
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Friday, December 27, 2024

Co-Ordination- 27th December 2024

The florid complexion of Nature blushes before her King.

The Thrones and Principalities celebrate with embellished festivity the birthday that is His.

The creatures, the amoebas, the folk of both land and sea are now ensouled with the grace that He brings - brothers in common, a working cohabitant homogeny.

And for each, their time is measured – every life is a life that is His; and across the planes and terrains of the ineffable, each has tried their best.

From the smallest and the briefest, the sleepy rock, the ancient tree, the infant born who then returns … each has tried their best.

The desire for life swells strong and deep as the spirit within strives to know and to live.

And this impulse to breathe, to move, to exist, mightily swells within all, circulating the world, imbibing the ground and the heavens about, accordingly.

And above all else He conducts this Orchestra of fellowship – He who loves this synthesis of being.

This co-ordination is phenomenal and spirit driven. It is wisdom the provokes the indwelling soul, an inherent wisdom that guides each to their respective fate – the inner knowing conforming to characters prescribed.

And each will do their best.

Natures within Nature, reasoning as is their want, collaborating with the familial host, circulating the parameters so destined.

He knows them all – He can sense their needs and with an honest yearning to unburden the many who are whelmed with incongruity.

But for now we can celebrate the many colours of life – the happiness that the smallest may experience, the humour that is distinctly His.

For such joy is the puff and pull of a higher nurture, displacing the agonies of the physical life, transmuting slyly the wanton sorrow.
Happy birthday oh beloved knit of the Cosmos! Breach the Demons, and calm the nerves, cool the fever, clothe the naked - and respect the hopes of each living soul, for they try, they strive, they pay the toll.

When we pray for another we draw closer to Him, when we ally with the angels we draw closer to them, when by empathy or curiosity we appreciate the abounding life and community of souls, we find our own cherished humanity within.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The Christmas Gift- 15th December 2024

The hidden value, the secret most holy name, the essential, quintessential material yet etherial: that part of each of us and of all beings which by design are most perfect and sustained - that part which is enduring and unbreakable - unseen yet incorruptible, that we are fortitude, we are the essential life, we hold the undeniable truth, and every tatter and trace can fall away, yet we remain.

And amongst the play of worldly change, this flux and flow of both dark and incandescent life, there are so many treasuries to come when unpicked and reviewed further on.

What may not be obvious at first glance may prove to be enriched with untold meaning in hindsight.

It is almost impossible not to be cryptic when speaking of the unseen, the secret, the esoteric life within.

Yet plainly also - for it is the reality that fortifies all reality.

And furthermore, the entwined roots from one to another - this too becomes our fundamental and interweaving strength.

Casual conversation is always so much more than a drifting fancy. And so it goes.

Now, if we look to the scriptures and ponder: what may have been beneath the proclamations of Christ? Did He give more with His words? For surely He is the better part of us - or possibly the very best?

And these truths - not merely words, but spoken, is the new law, a true law, which one calls for inner governance and higher discerning. They are now substantial in the world, as those who first heard the living word gave certain testament and thereby qualified what was to become for all a guidance that could and would endure.

Yes, when these words were spoken they laid path to our inner doors that we might know our enduring selves and the Christ-light of others also.

Esoteric diving is not just for the blessed few but for each and every human being, and if ever there was a time to encourage this it is now.

And by no means proselytise - for this is uncouth, and insulting to the ear. 

In two parts we have for this dialogue: A question and a holy comment to follow.

The question opens the mind, and it maybe of anything at all - general, not personal - a pondering, a wondering … what say you?

Questions stretch open the curtain just a little that the soul contemplates a fraction more.

And then, we may offer the gift of the spiritual and holy treasure; (randomly said and surprising and stunning). It was for this reason poetry was often recited - fragments of verse would impart such inspirations inserted into everyday conversation. Maxims and generous quotes used to be commonplace.

You can even read from a notebook etc, if you lack the confidence or recall - and it will not be questioned - however if it is questioned this also is very good as it leads to more absorbing and awakening.

Here we have the best gifts to give, particularly at this period they are received with a potency and joy with the significance of Christmastide.

First the question (example) … “are all duck beaks yellow or do they come in many colours?”

“Is breakfast time first thing in the morning or can you have breakfast at lunch time?”

“Is a numbat a real creature?”

“Does every tree have the same amount of leaves as another?”

“Do eggs begin their lives as round?”
“Mad Hatter: “Why is a raven like a writing-desk?”

“Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice again.

“No, I give it up,” Alice replied: “What’s the answer?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter”.

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Then comes the follow up: for instance:

“Oh it is to praise the sacred life that sustains us!”

“The thief of time is pardoned in eternity.”

“For whatsoever from one place doth fall,
Is with the tide unto an other brought:
For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought.”

― Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves" 

– William Shakespeare, spoken by Cassius

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” 

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

- Romans 8:38-39  

And so, with a Mad Hatter’s riddle our conversant is open to what may come next - to good purpose, and happy discovery, should we offer (with cheer) an elevated dictum!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Ship of Fools- 1st December 2024

There are tensions and torsions that are healthy - required for the contrast and momentum of life - and then there are tensions and tearaways too great to be contained, that are destructive to the life that would most normally and adequately contain them.
A bird song for instance creates a tension within the ethers to which the life around it responds and flourishes thereby. And similarly (although distinctly) so does the voice of another human being affect and afflict the ethers, the ears, and the minds of others - for better or for worse.
In other words, one is not imagining that there is an actual, pivotal change occurring when another person speaks out loud. Silent retreats, conclaves, certain orders, recognise that within this silence comes the restoration of self, of prayer, of presence. Insults and curses are distinctly detrimental and carry with them the seal of royalty as it were - that of the human spirit, who is ordained spiritually - and so such deleterious expletives are profoundly harmful, especially for those in close proximity around them.
The indigent who is cursing randomly is unfortunately spreading a spiritual filth that is hazardously poisonous and is best to be avoided as quickly as one can, dismissed with a prayer for them, and for self, and for containment. However whether mumbling or screeching their dark complaints, the atmosphere itself is permeated with sickness and disruptive chaos - literally contaminating all who suffer their presence even for the shortest period of time.
This is no small thing for even though the individual maybe seemingly mindless, the rants and ravings hold dark intent. There is a supreme difference between the human being who has withdrawn and it is childlike or vacant, to the fevered individual who is vocally abusive.
The power of words is far stronger than any virus - and if we can be mindful of this we can remove ourselves as quickly as possible from certain situations, realising it can take days to recover from the fatigue that can ensue from this. 
Our physical body and our spiritual-physical body are both resistant in respect to any permanent damage, with the seal and power and construct of Christ we are impervious to the insults and assaults of others - however both are tired and worn by said afflictions (especially in the world at present) and require actual time for restoration after any disruptive event as described. 
Most folk ordinarily want to pick up and move forward - even though they may be exhausted one way or the other, yet the exhaustion will be prolonged if there is no chance to come to the quiet.
Therefore a solitary walk, waking before the household rises, preserving one’s thoughts, retiring quickly away from conversation: one will find their own path to preservation if they are thoughtful as to the necessity for such.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Contrast - 8th November, 2024

Arild Rosenkrantz 
Contrast is imperial to perspective - both visually and conceptually. 

