If one has ever seen the Brumbies on the plains galloping in unison, feeding from the sweet grass, muscular, with heads erect, taut, and ready to run … their spirits are not wild- nay they are perfectly aligned with the nature around them … their instincts are as they should be. Their lives are fulfilled, and often as one great body they live and breed.
Why then would they ever consent to becoming tamed as they do, to live a life of subservience, to only run when commanded, to become brittle in bone, and fed on chaff, without the company of their beloved kin, never more to choose for themselves, and then and thereafter generations would be born into this service of slavery?
And so whilst it is a beautiful vision to behold a man on his horse, it is in truth a sad one as well.
Men themselves very easily become as the horse: they may forfeit their true natures and even their breed, to be in the service of another.
Graciously we may serve one another willingly in the spirit of charity, generosity, and compatibility: cooperation is archetypical to the higher realms and this of itself, when willingly and consciously executed is over-lit with joy - however subservience and brokenness perishes yet further the will and the striving, and leads ever yet to an inertia whereby the individual can no longer move forward or back, and slowly but slowly begins to die.
From an early age children are encouraged into compliance by various means and are taught to accept their role in life as being merely one of a group, or of an order, of a predestined future.
But what is really required is that freedom is nurtured within the mind, the will, the soul, and cared for, that freedom is described and shown and proven, where possible. Of course it is not appropriate or wise for a small one to make big decisions or be allowed to go where they choose; however this is not really what freedom is about.
The true spirit of freedom is the acknowledgement of identity: that one is not part of any group.
There are those who say that they favour uniqueness and with good reason they push back against the enclave, and in this struggle they are saying very loudly that they want to be themselves; which may not really be revealed by a paint-pot or a change of name, yet it is the cry for the human spirit to be able to feel the freedom that Christ and Father God has endowed.
There can be no meaningful change in the spiritual realm for the many who are born to conform into ideologies and faith that deny them their own souls.
We are coming to a time where in many ways and many regions this innate sense of free-spiritedness will regain its composure regardless of the outer pressures, and this may manifest in many different ways, but know that this will be the cause of disruptions and seeming absurdities, yet overall and until it shall be.
Who is Medusa?
According to this Greek legend, Medusa had been at one time a beautiful
woman. But during the course of time she developed snakes for hair, and
anybody wh...
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