
A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Author of St. John's Gospel- 27th September 1993

Question: Was the author of St. John's Gospel one and the same as John the Apostle?

NO, he was the son of John the Apostle, who did father this 'new flower', as to be yet again, one of the 'first-born' - only this time, with tradition unlocked. The Christian child bore the blessings and impressions of one very unique Godfather. (Who was alive at the time of his birth.)

The babe can be found alluded to within the holy reference. But nothing was made known of his mother, neither before nor after their union and parting.

John was besotted with this child, to whom a divine reasoning was apportioned. And much of the essence of all that was worked for was poured into this little being, that by the time he had come to manhood he held such recollections within his corona that did truthfully recount the many steps of the Master, our Beloved Christ, and his dutiful counterparts, his companions, to whom were molded to His Radiance.

It was possible that St. John was enabled the hind-vision which proved 'the event'. It was only to be in this way, for to each and every adult mind the great truth could not be surmounted.

Much was withheld, for even a holy potency may devastate the unprepared. And men, for all of their willingness, had not the minds as yet, that they could conceive Christ's Personage. Yet a child, this child, suffered no difficulty, and by the time his ego gripped the outer world it was overfilled with the passion of the Twelve, and their love for their Love.

Christ the Manly-being would not father a child Himself. This could not be.

John, the Greek, was and is a living testimony to the Fact. He became convinced that he should be perpetually living amongst men, that by his constant endurance, having denial and charity, he should forgo (relinquish) all heavenly interludes - in periods of sleep or death - that by him the account is apparent in earnest representation. "Flower of the Heart" was the tender term to which he was referred. Perhaps what is less considered about 'those times' is the element of fantastic beauty as brought to bear in the perception of the twelve inspired. For to infill men with the hope for their impending future, there was much realization of all the good things a man may come to and be. Great beauty can be a stern and serious reality; but also an exquisite experience.

Generally of late, the holy raptures are much quietened, our men and women are resigned to the physical limitations which, for the most part, are uncompliant to hold great intercourse. The bodies are not equipped, for there is a purpose in such 'hardening' and 'narrowing', compelling the psyche to specifics.

However, it is somewhat incorrect to correlate the exploits of this party with only the suffering which was to follow, suffering sustained by the reckless Grace of insight, which enlivened these men to profound and penetrating example. All of the twelve experienced thus, only not all of the twelve could carry through the detailed taste of the great passions that had visited and slipped from them, leaving them as only men again, but enthused to continue on. For, wherein the mirth in a protracted isolation from God? The obedience to our Lord, and likewise to ourselves also, was to be a happy obedience, with all cares made lighter even though we willingly multiply our payload.

The Temple of St. John was forged as the open gateway through to The Event which combined our Christ with His World, for the sake and sanity of all men.

1 comment:

  1. Quote "And much of the essence of all that was worked for
    was poured into this little being, that by the time he had come
    to manhood he held such recollections within his corona
    that he did truthfully recount the many steps of the Master...
    I love Esoteric Teachings my Brothers, it reads like poetry,
    and stretches my consciousness into flights of wonders.
    Truly there are celestial realms of pure energy in
    Creation, for we are the collective souls of eternal life.
    As I walk through the shadows of death, I will have no fear...
    Blessings and thank you.


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