Mental acuity, as well as the depth of one’s soul’s activity, is all about observation and contrast - and later, further to this, discernment and definition.

And for contrast we require light, and discernible, palpable substance.

It is with the power and blessing of the light there becomes suitable graduations of defining contrast: light in the world, light in the mind, light in the soul.

And then also, there needs be without and within us a panorama, a vista, a scenery of detail - a catalogue of knowledge to choose where to fix our outer gaze or inner vision; and this is of course the realm of experience whereby we carry within us the certain knowledge of that we have formerly experienced.

And once again it is the light - the divine light - that reveals and finesses this contrast with its revelation of detail.

We must not judge our brothers for lacking in discernment, wisdom, or common sense. For the most part they are truly doing their best, and unless they have fallen into depravity, their testing and trying in life is no more and no less than what it could or should be.

In other words one may become exasperated wondering how it is that another simply cannot see what you plainly can see - but not only is a point of reference required for this meeting of minds, but the contrast as well for like thinking to occur.

It truly is a fool’s pursuit trying to force this upon another and one could say a lack of contrast in and of itself. 

Prayer is the secretum, the ad hoc, and the great improviser.

Prayer unites all by drawing in the light - opening hearts and minds to the effulgent, the incandescent ways of insight and inner vision.

Through prayer the contrasting light pours forth out and into the world redefining its worth with every new lumen.

Perspective is important, but it cannot exist without the light itself - and the pathway to this light is prayer.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The New Jerusalem- 26th October 2024

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

-Lewis Carroll: Jabberwocky
Hans Georg Leiendecker

Whether we are aware of it or not, our dual existence is maintained ever throughout our lifetime of sleeping and waking; for this is an oscillation that perpetuates us forward.

And similarly, it will come to pass after death that there can be another dual existence, whereupon we are ‘awake’ and conscious, looking back into this world, and then for a period ‘sleeping’ and reaching into, and learning, in yet higher realms, and so forth.

This process, this passage of experience, truly nurtures and encourages the consciousness to grow in ways that living in a singular existence only could not.

It has been said that materialism is sclerosis of the soul i.e. that the focus on earthly life alone inters the mind, the consciousness; and the being who becomes so invested within only worldly parameters eventually finds that their thinking narrows, their consciousness thins, their social, moral and spiritual values are exchanged for investments in wealth and power.

Inevitably concerted efforts into wealth, for example, are not of themselves dangerous to the soul where there is attention and practice given to spiritual pursuits also, as well as a measure of benefaction.

The giver cannot do so merely as a shill but from true charity from the heart - for the heavens, and our own souls, will not be fooled.

Returning to materialism it is easy to see how inevitable it is for individuals to very quickly lose their sense of spiritual self and become entombed in the ideals of their own making.

One could say that the entrapments of the devil are very simple in this – and the hopeful who are excited with the glamour of lust's prospects all walk into an early grave.

For it is the spiritual worlds that sustain us – in every way.

Our journeys there during sleep truly provide the sustenance for our daily drive – the forces that motivate our limbs, and even that of our thinking, come from our gathering during the night when we are out and about our bodies.

The materialist however is often ‘earthbound’ to a great extent and could be mistaken as a ghoul or wraith in the neighbouring astral realm even whilst alive in the world.

For truly it is that what we focus upon we become and furthermore, who we focus upon (associate, assist, care for, pray for) broadens our own being and its reach.

Fundamentally selfishness in both rich and the poor is the cause of such misery (miser = misery) and in larger terms with broader reach the volatilities within countries and peoples are suffering generally because of this imbalance.

The New Jerusalem seeks to cohabit the souls of Community with the Heavenly perspective once again – bring into the world itself the forces required for its peoples to thrive.

And this is not reachable or achievable unless the hearts and hopes of men and women are once again enlightened and enlivened with the sweetness of true spiritual reward.

This: the experience of the greater expanses, the recognising of our beloved Christ within us, and our beloved Christ all about us, and the very simple truth understood that life itself is so much bigger than the temporal - as are we - gratefully, humbly, illumined for eternity.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Effluence- 22nd October, 2024

Evelyn de Morgan
Effluence is the run-off, and/or the expiration of the excess that departs the naturally divided waters, and many other substances besides. It generally goes its own way out from its source.

The frothy effluent on a beach or from a herbal medicinal compound contains extracts and properties that are now as the rarefied ethers - embellished and emboldened, enriched and if not contaminated, this shedding contains a wealth of dynamic properties carried through.

This form of extract has departed its natural ways and has been collectively composed.

Perfumery with all of its etheric vitality and cosmic exuberance is a succinct example of the powers of native effluence.

Homeopathy is a form of such extraction also becoming the potency- following the principles of the run-off, rather than the main.

For it is in the action of the departure we find such a critical change providing its gift to become so potent within our own homogeny thereby.

The distinction of this process is that the main body of substance is not the primary source, but rather that which comes from it: i.e. the fruit, the leaves, the flowers - the syrup (especially maple syrup) being the effulgent run-off from its host captivating this lively action and consolidating etherial and physical mineral properties that work stimulating and nourishing and imparting within the human system co-operatively - something of the nature of the Maple as well.

Effluence is a form of extraction that can be contextualised in mortal faith. It is not our thoughts or words that feed the world and the heavens above - it is the rarefied condensation overall - pertinent to its ‘currency’ of its living motion.

All acts of faith are dynamic: what may appear to be inwardly peaceful can be etherically very active - conversely where a mind/soul is in turmoil (perplexed, astrally desirous, angered, psychotic) they are almost etherically inert.

During a service of faith there is always a great spiritual activity all around - contrasting the gentle folk constrained to the quiet or the routines of recitals yet with the buzzing and lively ethers of many happy beings so surrounding.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Good News & the Bad News-13th October 2024

Hans Georg Leiendecker

The true natures of some may not be as they appear, for there are indeed human beings who have lost their souls.

This disparity comes from abhorrent behaviour enacted by the lower consciousness.

The soul itself is not contaminated in this- having separated from the incarnating humanhood borne out of trauma and disgust - albeit of self, and not that of the World.

This is a slightly different take on the usual interpretation of what it means to ‘lose one’s soul’. For what we are explaining here is that the soul (although in a trouble all of its own) is fundamentally pure enough to evacuate its body and circumstance when life’s happenstance has been overtaken by the darker influences which thrive on death and sorrow.

When an individual in their early life leaves God, departing His ways, the soul along with their Angel needs must depart. For there comes a time for the wicked where their involvement forces the soul to abandon connection and association.

