravaging tempest exceeds the resistance - for a time. And after its passing the calm does return - and the ground stills, the waters recede, the fires have gone, the stillness once more becomes a cache for bird calls and beetle creaks.

Meanwhile, overtly (in acts of war) and covertly (through acts of deception) peoples throughout the globe are being impinged upon, and for some their lives are interrupted in ways that are not normal, natural or friendly to the soul.

There becomes a collective unrest in the spiritual realm - overfilling the ‘Van Allen Belts’ of sorrow and suffering which is contained - for that residual is not permitted into Heaven itself having no real place there, yet clings to the outer atmosphere of the physical world as a smog of complaint and angst, tacky and dense, encircling the atmosphere; with no particular continent it travels sometimes in the radius, sometimes in clumps physically, astrally and etherically.

For the thoughts and experiences of the many are so powerful and their injustices and suffering impress the ethers with a ghostly imprint.

Now more than ever a remedial pledge can be made that we release and conform the very mirror of this world to reflect instead the inherent majesty of soul that is Man.

By grace and graciousness and purity - these measurements may give allowance for the holy to come forth and put task to further, to reclaim, and to heal.

Live as Christ would live and all will be well.

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