
Christianity is Esoteric

A CLUB OF SUPERNAL INTERESTS Christian Esotericism, Spiritual Science, Esoteric Christianity - All Authored by a Lodge of Christian Teachers (unless otherwise stated.) (All writings copyright) ©

Friday, December 27, 2024

Co-Ordination- 27th December 2024

The florid complexion of Nature blushes before her King.

The Thrones and Principalities celebrate with embellished festivity the birthday that is His.

The creatures, the amoebas, the folk of both land and sea are now ensouled with the grace that He brings - brothers in common, a working cohabitant homogeny.

And for each, their time is measured – every life is a life that is His; and across the planes and terrains of the ineffable, each has tried their best.

From the smallest and the briefest, the sleepy rock, the ancient tree, the infant born who then returns … each has tried their best.

The desire for life swells strong and deep as the spirit within strives to know and to live.

And this impulse to breathe, to move, to exist, mightily swells within all, circulating the world, imbibing the ground and the heavens about, accordingly.

And above all else He conducts this Orchestra of fellowship – He who loves this synthesis of being.

This co-ordination is phenomenal and spirit driven. It is wisdom the provokes the indwelling soul, an inherent wisdom that guides each to their respective fate – the inner knowing conforming to characters prescribed.

And each will do their best.

Natures within Nature, reasoning as is their want, collaborating with the familial host, circulating the parameters so destined.

He knows them all – He can sense their needs and with an honest yearning to unburden the many who are whelmed with incongruity.

But for now we can celebrate the many colours of life – the happiness that the smallest may experience, the humour that is distinctly His.

For such joy is the puff and pull of a higher nurture, displacing the agonies of the physical life, transmuting slyly the wanton sorrow.
Happy birthday oh beloved knit of the Cosmos! Breach the Demons, and calm the nerves, cool the fever, clothe the naked - and respect the hopes of each living soul, for they try, they strive, they pay the toll.

When we pray for another we draw closer to Him, when we ally with the angels we draw closer to them, when by empathy or curiosity we appreciate the abounding life and community of souls, we find our own cherished humanity within.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The Christmas Gift- 15th December 2024

The hidden value, the secret most holy name, the essential, quintessential material yet etherial: that part of each of us and of all beings which by design are most perfect and sustained - that part which is enduring and unbreakable - unseen yet incorruptible, that we are fortitude, we are the essential life, we hold the undeniable truth, and every tatter and trace can fall away, yet we remain.

And amongst the play of worldly change, this flux and flow of both dark and incandescent life, there are so many treasuries to come when unpicked and reviewed further on.

What may not be obvious at first glance may prove to be enriched with untold meaning in hindsight.

It is almost impossible not to be cryptic when speaking of the unseen, the secret, the esoteric life within.

Yet plainly also - for it is the reality that fortifies all reality.

And furthermore, the entwined roots from one to another - this too becomes our fundamental and interweaving strength.

Casual conversation is always so much more than a drifting fancy. And so it goes.

Now, if we look to the scriptures and ponder: what may have been beneath the proclamations of Christ? Did He give more with His words? For surely He is the better part of us - or possibly the very best?

And these truths - not merely words, but spoken, is the new law, a true law, which one calls for inner governance and higher discerning. They are now substantial in the world, as those who first heard the living word gave certain testament and thereby qualified what was to become for all a guidance that could and would endure.

Yes, when these words were spoken they laid path to our inner doors that we might know our enduring selves and the Christ-light of others also.

Esoteric diving is not just for the blessed few but for each and every human being, and if ever there was a time to encourage this it is now.

And by no means proselytise - for this is uncouth, and insulting to the ear. 

In two parts we have for this dialogue: A question and a holy comment to follow.

The question opens the mind, and it maybe of anything at all - general, not personal - a pondering, a wondering … what say you?

Questions stretch open the curtain just a little that the soul contemplates a fraction more.

And then, we may offer the gift of the spiritual and holy treasure; (randomly said and surprising and stunning). It was for this reason poetry was often recited - fragments of verse would impart such inspirations inserted into everyday conversation. Maxims and generous quotes used to be commonplace.

You can even read from a notebook etc, if you lack the confidence or recall - and it will not be questioned - however if it is questioned this also is very good as it leads to more absorbing and awakening.

Here we have the best gifts to give, particularly at this period they are received with a potency and joy with the significance of Christmastide.

First the question (example) … “are all duck beaks yellow or do they come in many colours?”

“Is breakfast time first thing in the morning or can you have breakfast at lunch time?”