It is often said that the worst psychopath and murderers have come from cruel childhoods.

One cannot go into detail for that would provide a formula for those already given to evil - however it is enough to show that there are those who would perform unconscionable acts of injury to the innocent and take pleasure in their suffering and draw life from the ebb and flow of others, whereupon the ultimate desire is to separate men and women; and yes, even children, from their very souls.

And some of these individuals can appear to be whole humans - they may even conduct themselves successfully in all precincts of humanity; they may feign charm and work with a cunning - not all are brutes outwardly - but from our view it is plain who is and who isn’t as such amongst us.

This consideration is potentially as harmful as it is helpful, for we may look to our neighbour with suspicion or justify incarceration etc. depending on judgements which for most would be uncertain.

However you can know two things from this: one, the soul is safe and always so.

Christ holds our souls close and is protector to all.

Secondly, there are those within this World who have no conscience when it comes to the suffering of others and this alone can show you who they are, and sadly what they are likely to do and not do in their limited capacity - and, to be wary of such, for they do not care for humanity, and there are other forces and beings driving their passions, uncanny and godless, in abject masquerade.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Wraiths of Sadness- 28th September 2024

Yuri Kuznetsov
The reckoning of ideas becomes the torsion between the heavenly spheres and the very motivation for proceeding forth with earthly evolution.

Materialism is of itself inert - it is not self-fulfilling for it requires a spiritual sustenance to sustain itself, and furthermore, from a cosmic perspective it requires a true purpose - a beating heart as it were - to be able to continue on.

During times of immense change the influx of souls is championed with such a variety of experience coming from past lives and places; and not all of the times represented coalesce homogeneously.

Added to this the storms which are becoming more prevalent are a direct result from demonic practices that conjure and coerce sprites, and righteous kobolds, and in some cases the collective malefactors that as puss now contained have been released into cyclone and flood, with ruptured earth and drenched metropolis, barren fields and splintering winds.

The ravaging tempest exceeds the resistance - for a time. And after its passing the calm does return - and the ground stills, the waters recede, the fires have gone, the stillness once more becomes a cache for bird calls and beetle creaks.

Meanwhile, overtly (in acts of war) and covertly (through acts of deception) peoples throughout the globe are being impinged upon, and for some their lives are interrupted in ways that are not normal, natural or friendly to the soul.

There becomes a collective unrest in the spiritual realm - overfilling the ‘Van Allen Belts’ of sorrow and suffering which is contained - for that residual is not permitted into Heaven itself having no real place there, yet clings to the outer atmosphere of the physical world as a smog of complaint and angst, tacky and dense, encircling the atmosphere; with no particular continent it travels sometimes in the radius, sometimes in clumps physically, astrally and etherically.

For the thoughts and experiences of the many are so powerful and their injustices and suffering impress the ethers with a ghostly imprint.

Now more than ever a remedial pledge can be made that we release and conform the very mirror of this world to reflect instead the inherent majesty of soul that is Man.

By grace and graciousness and purity - these measurements may give allowance for the holy to come forth and put task to further, to reclaim, and to heal.

Live as Christ would live and all will be well.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Living the Dream- 20th September 2024

Henry Justice Ford
From the Artist’s perspective everything is light, shade and colour.

From the Musician’s perspective everything is note, chord, range, rhythm and harmony.

From the Chemist’s perspective everything is element, phase, combining and combustion.

From the Engineer’s perspective everything is fixed or not fixed, stable, volatile, spacial and critical.

From the Priest’s perspective everything is virtuous or sinful, evil or god like, Christ-like, humble.

From the Gardener’s perspective everything is seasonal, thriving, or withering, abounding and alive.

From the Surgeon’s perspective everything is vapid, with responsibility and gravity, precise, heroic or futile.

From the Performer’s perspective everything is charming, persuasive, creative, laborious, other-worldly, rewarding.

From the child’s perspective everything is sunlit, grace-full, certain, unpredictable, entertaining, humorous, lit with love, warm with love, contained with love and content with love.

The scaffolding and bearings one must utilise in order to catch a thought, to interpret a fact, be able to reason, or perceive and interpret an event, requires a subset of facilities that vary from person to person.

This explains in part why the people who stood on a beach during a tsunami and watched transfixed whilst the wave pulled out, were waiting then for the wave to come back being unaware of any danger.

Reasoning is not merely a two part process. It is far more than receiving just a thought going backwards and forth - it is the handling of that very thought or reality utilising many measures of reference.

And the skills become faster throughout one’s life in forming these patterns of reasoning that will become foundational to later thinking.

The aforementioned occupations/characters did not create themselves - it is the individual who finds his suited path and nestles there.

The noviciate sees the world as temporal, and for this reason is not enamoured with material prospects but is rather aloof to acquisitiveness; he is prideful only with gratitude and never self-congratulatory.

The noviciate is far seeing - although present in the moment also. He can perceive the tides rise and fall - and in this he becomes a seer walking alongside the Divine.

Holiness is first and foremost his creed; and humour, gentle humour, his joy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Everlasting- 9th September 2024

Our lives are annotated, yet there in the margins are the observations also of one’s higher consciousness watching on: living a parallel existence, attuned to cosmic reasoning, beyond the timely concerns.

Our higher beings are one and the same with that of our own ego - our travelling spirit - however, it is the super-consciousness as it were, which presides within both worlds.

It conveys the maturity of countless eons, it is not confined to the earthly limitations - and it is us in total, not in part.

This is no separate being but the accumulative wisdom and the inherent godly Trust - the bank of spiritual knowing - and through Christ and His realm it also shares the truest knowledge of Humanity - from particle to globe - the ‘insights’ are without end - in glory, in splendour, in the most fascinating endeavour.

And why not live in this higher mindset all of the time?

During sleep our daily mind shall try its best to receive this higher understanding, especially if there is a question for which it is needed … however throughout the waking day we participate in limited and particular views in order to strive for a substantiality - making manifest a thought, a word, and a connection.

For the cosmic dance is so wonderful, yet the connections in the spiritual worlds are somewhat frivolous - for in a world of lights it is unusual to be able to find a single light - just as in a forest of trees it is hard to find that one particular tree, and when looking at the ocean it is hard to grasp that one drop of water amongst it. Further to these analogies is the sky itself with clouds in motion - as elusive as this is also.

Just so we may define our relationships and ourselves with an intense purpose and significant clasp that will carry over, bringing a clarity into our afterlife - bringing yet more of a different gnosis that has now been clarified in love.

And this may be to garden, to study, to farm, to care for a domestic pet; wherever there is a living love throughout one’s earthly life, there is this divine carryover that shall remain in the psyche of the soul.

And in this we give much happiness to Christ Himself, who as the Father, lives with the joy of His children prospering.

In this our loving living connections give us pathways to reunite going forward - wherever we may be.