“Is a numbat a real creature?”

“Does every tree have the same amount of leaves as another?”

“Do eggs begin their lives as round?”
“Mad Hatter: “Why is a raven like a writing-desk?”

“Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice again.

“No, I give it up,” Alice replied: “What’s the answer?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter”.

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Then comes the follow up: for instance:

“Oh it is to praise the sacred life that sustains us!”

“The thief of time is pardoned in eternity.”

“For whatsoever from one place doth fall,
Is with the tide unto an other brought:
For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought.”

― Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves" 

– William Shakespeare, spoken by Cassius

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” 

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

- Romans 8:38-39  

And so, with a Mad Hatter’s riddle our conversant is open to what may come next - to good purpose, and happy discovery, should we offer (with cheer) an elevated dictum!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Ship of Fools- 1st December 2024

There are tensions and torsions that are healthy - required for the contrast and momentum of life - and then there are tensions and tearaways too great to be contained, that are destructive to the life that would most normally and adequately contain them.
A bird song for instance creates a tension within the ethers to which the life around it responds and flourishes thereby. And similarly (although distinctly) so does the voice of another human being affect and afflict the ethers, the ears, and the minds of others - for better or for worse.
In other words, one is not imagining that there is an actual, pivotal change occurring when another person speaks out loud. Silent retreats, conclaves, certain orders, recognise that within this silence comes the restoration of self, of prayer, of presence. Insults and curses are distinctly detrimental and carry with them the seal of royalty as it were - that of the human spirit, who is ordained spiritually - and so such deleterious expletives are profoundly harmful, especially for those in close proximity around them.
The indigent who is cursing randomly is unfortunately spreading a spiritual filth that is hazardously poisonous and is best to be avoided as quickly as one can, dismissed with a prayer for them, and for self, and for containment. However whether mumbling or screeching their dark complaints, the atmosphere itself is permeated with sickness and disruptive chaos - literally contaminating all who suffer their presence even for the shortest period of time.
This is no small thing for even though the individual maybe seemingly mindless, the rants and ravings hold dark intent. There is a supreme difference between the human being who has withdrawn and it is childlike or vacant, to the fevered individual who is vocally abusive.
The power of words is far stronger than any virus - and if we can be mindful of this we can remove ourselves as quickly as possible from certain situations, realising it can take days to recover from the fatigue that can ensue from this. 
Our physical body and our spiritual-physical body are both resistant in respect to any permanent damage, with the seal and power and construct of Christ we are impervious to the insults and assaults of others - however both are tired and worn by said afflictions (especially in the world at present) and require actual time for restoration after any disruptive event as described. 
Most folk ordinarily want to pick up and move forward - even though they may be exhausted one way or the other, yet the exhaustion will be prolonged if there is no chance to come to the quiet.
Therefore a solitary walk, waking before the household rises, preserving one’s thoughts, retiring quickly away from conversation: one will find their own path to preservation if they are thoughtful as to the necessity for such.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Contrast - 8th November, 2024

Arild Rosenkrantz 
Contrast is imperial to perspective - both visually and conceptually. 

Mental acuity, as well as the depth of one’s soul’s activity, is all about observation and contrast - and later, further to this, discernment and definition.

And for contrast we require light, and discernible, palpable substance.

It is with the power and blessing of the light there becomes suitable graduations of defining contrast: light in the world, light in the mind, light in the soul.

And then also, there needs be without and within us a panorama, a vista, a scenery of detail - a catalogue of knowledge to choose where to fix our outer gaze or inner vision; and this is of course the realm of experience whereby we carry within us the certain knowledge of that we have formerly experienced.

And once again it is the light - the divine light - that reveals and finesses this contrast with its revelation of detail.

We must not judge our brothers for lacking in discernment, wisdom, or common sense. For the most part they are truly doing their best, and unless they have fallen into depravity, their testing and trying in life is no more and no less than what it could or should be.

In other words one may become exasperated wondering how it is that another simply cannot see what you plainly can see - but not only is a point of reference required for this meeting of minds, but the contrast as well for like thinking to occur.

It truly is a fool’s pursuit trying to force this upon another and one could say a lack of contrast in and of itself. 

Prayer is the secretum, the ad hoc, and the great improviser.

Prayer unites all by drawing in the light - opening hearts and minds to the effulgent, the incandescent ways of insight and inner vision.

Through prayer the contrasting light pours forth out and into the world redefining its worth with every new lumen.

Perspective is important, but it cannot exist without the light itself - and the pathway to this light is prayer.

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