Love everlasting: love here in the world and you have made this particular to the findings of future grace.

And in this we also find ourselves even as a drop of water, as puff in sky, we shall become recognisable now to others and to ourselves.

It is with love we are formed, we become, and live on.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Biblical Times & the Great Revelation- Sunday 25th August 2024

Incredulity is the very first beginning to new thought. You may catch the flash of realization as it passes sometimes all too quickly - across the mind conflicting an old thought, and there it is! The new knowledge revealed, alive and obvious, once seen to then be always seen thereafter - the true illumination … for this 'special delivery' is the hallmark of divine precepts and inspired knowledge from a higher reality than ourselves.

And the testimony of the Scriptures was often the gift of this: accounts given from souls who were so 'touched' by God, often leading up to a physical peril, many who would transverse their life's plan midway and depart into new lands, communities and objectives.

The call of the Spiritual worlds, the awakening to its dual carriage upon the Earth, gave the noviciate and the Master, the confidence to follow an entirely different plan - one that succeeded all else.

Baptism has tried to effect this makeover -remonstrating such as it was in that Holy event of the awakening and the melding of the dual pathway as then was known.

Every soul one way or another comes to this experience - if not within their life's design it shall happen just prior to death. And, with this, the conscious mind becomes enlightened, awakened, stirred, contested, readjusted, inspired, re-attuned, realigned with the rapture of this duality.

Spiritual vision and esoteric insights, offer the individual a greater peace both inwardly and outwardly - in revelation revealing the majesty of higher laws as they manifest succinctly within this otherwise indeterminable sphere.

And, for the man or woman who has not yet found his feet upon this path, there is a confusion trying to knit reason with purpose and outcome.

The World itself, by itself, would be unholy and most certainly unjust. And to many this opinion gives them motivation for living as they might, without care to cause or empathy for others.

One cannot effect this ‘revealing' with or for another; not by will or allure, picture book or even humour. However, if one offers an invitation or challenge for them to pray in in earnest - just the once - they can very very possibly, as key in lock, as light on life, as a call in the darkness, as deep memory in the soul, and as the yet unfound pearl, experience prayer to be the very catalyst into their new life going forward.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Is Barbarism Natural?- 8th July 2024

Rudolf Schlichter
It is assumed that individuals in the far past behaved as cavemen-hunters or violent tribesmen. And when we view aggressive peoples in this world today it is often thought that they may hold some evolutionary deficit, and that furthermore it will only be a matter of time for them to be able to ‘catch up’ to a more civilised way of life.

There are particular pools of races and religion which attract fanatics in the true sense, and then those who are impartial to all but themselves.

Often (but not always) the more violent the culture, one finds that their reasoning within that culture is limited, and the physical bodies are strong and robust; and looking further you can appreciate that the members of such groups (tribal, religious, even violent gangs/sports/cartels etc) also tend to be remarkably disciplined and adept at what they do … whereupon rituals are consciously, deliberately, and thoroughly adhered to and the dictates they have been born into are dutifully followed.

Added to this the men, and sometimes the women, can be strict to the point of cruelty, and their worldview is generally narrow i. e. with little or no appreciation for cultures outside of their own.

All of what has just been said, and is about to be said, should not be taken out of context, or used to depict every single soul who is caught up in such a narrowness - an evolutionary decline … and our sympathy and compassion simply increases because of our knowledge, fuelling neither disdain or blanket judgement thereof.

Returning to the point: barbarism denotes decline, and not a lack of evolutionary experience.

Violent traits within an individual, race or religion, occur from poor character and evil behaviour - they do not arise naturally from naive unevolved souls.

In early evolution the men and women were childlike in their consciousness and sweetness abounded.

The closer one is to the heavenly consciousness the more beauty and profoundly sweet is the soul.

However, it can happen within the world that there are those who have chosen selfishness, corruption, murder, deceit and basically speaking, the way of the devil, betraying one another and humanity, choosing the path of death - and they are compelled by natural law to be reborn into a worldly hell of a community of like-minded individuals who similarly have lived and have now become as they are.

You see former times of this globe and earlier still have had golden ages of enlightenment whereupon the intellectual life and spiritual insights far exceeded what it is we have today - however the smog of evility descended upon the whole and it is the mission of the individual to help rouse the living world to what it once was - and by Christ, with Christ, through Christ, all this is possible.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Guns & Roses- 3ʳᵈ August 2024

Picking through wisdoms with an abstract heart, trying through mind to align truth to parallel; wishing for conformity and scriptural duplicity, rational equivalency, grades of the same … this, all this, is not enough.

And yes, there are measures whereby these parallels comfort us, and furthermore truth does become shaped within principles and precepts that are solid and true. However spiritual axioms are not intellectual - insofar as berries and fruit are best ingested through the mouth and not the feet.

Similarly arguments between lovers, friends and even with infants mostly never come to peace via the intellectual detangling of separate positioned opinions and grievance of perspect.

There maybe a pretence of understanding, or an admission towards peace, however the mind may simply want to reconcile for the sake of that peace without feeling or being able to comprehend the dilemmas of the other.

For in fact we are needs-be perplexed by the collateral of another soul. Their consciousness and trials, their catalogues of experience, is not as ours - and especially in contrasting times etc they may appear to be similar in a very rudimentary way, but in the most complex of fashioning, they are not.

And likewise it is also for individual countries and their heritage peoples; the added differences are extraordinary and one's understanding cannot be gained merely by scholarly learning or extraneous observation.

Our only path to such knowledge and understanding is through love - and that is a gift of Christ: that we may be able to find an immediate affinity with another - be them human, Angel or creature, through and with the divine heart that is His.

We ask that we be shown this true wisdom in the name of our beloved Christ, and that only the goodness will come to us.

Truths about mishap are irrelevant, whereas truths of compassion towards circumstance are exceedingly important if we care to sharpen our perception and begin to hold this World in our hearts as He does.

It is sublimely possible - and as these times become more fevered and worn, the path to the Heart is more necessary now than ever.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bilateral times- 24th July 2024

Hans Georg Leiendecker 

The prism of time throws lights of many colours, and reflections thereof ... enabling those with foresight to see or perceive graduations of possibilities that may appear contrary to the current conditions.

Life is not static, nor is it bound ahead of its time to manifest definitively. There is a myriad of gradients within the perimeters of chance and planning.

Purpose drives all manifestation. It is core, central to the exquisite beauty and romance of the physical world. Our hearts do love and rejoice in life here - ordinarily.

Of course, the reality of pain and hardship does detract from this inherent passion, it is true. There can be circumstances where one's body or its confines have become arduous, restricted, or plagued with an ague.

In this the supplication may feel slow, and the colours of possibility, now pale. It is this difficult misery which remarkably does lend itself to a purpose also - one which is both divine and revelatory.

The soul does not separate from the body, but its perceptions may so to a degree - and in this experience there becomes a completely different perspective and understanding on what it is to live in the world - the same world of youth and happiness.

This vantage is so spiritually enlivened that further on, within the heavenly realm, the soul has abilities and talents thereby, which would not have been gleaned by just a simple life.

It is not to say that one must endure misery and hardship as a constant: but to respect that the entitlements of life are varied, and always it is purpose that is the signature to our beings, rather than holidaying throughout the realms. Our souls are so eager and exhilarated by both adventure and by kindness. Kindness is an exciting element -often unexpected, often without karmic concern - the individual who practices kindness has one Angel on both shoulders participating in what they may.

The adventure of life is unlike any other: it affords our beings to express ourselves as ourselves - whatever that may be. And when people come together -when they are in community, family, friendship, with one another, there becomes an exaggerated sense of being and wellbeing.

This cheerful enterprise is exactly what profits the growth of the future world. Our interactions need not be philosophical or even religious - they need be of care, of kindness, of good will. And with this the heart grows, our purpose is fulfilled.

Friday, July 12, 2024

In & Out of Time- 10th July 2024

Crisp newness fortified with the promise of endurance … robust, and exuding purpose… life burgeons life, replenishing and refreshing the life around it.

Wherever we are fixed in time - a very certain and particular time - we can look for the genius of life in its manifold ways of expression.

Generally it is contained and yet unruly; and this expression and behaviour can also apply to lively timely thinking, where our minds reflect our souls and reach to the souls of others also.

Goodness flows with the exuberance of such connective interplay. Lively discourse and commune is holy, and excitingly powerful within the world - especially today.

Person to person, person to beloved animal, or plant: this meeting of consciousness makes way for new life to enter in and for further life to follow.

The properties of ‘life’ are not to be underestimated. One’s mind could of itself drive a car, energetically propel it forward, and will do so again one day again as has done in the past.

Our minds may summon thoughts and arrange them. They also request and direct the very vitalities that drive our body and withstand the tides of extraneous life-force. We literally navigate a sea of such lively life force and miraculously withstand combustion thereby.

The almighty powerful source of the verve of the Holy Spirit and the force of perpetual goodness - continuous and rectifying - streams in from the Angeloi and through the past converging in our very hearts. The liveliness of Christ is so shared that He knows us, recognises us, and supports us every time we are a conduit for His Life that motivates and replenishes this World.

Beings hold hands around the globe. “I am the Life”, the life of active love - i.e. of compassion, charity, kindness, service, communion.

The divine brotherhood and sisterhood of Humanity and its realms of associates and friends rejoice in the life around you … for it is real and enduring in the sharing, and in the being.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Memories of Nothingness- 15th June 2024

Vapid memories portend storms in the ethers- a cumulus of ‘dead’ energy, a collective of similar lowly thought densely surrounding the populace.

The expression ‘clouding one’s judgement” is, in this instance, entirely real. The inner cities are so contaminated mutually with the abraded scabs of tired thinking; and this is no small matter, for both the thoughts and words of men are rich with prospect ordinarily.

Individuals and collectives are empowered not only with prayer and petition but also with the day-to-day thoughtful activity affecting the whole. This output of energetic reasoning and deliberation, imagination, and creativeness is contributing to the overall mental and spiritual health of the community who share somewhat in its influence.

However, so too do tensions, obsessions and deviations deride further thinking and the willing of the community - and at the same time provide a form of sustenance for the demonic beings who energetically are ‘recharged’ with the lower astrality of desiccated desire and so forth.

Now as to the term ‘demonic’ it is true to say that this cohort are far from beautiful, for everything about them reflects the very worst of our Humanity … yet having said that, there does also exist far more frightening characters from which all men are protected; and these sinister entities thankfully are beyond our comprehension, being so vile we would not be equipped to recognize or conceive or contend with them.

And when it comes to the demonic beings they are inverted and limited, repulsive and counterfeit - counter-creative to all life presently - annoying at best and corrupting at worst - with allies and connections that are persuasive and seemingly pleasing, yet with falsehoods and fakery, deceiving and controlling.

These beings of a hierarchy shall soon need to reform or quit their objectives, for the battle in Heaven for the souls of Mankind has already been championed and succeeded (all glory be to Christ); and the little brothers of darkness are angered all the more, but not as one might be fearful of - for they are defeated.

The slag of tired lifeless thought, this sewerage of haplessness, is in many respects more deleterious to the spiritual mind and needs attending to. This is one reason why it is said that a walk in the country may ‘clear one’s head’ and so forth.

Even in the suburbs it is possible to find patches in parks or unfrequented places where the psychic atmosphere is somewhat clearer and the tension of tedious thinking may be relieved.

This is one reason why folk who feel disturbed or depressed can find genuine solace in a quieter place or a country life. It is especially true for boating on the water, walking the beach and so forth and surprisingly the renewal that comes from escaping the pollution of thought-scum is so beneficial that all at once we can experience a benefit from the relief discovered.

One reason for this is that the thought-scum is/was not of our making in the first place -however if that kind of thinking is all we have - i.e. our daily thought is bereft of any aspirational desire/hope/thinking, then sadly there shall be little recharge received from escaping it.

Elevated thinking in groups, in churches, can create a very positive space for all within - cordoning off from the dredge from the world, if managed thoughtfully.

Overall we are sovereigns of our thinking, willing and being, and if the lustre has dimmed we can, through prayer, transport ourselves via the golden cord from which our beings are so attached.

This cord is not the silver astral thread often spoken of, but that line that connects us with our Divinity by which we will never be lost - through to our Angel, and their Angels, our beloved, our Christ, and to the Father.

To meditate on this may take one up and out of the poor postured thinking, the malaise of self doubt, the contrivance of habitual justification or perhaps even perpetual mourning. You may meditate on the golden cord and its revelations will come to you always in kindness, with solace, and encouragement.

Monday, June 3, 2024

All God’s Creatures- 2nd June 2024

Luciano Balduino
The advancement of race and species necessarily moves forward as one unit, one whole. In time the generation and formation of the group of associates are so connected and intertwined, intrinsically placed one beside the other, knitted in time, melded with the unison of shared experience and mind - be them all manner of creature - everyone divine - and by this are exacting grace and happiness on high.

Yes! The advancement is ongoing: a cosmic parade spilling further out into the foaming terrains through boundless fields of blossom and fancy - deep rivers of solemnitude with starry manufacture, angelic hosts, who by any other name would simply be known as ‘the exalted’ ‘the pure’, gathering unto them their children, who with one universal instinct seek their betters, and make their way closer into their outstretched arms.

There is no evil, no contest, no being, who does not love the light.

The Devil himself adores Christ and melts in His Presence - he weeps for His forgiveness and offers up his desecrations as self-inflicted wounds.

Repentance is the completion of the advancing circle, the journey back on the upward spiral.

With mirth the merry heart is glad and sojourned, bonded in memory with the stories now told. These pathways so travelled are all pure gold - pure gold.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Declarations: Individuality of Spirit- 26th May, 2024

Frederick Stuart Church

The call to war once spoke to the man whose individuality was indistinct from his tribal society- in days when the consciousness synchronised within the common, and his will was in obeisance most naturally with the world as it was.

In almost every respect - in all of its places and even within and without the most rigid of groups there is a latitude now for reasoning and abstract … and in sloughing off the mantle of the hive, there is freedom.

And this is a passing phase.

Remember also that the spiritual worlds precede the physical necessarily, and in this, with this change, it most definitely is so.

Every single attempt to cordon and contain Humanity is singularly that of the retrogressive element trying to turn back time - not so much to uniformity or slavery, but for what is perceived to be cosmic safety - for the Christly influence is terrifying to those ancillary beings who cannot conceive His Light and His Way, and are obstinate to the bigger systems about all of us.

Our future is not anarchy, however by the demonic standards it is perceived to be so undefinable that they feel lost and insecure in what is to them a gaping void, an infinity of possibility - and for many it truly is the end of life as they know it.

Returning to the opening remark there is simply no going back to the old-time earthly consciousness - none at all. Even the beloved animals and flora as well are increasing in self awareness, albeit in a different way on varying planes, the light of realisation is reaching us all.

No force can ever suppress the spirit, and the abiding rule is that the heavenly powers always compensate tribulations with exacting and over-exacting everlasting abundances.

The earthly theatre is but brief and transitory yet the loving connections experienced here are forever, Love truly is the way of our Christ, and the path to our Lord is the ultimate freedom of self, realisation of self, and paradoxically, selflessness.

It truly is the inner happiness and knowing that the kingdoms experience most naturally daily. They are content - they are happy - and experience freedom in this.

And for all of those of the dark and humourless path who would suppress this movement of Earthkind towards their ever growing freedoms we say:

“You too can step into this light - do not be afraid, or wan, or tired, for the only renewal now to be found is in this glorious mess of individuality in spirit.”

Friday, May 17, 2024

Beliefs - 17th May, 2024

Illustration in the "Basilica Philosophica" section of Opus Medico-Chymicum

The word 'belief' did not exist once upon a time, in the vocabulary or the thinking of the human being. Belief is an abstract term today loaded with innuendo and a formula for doubt - from the moment it is uttered or pinned upon the concept it contains, it frames the gnosis or the spiritual reality as being ephemeral or transitory, illusive or unknowable.

This transition of understanding denotes one of the saddest times in human history and marks the exact spot where the mind became separated from the spiritual truths undergirding the whole.

Formerly every adult wore the heart of a child, in respect to their understandings of the glory of God and the gods. Similarly there was an innate comprehension of the many devils that could thwart them were they not to recognise the 'thieves' on the highways of worldly life.

Remarkably and quite wonderfully, the inner knowing of there being a tangible reality of Christ and the Father is possible despite the blockages experienced. But for those who are still persisting with ideas of 'belief' and relegating the golden precepts to another form of agnosticism, the leap can be too far.

Why is this important? Our self consciousness is yoked to our Father, and our ability to perceive and conceive anything is first and foremostly a spiritual experience. It does not work from the bottom up. Our perception and thinking will be skewed if our reasonings are base - purely materialistic. Every premise is wrong when understood from the bottom up. And it could be added here: yes, ‘as above so below’ - however it is not 'as below so it is above' - this is concordant with duplicitous thinking - the very same that brought about the abject explanation of 'belief'. And yes, what is being said here is plain and to a point. Evil in the world is all the more dangerous when it cannot be recognised - and especially if it is dressed up as being worthy of our love and attention.

For far too long this world has suffered thusly.

Be of good cheer however because the remedy, the truth and the reality have been  here all along.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Armageddon- 4th May 2024

Hans Georg Leiendecker
Beloved Christ, You who sanctify and renew all life: Master of all cycles and diviner of each solicitude, You are the one and only sovereign friend and companion to us all.

At times we dare not hope to believe what we know in our hearts to be true.

For every failing, there is in truth, and a resilient strength. Our perceptions of ourselves and of the world is skewed by doubt and hopeless rectitude.

Yet beauty abounds and succeeds - and if we slow down and look for it, beauty shall reveal itself in everything everywhere.

The principle ‘seek and ye shall find’ is kaleidoscopic in its deference - meaning that exactly what you seek to find, you shall.

With a filter of sadness you will see sadness, when looking for a dilemma or conflict you will see the same - yet the vision of Christ is wondrous and exalted and no less, and there amongst entirety: surprisingly, joyfully, remarkably, uniquely, succinctly, cohesively, revealingly.

This beauty bears His Love, and although it may seem to be counter instinct when hard times come to look for beauty - in the world it is a salve - and for the peace of mind which in turn shall lend to a more qualified life it may train one to habitually consider “where is the beauty in this situation?” Rather than dark thoughts of worry or judgement which one may discern, let beauty be our teacher and redeemer to all that is hidden and yet to be revealed.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

In the Wind- 20th April 2024

Jan Matejko
There are eight hundred tables yet to be known with substances and quantifiable measurements unseen and unrecognized.

The periodic table that exists as it is, can vary according to time and place and its combining.

The elements are expansive and for each one there is an anti-element that shadows its earthly nature.

There needs must be a counterbalance in all force and form -a push-me-pull-you of the material and cosmic realms where the anti-matter exists - not opposing, not in negation, not conflicting, but in balance of force and critical mass.

This is a hidden law of physics but if one goes to look now at any substantial principle with this in mind it will unlock the wisdoms of its function.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Fondness- 14th April, 2024

Ninetta Sombart
Dearest, if one could measure the tensile strength and inherent velocity of that which we know to be ‘fondness’ they would recognise it to be not as sentiment but structure - a fairy floss in appearance gently building upon itself, cosmically, enduringly, weaving its way throughout eons until now.

The fondness one soul holds for another reflects in the mirrors of the heavens the beings who enable us to live a careful life with the protection and guidance they afford, and have firstly such love for us in all that we do throughout.

It is natural to them: being supportive, compassionate, to what they perceive is the most trying of circumstances - for the earthly endeavours are fraught with challenge and reconciliation - reconciling to conditions that are ‘unnerving’, stress-full, and demanding in all stages of one’s life. There are, at the best of times, awkward happenstance.

And it is through the fondness that has endured throughout that keeps all together.

Fondness is far stronger and more far reaching than one might presume. Often it is mistaken as being a lesser, milder version of love, but rather it is love in action - and no form of love can be less than.

Universally few things impress the soul lastingly - but for the forging of genuine relationships with the old and the young, despite differences of thought and manifestation - fondness is to the gods and the angelic helpers and to the departed, a pure, most tangible, joy.

It translates like no other, it conveys gratitude, and enlivens life.

“Little love” becomes true love - pure and divine.

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Rising Tide- 5th April 2024

Below the surface of any infrastructure, beneath its foundations, under it all, it will be that very level which will determine the strength of the whole.

Generations of men and women coming into birth to live a life are the up-and-coming swell that is rising beneath the former crew; and their determined purpose breaks, shakes, and resets the paradigms of the old: just as the wail of the infant challenges the ague with a perplexed and vexed velocity.

This is no sinister action, but for the wrestle and tension between life that is dying and that life beginning. It has never been more so than now.

The new world begs for a Christly life that is strong and unencumbered; one that is fortified by Heaven; enlivened with the Holy Spirit. But firstly, the dying must be put to rest.

And none of this is achieved by physical war or violence - oh the irony of Spirit!

For it is true that in Heaven there are many challenges and clashes between the lesser gods and their combatants - just as the lightning flames across the darkened skies, the gods fray upon all manner of beings of discord and malice when they have imposed themselves beyond their limits. And this is but a sport of a kind.

However, in the world of the flesh such combat incurs death - or worse, such injuries impair and bring pain. One can argue the merits and effects of pain within the soul and its experience - but in truth this unhappiness is not the way of Christ by choosing, it is not the plan for any to endure. For firstly we are all gracious and heavenly creatures - we do not need suffering to remind us of anything. There is but one tenet: namely, to love one another.

In this the World of Man may reform the spiritual worlds. If selfishness can die, so that the true self may be born - if the generations may move forward with one body of hope and love … all this is possible, and even predicted! And yes, with the inevitable bang and clash and minor protest ... yet fear not, for He hath come.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Cherished by the Heavens- Good Friday 29th of March 2024

Amidst the tribulations and woes, who is there amongst us that can champion our plight? Who, if not Christ, would, could, remedy the strife?

What being has pledged to us the illumined path to take us back to Father God… one that is without the lure of false promise that is fraught with hazard and longing?

Here and there the invisibles chortle His praises as well they might, for the stars flame with His smile and a million suns burn bright. We all become young again - yet sage in our choices - and the perfect reasons for Creation become realised perfectly within our souls.

Christ in your mercy, divine and complete: You counsel our beings and console our tribulations; we are privileged to have You - self assured and merry, obstinate to evil, defiant to the serpent, steadfast to humanity, cherished by the Heavens.

Who, if not You?


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Creedence- 24th March 2024

As the light within the soul shines brightest before its passing, so too was the luminescence of our beloved Christ outstanding from His presence at His time.

His Being had gathered to himself a whorl of universal patternings for life, most naturally gravitated to and around Him – drawn to the One in a natural attraction –and the smallest of particles adored him –the energetic forces of Creation regrouped enmasse to return to their Creator, and truth be the power of His Being could have remade all - for good, or for better, there and then.

Every atom loves Him, and those coherent forces which oblige and participate in the patternings of Nature sequester His guidance; for He is truly all and they are truly Him.

And amidst all of this is the true beauty of the Heavenly worlds: manifest here and manifest there; and this wonder of wonders pains evil to know, for it shines upon their ugly faces and they scatter to hide from its glory.

Pity the wretchedness of evil for it loathes itself and cries in its solitude; pity the spirits cursed with its folly, naked and wandering hapless, yet holy.

Beloved Christ, Majesty of all, psyche to our being, medicine for our healing; with gentle hand and steady mind, You are there and here, in front and behind.

Comprehensive, deliberate, commensurate … our futures are safe and whole - for they are now.

Now more than ever before, this love in the World goes from one to all, and in circuit … being to being, it enstrengthens daily, gaining its power, gaining its Creedence.

And so amidst the public calamities, the chaos and betrayal, the dark politics, the evil acts of the unthinkables: hold fast to Christ, and fear not the sink hole.

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Propriety of Nothingness- 16th March 2024

Throughout time there have always been beverages to coax the consciousness into wakefulness or stupor. Most usually the benefactions were delivered in a liquid and it was recognized that particular liquids could invoke emotions or clarity depending on their inherent nature.

And, as in early life, in very early history, all diet was liquid- almost vaporous - imparting nutritive, formative and collaborative powers.

And so, the folks of today may have coffee – or, they can imagine drinking coffee - and depending on the effort of the imagination and its dexterity, they can affect the consciousness almost similarly, if not same, as though they were drinking the coffee in reality… either by invoking the memory, or drawing to oneself the spiritual reality of the coffee – the consciousness truly can experience the outcomes.

One could enhance the imagination imaginative process: for example, by remembering the smell of freshly ground coffee, or that very last sip i.e. associations that really capture the experience in one’s mind.

The actual coffee is not needed, for the consciousness will do as it always does: float above the physical experience, yet drive the will, the emotions and the vitalities into being.

Equally one may connect to all of the Communion cups in the world, and take sip – with reverential intent, meditate on those altars, that in this present moment are placing chalice on lips in the Holy Name and remotely, with a divine relationship, you may participate in this very moment, with the supplication so offered.

This is not trickery or illusion, for the imagination facilitates the very real connections to the inner nature and workings of life, to those substances, which underpin throughout all.

The more this is practised the better the strength of the activity. Herbal teas and their remedial qualifications can be drawn to us and in us with remarkable efficacy. The coffee experiment is a great place to start to begin to experience the truth of this.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Blisters, Splinters & Shattering- 3rd March 2024

There is a hesitancy for someone to enter into a new life, and this can be for many reasons, none of which are attributable to having a lowly character or compound of karmic equity. Moreover, it directly relates to a former experience towards the end of the past life, or, at the very end, where the soul has dislodged with grave shock (again, due to many causes) that it cannot connect fully within the physical body as before.

Mildly it could be said that this is a malady of the consciousness, or soul, or the ego, and yet the higher awareness is perfectly fine; whereas that which may connect a lower body with the head (refer last dialogue) is paralytic, despondent, and dysfunctional.

For conscious awareness within the incarnating body requires that there is a cooperative synchronistic behaviour within the body from the neck down and the head above.

The body itself is where all manner of forces aggregate and flow in and out of.

For the unsettled mind, most of the experience of fractured thinking comes from the perception of the organics within the body itself – much like a physical organism there can be gateways through which the ailing body can attract nuisance entities that are self-aware enough to interfere with the harmony of the whole.

With schizophrenia, the individual has not even incarnated fully, and yet their astral body is virulent and perceptive and antagonised by the physical body, which generally has contrived on in its own way with the deficit of self throughout.

Ordinarily if the consciousness did not fit with the hand, the hand would be paralysed – unfeeling – but because the astral body has developed the hand is strong; but often in this case, it is not directed by the will of the individual.

This is a human being, who is going to attract persuading entities, because of their vulnerable loose ends and mis-connections – because the mind/body fit is incomplete.

One could say that schizophrenia is a variety of epilepsy, which does not manifest in bodily spasms that are noticeable because the episodes are active within the mind’s activity, even though the consciousness is but semi-aware, if at all.

This true state of dis-ease is never accidental in the sense that the one true cause originated before birth, and continues on throughout the life of the semi- attached soul who has lost the will to incarnate fully.

One thing to note then is an aspect of the individual that travels above the man or woman looking on – taking in the experiences just like a soul might after death. This also occurs with dementia etc. where the consciousness can no longer requite with the mind, or express itself bodily: yet they are present, very conscious, spirit-like and with spiritual guides watching over.

And so you can talk with them, knowing if nothing else, the spirit hears, and will remember.

The disquiet and frustration from such people is real, and anger is fuelled in the astral body. With other illnesses, where the consciousness withdraws, the astral body itself is quietened, and generally, the vapours are ethericly and astrally dissolving from the physical frame, however, with dementia and schizophrenia, the body is resistant to death and continues on.

This is not a problem that continues life after life, and most individuals experience this; as a consequence of past trauma, or fear of the life-plan ahead of them – we are, after all, only human.

When a person with dementia dies, their transition is so gentle as they have been in spirit, and have virtually passed over, prior to their body breaking down.

For the schizophrenic individual, there is an overwhelming attendance of loving souls, both angelic and familiar, all who are there to comfort and console the spirit who has suffered their incomplete incarnation, and it is this loving attendance within the spiritual world afterwards that brings confidence to those who have been affected, bringing a perspective of life now added to that of their own when they watched on … it truly is the ultimate participation trophy, if you will.

And whilst we are scrutinising so heavily, it must be added that there are misfits in so many smaller less obvious ways whereupon all people suffer synapse fails in their will, or moral or conscious effort – and our trials within our lifetime can be tedious and daunting, for it is the nature of a bodily existence at present, trying to find its way in all aspects to perfection.

But know this – all that is good, and holy and glorious does work with us and about us, and the rewards of the heavenly worlds will become self-evident, and both the reasons and purpose for everything one suffers will be understood, healed, and transformed into enduring strength thereafter.

Monday, February 26, 2024

The Dissolution that only Crisis can Bring (Shiva Principle)- 25th of February 2024

Shiva Nataraja* is the one element that is inverse and transverse, propellant, discombobulating, demagnetising and chaotic … this one element is the ultimate timekeeper delivering each age to its close - making way for the inspiration of the new, the fresh pulse of life, to manifest once more.

And as it happens, when the dark angels realized the force and magnitude of the Shivatic powers, their mischief within their own circles of chaos invited this element prematurely unto themselves and all that they came in contact with.

These beings of deception are at the very core inflicted with this destructive force. Their theme is inimitable “end, end, end” even before but the third quarter one can hear them cry to “end”.

Drunk on the Shivatic forcefulness, caring nought for the times to come, these beings who were once impressive, are now wearing but a former glamour of themselves – angelic and humans, and even some animals are infected with the death wish, caught on repeat – amongst powers that have no place within the living mid-cycle.

Come Christ to knit them back again: for restoration, for peace reclaimed.

Almighty and encompassing is the love of Christ. For You hold the certainty for all of us who are unpersuaded and unamused. Creation lives in You and the true majesty that is divinity casts their vision far further than those forces of destruction could ever reach.

*Nataraj form is the Cosmic dance of Shiva. The dance is also called as Pralaya, the dissolution of everything that is existing has to dissolve into Him / the energy. This shows that, Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it only transforms from one form into another.”

Monday, February 19, 2024

Skipping Stones-18th February, 2024

The actions of the jaw, tongue and vocal chords, are independent of the limb system, the circulation, and the stomach/intestine’s pathways … and it is as though the body exists in two parts in this respect.

The active motions of the head create within their movements energetic forces that are expelled into the world. When we speak, the movement from the throat (or voice) and the movement of the tongue (which is our body incorporated), releases far more than simply sound.

The movement itself gives out into the world something of the substance the consciousness driving the movement is contemplating. In the likeness of gods, Man in particular can create in the ethers many projective thoughts/beings and imaginations – and these actions are not merely energetic characteristic – they are very much recognisable to the seer, who may identify the nature and maturity of that which is being projected and traced back to their creator.

Baby babble, verses and mantras are equally energetic to the receiver in the vicinity of the speaker, as well as being revivifying to the individual themselves who is pouring out the sound also.

The lower body from the neck down, in dance, eurythmy, walking, swimming, sports playing, copulation, does not create, similarly – for what is given out by these activities is not designed to be particular to that individual and the resonating energies given out are impersonal and not characteristic of the individuality.

From the neck down the output from the heart system and intestines, and waters, are harmonious, and usually all working alongside the pathways and patterning of the ethers and its movements within the world.

In many respects the less intentional one is in relation to these body parts the better they organise themselves.

What is meant by this that the biological systems all maintain themselves without conscious effort, and are also willingly obliging when motivated mindfully to carry out their duties as given to them by the thinking.

Ordinarily one heartbeat does not give out over another, and our movements are in general benign to the ethers about us. Even when the most wilful of individuals points a finger, they are energetically incapacitated from the hand itself - the intentions and its influence (as with some healing also) are in fact coming from the mindfulness, the voice, the throat, the tongue, the eyes etc., above the neck primarily.

This is not to say that below the neck is transplantable or unimportant for the heart is the great receiver, not only for the bloods but for the blessings of the spectrums of cosmic fortitude, signature to the self and self only.

That which emanates from the neck down is pure by nature – all of this is innocent and is so as is beast and plant and sunshine itself.

Yet the activity above the neck is personal to the soul within, and its activity inwardly and outwardly is personal to the ego and soul of that individual.

Luciano Balduino
That which emanates from the head from these movements, in voice, and with thought, all has consequences, rebounding and resonating without, and can be either poison or healing for the world.

Even the blinking of the eyes energetically supports the mind. A feeble mind, or a mind trying to regain itself when awake, can be evidenced in the fluttering of the eyelids – for with the action of the eyelids their movements directly stimulate the mind continuously. This is also why meditation is more profitable when the eyelids are only partially closed, as fully closing them slows the conscious mind into a sleep.

When we are eating, the experience of the stomach is very different to that of the tongue: the lower parts of our bodies have certain needs, which may or may not be nutritionally satisfied when we eat.

Western culture tends towards the experience of eating in the mouth, rather than the bodily fulfilment. What could possibly go wrong?

The taste, the olfactory, and the mind itself have wandered from the immediate needs of the body into a forest of competitive forces.

Added to this, the simpler things like talking whilst eating, interrupts the biological harmony, for the actions of the jaw are best put to energetically, taking in the food at this time – for it is not just chewing that is occurring but rather a very complex process of preparing and vetting the substance that is about to enter one's body. If the jaw is put to another purpose at the same time as eating, then there is an outflowing energetically, and the initial digestion in the mouth is depleted.

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